Monday, October 16, 2017


Hi, my name is Sandra and I am a techie junkie. OMD! OMC! OMW! guess what???? I read this post  on The Farmers Daughter, a few days ago.

She said she tells Siri to set her timer when she puts the laundry in. I said I don't have Siri, I have Google soon as I read it, I picked up my LG Smartphone and tapped the itty bitty microphone that wakes up the girl  with whom I speak when I want to know how old Harrison Ford is.   (if you care he is 75, which is perfect to my 73 and now I wonder if SHE will give me his phone number)

I tapped and said Set Alarm, SHE said What time would like it to alarm? I said 3:38 which was 7 minutes away... SHE said, that is pm, correct? I said Correct! and 7 minutes later a song started to play and I was running all over the house showing Bob the timer.

I then spent 30 minutes trying to find out how to change the song. Guess What I chose? Do you know the theme song from The Lone Ranger???? YAY!!!!   dunnta dunta dun dun dun
My custom wall paper on my phone, took the pic of it with the tablet.

Furthermore!!!! I found it is a stop watch, a timer, an alarm and it has a special World Clock setting. If I am ever held hostage I hope they let me keep my phone.... I wonder what it would do if I said dail 911... I am afraid to try... I talk to my phone and tablet all the time. OH MY! WAIT! I just remembered I have not tried the timer on the tablet.. be right back... THE TABLET DOES IT TOOOOOOOOO....

Wait another moment... .......... I am back, I can talk to the phone and it will dial. I said Dial Home and it did.... I did not try saying dial 911 but now I know I can.

                                                        DO YOU TALK TO YOUR PHONE? Tablet?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, I have never seen you so excited! Now don't forget to breathe... I guess my tablet and phone will do this stuff too. I have Siri on my iPad mini. I did know she will call someone if you ask her, if that person is in her phone number list. Well, it IS real exciting when you find out something your device does that you didn't know. Kind of like a present.

diane b said...

I sometimes talk to Siri but I haven't thought of using her as a timer. I have always used the clock ap to do that. Must try chatting to her.

Linda said...

I’m up late and Ginny still beats me! No, I haven’t used Siri yet....but now maybe I will. I’m a little bit scared to give too much power to my electronics. I don’t even automatically set up to pay bills online. I do it monthly. Perhaps I should branch out and get chubby with all the modern electronic innovations!

Ohmydearests said...

oh my Sandra! you are SO clued up... I need you to come and teach me a few things...

Gayle said...

oh the games we play. I just called my home number and I'm waiting for the timer to go off. SIRI is the answer to my 'fumble fingers' but I always wonder if 'they' are listening all the time even without activating????

eileeninmd said...

Hello, you are excited. I have set the alarm on my phone often. You do know Harrison Ford is married and so are you.

I use one of my beach shadows shots as wallpaper. No, I have never talked to Siri. But, I know I can. :)

Happy Monday, enjoy your day!

Ann said...

I can hear the excitement in this post. I use my phone for an alarm clock but I didn't know you could talk to it and tell it to set the alarm. I don't normally talk to my phone or tablet. I think I forget about it most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely...all the text, call, find places, is my BFF!!! Technology is wonderful especially when you think of how we used to do things...:)JP

Lois said...

I use it as a timer when I'm cooking. I love being able to talk to my phone because sometimes it's the only thing that is actually listening to me!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Go Sandra!!!! Yep, I finally started talking to Siri to set alarms for laundry, send texts to my husband and other fun things. Technology is an amazing thing, have fun!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I do use Siri to set a timer.I have occasionally tried her with different questions, sometimes even in my language from childhood, low German.She doesn't understand that Ha! Ha!

My Mind's Eye said...

Can you hear me laughing. MS you literally crack me up!! Oh what a techie you are and Rich would be so proud and I expect he has a smile on his face today
Hugs Cecilia
PS I tried to activate the voice thingie on my Highlander. Stupid robot kept asking me to repeat what I said. Obviously we got a robot from north of the mason dixon line

Chatty Crone said...

You are amazing. I am going to have to practice on my phone Siri and i don't get a long so well - lol.

photowannabe said...

I have Google on my phone for information. Never used it for a timer or alarm.
Actually I never even thought of that. Not very techie I'm afraid.
I truly love hearing about all of your discoveries and your enthusiasm .
Wish we were closer to have you teach me some of your wonders....

Pam said...

YOu are a tech junkie for sure! I love it though. Me ~ I have Siri and I never use her.

Karen said...

You are too far ahead of me, Girl!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Funny girl...if you get Harrison's phone number, let me know! Hubba, hubba. lol!
Thanks for the shout-out. Glad you're having phone phun. I'm still learning my way around on mine, but I did learn about Siri first thing and put her to work! Now I don't have to trudge back and forth downstairs re-tumbling clothes that have gotten wrinkled from laying in the dryer too long!

Mevely317 said...

How funny you are!
Since my favorite phone (S4) unceremoniously passed away, we upgraded to S8's ... but I've yet to fall in love. Something I do love is the hands-free calling feature for when I'm driving. THIS woman, at least, sounds lots more accommodating and polite than her predecessor. Now I've got to figure the timer, to count down my 30-minute (not 29, not 31) lunch break!

Love the face of your phone!

Ida said...

You are so funny. - It's neat that phones can do all those things. I'm still doing them the old fashioned way. My phone barely makes calls much less anything else.

Suburban Girl said...

I'm still stuck on Harrison Ford being 73? I wonder how old he was when he was in the first Star Wars. I could figure it out, but that would require math. I don't do math.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't talk to my phone....I don't think I ever will. I think Mark talks to his sometimes.