Monday, November 5, 2012

Pyromania and the Pine Cone

Sandra:  "Bob, do you think a pine cone will burn?"

Bob: "What?"

Sandra:   "DO. You. Think. A. Pine Cone. Will. Burn?" ( wife speak for hard of hearing husband)

Bob: "Yes, Virginia, Sandra a pine cone will burn."

As I picked up the pine cone from beneath my toes and below my camera I said

"WELL do you have anything I could burn one in?"

Do you know what this is in above photo? 
Do you know if a pine cone will burn?
Do you think I tried to burn a pine cone in it?


SquirrelQueen said...

They burn really good, I can say that from experience. I used to have a list of chemicals that could be used to soak the cones. When dried and put on the fire they would burn in different colors.

Are you thinking about becoming a pyromaniac?

Betty Manousos said...

good morning sandra,

i'm chuckling over judy's comment. hehe reminds me of nero.

i like to use pine cones to get my fireplace going. they burn great and don't get your hands sappy.
btw. these are wonderful close-ups.

DawnTreader said...

I'm sure you tried and you probably succeeded too. Not that I have a great experience of fire-making but I think dry pine cones were often used in the past to get a fire going.

RoeH said...

If I had pine cones here, I'd do it.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Having tended the fire in a stove, for years.... Yes Sandra, I know that a pine cone will burn. And spit. And etc.

Glad he got you a nice, safe container, to do your experiment in!!! "Pine-anything" has sap and it will burn mightily.

Gentle hugs,

Anonymous said...

I, too, remember the "colored crystals" we used to sprinkle on pinecones to make them change color in the fireplace!

TexWisGirl said...

my blogger pal, nancy in nebraska, gathers them every fall for firestarters - like kindling. so yes, it'll burn. :)

Rose said...

Well, yes, I do think a pine cone will wishing you would have a senior moment and do a double post today...have a feeling this might be funny.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Of course, the Madsnapper I know will definitely try to burn the pine cone....

By the way, pine cones are great in fireplaces --and yes, they do burn well.


My Mind's Eye said...

Well one thing we have learned since we met Mad Snapper is she
We are waiting with baited, Fancy Feast, breath for the 2nd part
Hugs Madi and Mom

George said...

Yes, I know pine cones burn (very nicely), and no, I don't know for sure what the container is. I forgive you (barely) for making us wait until tomorrow for the rest of the story.

Cranberry Morning said...

Yes, they'll burn, they're wood - sorta. :-) And I'm wondering why you wanted to burn a single pinecone in a pot. Now so curious to know just what on earth you were doing...

Remington said...

I have no will have to let me know!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Well shoot, I was looking/hoping for the fire. Yes, I know pinecones will burn. Wonder what the container is. I was thinking a hanging basket but if it's plastic, which I doubt, it may melt, but then the fire from one pinecone wouldn't be that hot. Hmmmmm. Maybe it's an old iron pot? Guess I'll have to check back tomorrow. Such suspense
copy and paste from email...Catherine

Inger said...

Yes,I know pine cones will burn, but will juniper cones burn too? I don't know, but I have plenty so I could try. I do know you can make gin from them, but I don't know how.

And I have no idea what that bucket is, but I it looks safe to burn a pine cone in.

Kathy said...

It looks like one of my grandmother's old pots, and yes, pine cones will definitely burn! As I recall, they leave a lovely, piney smell.

photowannabe said...

Sandra, life is an adventure around you.
I just love the rabbit trails you take us down every day.
The pinecone be continued.

Just Mags said...

Yep, sweet Sandra if you have not already discovered it pine cones will burn. We burn a LOT of them every year. They are great to help get a fire started too. Love the pictures of your feet and the pine cones. Hugs

Just Mags said...

Oh, and the pot. I have no idea what it was or is used for but it looks as if it had a handle that was to be turned to stir, grind or otherwise change something. The things on each side of the pot remind of our old ice cream freezer that we had when I was a kid. They look like what the handle and top of the ice cream freezer fit into.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Of course there will be a lit cone. Sandra is very curious.

Unknown said...

I'd say they burn :) What a cool post.
Am back feeling much better...was a busy but good day today.

Ann said...

well I'm not sure what that is that you used for your pine cone burning experiment but I do know that pinecones will burn. Now I want to see what you did next.

Dee said...

I bet it flared up....:)

Val said...

It'll burn baby--burn!!! Did you know that "fire" is needed to get those little buggers to sprout. So even though forest fires are sad...they are needed to get the new seedlings of pine trees started. Just an FYI :)
As for the "pot" I'll have to tune in tomorrow after I vote for the answer.

Chatty Crone said...

Well - I think it will burn - but having little thingies and so tight - I bet it will pop or something like a nut! sandie

Deb said...

oh yes they will this a new hobby Madsnapper???? photos...really cool...

Marie said...

fun photos! I will be gathering pine cones soon! thanks for the idea. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yep, pinecones burn! What is that container? Okay, I'll wait and find out tomorrow!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. I may have to go to the forest and gather a few pine cones today. This pyromaniac stuff sounds like fun!

Debra Dickinson said...

Yes, yes, and yes, Ms. Pyro, er - I mean... Virginia - er, I mean... Sandra. ;)

LC said...

So funny!