I gave up sugar Jan. 27, 2017. I now get my sugar from fruits and veggies. $5.00 for this big bag and well worth it.
My first ever Ginger Gold Apples and they are wonderful. I love them raw and they cooked up great.
See those big tomatoes? Florida's veggetables and fruits are GONE.. The crops were destroyed by Irma, the trees were standing in water. All citrus and veggies, ruined. below are two articles about how bad it is. there is a hidden cost in the storms and fires hitting our country, prices will sky rocket.
Hurricane Irma's PUNCH and Florida Farmers digging out
The Florida farmers some of that is my Cousin Gary's produce, he was in a prior post talking about farming, before IRMA.

This Lunatic just had to LUNAPIC a few of my still life shots.
You guys are the apple of my eye. If you saw an Apple store get robbed, would you be and I witness?
Apples aren't my first go to fruit but I like them. We had been talking about what Irma was going to do to the prices.
I admire you for your healthy eating habits.
Your apples and tomato look very appetizing and liked the Lunapic art. I wondered about the loss of crops, sad for the farmers. These hurricanes have far reaching consequences, a ripple effect that just keeps going.
Hello, I love apples and tomatoes. My favorite apple is the honey crisp. Sad to hear the prices will be going up, just like the gasoline did with Hurricane Harvey. I feel bad for the farmers loosing their crops, will the government help them out with the losses? You are doing great on your diet, I still use a little sugar in my coffee. Love the photos and lunapic edits. Enjoy your day!
I have not heard of NY Ginger Gold but will look for them.
We will feel the gut punch from Irma for years to come I fear.
Love your original photos and your artistic ones
As for my Screaming sciatica ...I do have the stretches and speaking of ginger...I am gingerly doing them. The one I feel the most ouch with is when you sit in a chair and cross one leg over the other. But feel the burn and no pain no gain and misery w/o results is just misery...lol ya da ya da ya da
Hugs Cecilia
Sad about the fruit crop and in GA, the pecan crop has been damaged. I like the Ginger golds too. Congrats on your healthy diet!
Well Sandra - I wish I got all my sugar from fruit. I have to say - I do not like those greenish apples - I prefer sweeter reds. Glad you have some tho. sandiae
Never heard of that apple before but they look delicious.
I'm not suppose to have fruit either. Seems my body processes it into too much sugar.
I really miss it.
It's really terrible to realize the ripple effect of what the hurricane did to businesses and the very staples of life.
Continued prayers for all of you.
Love your computer generated pics! Yep....I allowed myself to get back on sugar and having a hard time kicking that habit. Surgery does nothing for the carvings!
The ripple effect is so very sad. Our land's been so resilient for so long, but one wonders how much more it can take, you know?
Love how you've paired your cute toaster with the fruit. So vibrant!
I am some better, and no E.R. yet! I took a sleeping pill and went to bed. I really wanted to see you today, and I am so glad I did!! Phil is always on the hunt for new apples! There is a new one called empire that is supposed to be so good. We will be looking for these TODAY, if I continue to get better. It's only RIGHT, because we have a Ginger cat! So glad I stopped by!! OH no to the fruit! And not only that, the poor farmers. Phil eats a big plate of berries almost every night, and an apple on the nights he doesn't.
Your toaster is so cool looking and retro!
Ginger Gold? I've never heard of that kind of apple. I must make a point of looking for them.
I always find somethong cool when I visit! I will look for those apples!
I am so happy to see you back to your PIPping and editing and having fun again! You make all of us feel better and smile!
I haven't heard of this particular apple but they sure do look good. Honey Crisp apples are my favorite but they are more pricey and not available all year here. I know the prices will really skyrocket after the hurricane damage. I really like your cute toaster.
I think those stills are wonderful, although I much prefer the crunch of a real apple!!...:)JP
There is little doubt that the food supply chain has been hit hard in many locations because of storms and prices will go up because of a higher demand and less supply. A lot of other factors are also likely to be affected. Construction material as rebuildind needs to happen is one of many;
Now what is a ginger apple? Non are available here.
I am so impressed that you gave up processed sugar... and have stuck it out for so long. It must be an easy habit now. I love fruit, like you do. I bet that we're going to be seeing a big change in prices due to Irma.
I hope that your life is returning toward normal.
Apples are one of my favorites, especially this time of year. The effects from Irma are going to be felt for a while, we hope things are geting a little better every day in your corner of Florida.
I will have to look for those apples. I love fresh fruit!
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