Why is it called beauty sleep when we wake up looking like a troll?
I am so naturally beautiful, I need to put on makeup, to look like I don't wear makeup.... Go ahead, Lash Out at me. This is TRUE.
Bird of Paradise, my photos from Selby Gardens, Sarasota FL |
Absolutely beautiful! Great photo. Thank you for coming by my blog today. It’s been a rough day, it was so nice of you to stop by. Love your funnies! ~jackie~
hari OM
One of my favourite tropical plants! Makeup. What's that...? &*P YAM xx
I remember this! Which is unusual for me to remember almost anything. This really DOES look like a beautiful exotic bird. And if you look at the far right of it, almost one of those really fancy bugs in distant lands. I saw one of these once, in a friend's backyard. They are spectacular, and you don't find them in Garden Centers. Why is that? Are there not enough of them?
Gorgeous photos of this bloom. Hope you have a good day. Thunder/rain here early this a.m.
That flower is fascinating, unique and beautiful. I don't wear any makeup and it's obvious...lol
Certainly isn't beauty sleep here, I wake up with a face like crumpled tissue paper. lol
Such good questions to ponder today...let me got have a bowl of little O's and a cuppa joe while I think on this. Bird of Paradise is breathtaking.
Hugs Cecilia
No makeup worn for me either, Sandra. That said, I have some cosmetics that are teenagers now! These were from the time when I did use things like lipstick and other facial enhancers. Now, its all natural, just like the beautiful bird of paradise bloom.
Hello, Sandra
I love these pretty flowers and plants. I rarely wear makeup!
Enjoy your day!
Our BOP needs to be thinned out...it stopped blooming
That is a gorgeous flower. I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing such beauty!
I love your craziness!
Did you hear me laugh/snort out-loud just now? 'Used to be I wouldn't walk to the mailbox without liner and pencil (no eyebrows) ... but I've only bothered 2-3 times since retiring.
Gorgeous flower!
Makeup is good and bad...An improvement for some and a preoccupation for many...If it makes one happy...do it.
love the Bird of Paradise shots..so pretty and no makeup needed.
Pretty flower! IT certainly doesn't need makeup. I don't venture into public without it; my backyard buddies don't seem to mind, as long as I bring peanuts.
Bird of Paradise is one of my most favorite flowers!!! Beautiful shots!
Beautiful! Ours are just ending their flowering time.
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