Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hold Your Horses!

Photos are Old South and Old South Sayings Italics (Meanings)... have fun

Hey (hello) just Hold your horses (be patient) I am fixing to (about to) talk more Southern Talk. I reckon (think) about now you are ready to have a falling out (disagreement)with me about all this Southern Talk.

The thing is this do-hicky (substitute name) I am typing on, resides in Dixie (southern states of USA) and I like to carry on (foolishness).
Don't ya'll (you all, two or more) be thinking I am into the white lightning ( moonshine (homemade) whisky). Directly (in a little while)I will stop all these Shenanigans (mischief, tomfoolery)

I know right now you are thinking of giving me down the country(piece of your mind) that I am too big for my britches (take yourself to seriously) and some of you might just be thinking, doesn't this blog just take the cake (surprised) but since I am on my own stomping grounds (familiar territory)  I can hope you have no axe to grind (strong opinion).

some of you will feel like we are two peas in a pod (think alike) and some of you will be thinking, well, shut my mouth (shocked speechless)

My final words to you are don't be barking up the wrong tree (you are wrong) and don't go off half-cocked (have only half the facts) becaue the facts are I am down here in Florida living in high cotton (rising up in blog society).

You may be from the South if:
If When you speak, you make two or more syllables out of a one syllable word. (lamp pronounced lammm pppppppp)

If your sentences end in a question mark and you sing a couple of notes UP at the end of your sentence. my husband says I do all of the above.

If when you say the number 5 it sounds like hive and it takes 2 seconds to say it

Anyone have a favorite saying to share? or did i use all the ones you know?


Anonymous said...

These are fascinating Sandra. So many of your Old South sayings are still used in England - hold your horses, falling out, shenanigans, axe to grind, peas in a pod, barking up the wrong tree, stomping ground.

We say "too big for your boots" and "take the biscuit"

I don't know where these originate - whether we have assimilated some of your speech or whether this all dates back to the 17th/18th C.

Really interesting - you have spurred me on to do some research :)

Sunny said...

Great sayings, I even use a couple of them myself.
One I use often is, Don't get your knickers in a twist. (Getting overly upset over little things.)
Sunny :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

How delightful! I'm sad that these southern posts are over. You have given me so many morning laughs! Would you believe that I knew what all of these meant? But Phil uses them much more than I do. Here's one that I've only heard Phil and one other person say. "Well, I Swannee"!! I don't even know if that's spelled right, but it's pronounced SWAN e. It means, "Well, I never!!" If someone is running really fast, they're really "bookin'". opositionally, I suppose if someone were reading a good book, they'yd be really runnin'! ARGH!! Another 6 inches of snow today predicted. I was planning on stocking up on groceries for the coming big storm on Friday, now there's not even any time in between!! Land Sakes!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ginny, I have said I swannee all my life, it means well i never OR i do declare! and bookin is also a word i used frequenty

Betsy Banks Adams said...

-The Heebie Jeebies
-Slow as Molasses
-I've got a hitch in my getalong
-Nekked (naked) as a Jaybird
-I'm plumb tuckered out
-Hit (It) came a gullywasher
-He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.
-He's as mad as an ole-wet-hen.
-He's two bricks short of a load.
-That's finer than frog hair (my Dad's favorite)
-He's three sheets to the wind.

And one of my fav's: You look like somethin the cat drug in that the dog wouldn't eat!


Dawning Inspiration said...

Hey - I learned a thing or two!

Anonymous said...

I'm originally from Maryland (just south of the Mason/Dixon line) and I've heard many of these.
Ya'll come back! jlpros

P.S. I remain anonymous because I can't remember how to sign up with my name! Duh!

DawnTreader said...

I'd know the meaning of most of those I think but I would not be able to say whether they were typical for the South or not. I think I recognize the typical southern dialect if I hear it (I have seen enough movies!), but to know which expressions are typical of what part of the States... That is tricky!

Unknown said...

Well Shut my mouth, I believe you've covered them all. Great blog. I love the Blue bird house bestes of all (Good, better, Best Bestes).
When I was a youngin, I thought the three Wise Men who visited the Christ Child were Firemen, Because it said in the bible They came from
Afar, I thought it ment (a fire). He he he

SquirrelQueen said...

What is it with all those g's? First thin you gotta do is drop the last 'g' ie, fallin, callin, talkin' and so on.

I heard it as Tall Cotton, moonshine was called shine, I didn't hear white lightin until I saw it in a movie. I have tasted it by the way, my dad was friends with the local Sheriff and he gave him a sample. Well shut my mouth was another one I didn't hear as a child, but there was Hush yo mouth!

Just variations in the dialects, it is really interesting to see. One I remember for a really heavy rain is "toe strangler" and for a skunk, "pole cat".
