Saturday, May 26, 2018


If you are pondering the title, you are behind the times for your blog. EU = European Union and GDPR is General Data Protection Regulation. This has been set up by aforesaid EU...
IF you have no blog or website.. you might want to skip this post... for those of you leaving now, here is a punny pun for you before you leave completely bored. 

What do you call a bee that comes from America?   🐝  USB..... of course of course. 
PLEASE Scroll to bottom for The End...

You can thank Facebook for this new regulation or NOT.... if you missed the scandal, you might want to skip this post because you will not care one way or another.

If you don't want to read all the gobblety gook, you can TEST your own blog if you use Googles blogspot to publish your blog. This is all about new privacy laws... and info collected and whom it is given to...

To Test your own, Pull up your blog and in the address bar back space out the .com and type and it will show you what your blog looks like if you live in Europe.

When you go to your dashboard on Blogger you will see this notice and you should click that Learn More Link if you have not already. If you want you can click HERE to see what it says.

If you want to know more and have tons of time and are in need of a real headache, just type the Letters GDPR in Google search... Trust me it gave me a headache.  for now it appears we are covered but who knows what will happen next...  Please say in comments, I knew this, or I did not know this. just for me to KNOW if I was the only one that did NOT....

If you are in the USA enjoy your three day week end, if not, enjoy your two day week end. Memorial day is here bring Alberta the Tropical Storm into the Gulf of Mexico. OH NOOOO



The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hi Sandra - I love those pictures of Baby Girl - what a face she had.
I did know ABOUT GDPR but I still don't understand a whole lot about it. Haven't had a whole lot of time to read more about it but hope to this weekend. Thank you for telling us about the thing - I knew Google was doing something for us blogger users but I didn't understand what and now I saw it - even here in the US. But I am slow - I guess I didn't think much about the info they collect.
Mom Kim

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
As pointed out on Thursday, Google are lagging behind. This policy update now showing is still not compliant with the regulation, which stipulates that there ought to be an 'opt-in' option for EU visitors, rather than just an 'agree'. It is an absolute minefield. There will be a period of 'bedding in' until the big business at least gets itself sorted. For most Bloggers, it is still advisable to consider putting up their own notification; especially if they do product placement and affiliation links. Google has yet to address the matter of widgets and comments... the disappearing of comments reaching bloggers by email may be part of the update they will be trying to implement. Anyone who has their own URL or are self-hosted MUST seek independant advice. Those who are on other blogging platforms, do your research... It seems like a pain in the proverbial, but it will soon be past and everything will trundle on again! YAM xx

Ann said...

I didn't know anything about it until you told me in the email you sent me. I know I should pay more attention, but when they put those notices up that says "read more" I usually ignore them. I think this is why I would be afraid to sell anything online. Everything is getting just a bit too technical. I would likely end up in bad blogger prison

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra!:) It's been a while!:) I would like to thank you for your prayers, and I'm doing better, with physio every day, and people around me that are caring. Have a nice weekend!:)

Karen said...

I don't understand all this. I'm glad to have you for a tech-savvy friend!

Sandi said...

How can the EU make a law that governs people outside the EU?

I am confused.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love your dog photos, they are cuties. I knew about both, wasn't sure how my blog changed on it own. I think it is good everyone's data should be protected. I hope you are safe during this storm, I wonder if it will be a bad hurricane season. Enjoy your day!

My Mind's Eye said...

the 'alphabet soup' saga of late has left TOGM's mind all stirred up.
But I do so love the beautiful pups
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Those eyes!
Sandra, I'm so thankful you posted this. When I first read that stupid pop-up I thought I had to confirm it or worse, add it somewhere on my blog. So I did the little test and feel better!

PS - So I wonder, who's going to actually 'police' these kajillion sites to ensure compliance?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I did see this and heard about it. My blog looks the same with the Is there anything we need to do???

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well actually it has that notice at the top in the Is that what they are talking about??

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Chatty Crone said...

Okay this is so funny - I went to my blog today and got this notice. Even read the read more and had no clue what it meant - so i copied it and guess who I was going to write? You. YOU know everything.

So I went to my blog and did the test. This came up:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."

Does this mean my blog is okay for now?

I don't even know what it means really and who cares?


photowannabe said...

Everything feels so "Big Brother" to me.
I really don't understand the stuff even when I read it.
Crazy times we live in.

Linda said...

I did what you said and tpyed in and it shows a dialog box at the top of my post. ?? Do I need to do something??

lucy said...

GDPR basically means if you collect any info from EU users you have to notify them. Not really relevant to average bloggers.

KB said...

Whoa - I am saving this post for when I am home and can check out whether I am compliant or not... I will be saving your post for then. Thanks!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Mary Howell Cromer said...

Hi Sandra... I am a friend of Eileen Wise and she shared with me that you had written about this new thing. I have read it and I guess should accept it, but so far I can't find where I do that. I must be missing something. If you are on Facebook, you can alert me there. I would appreciate any help as I am not very good at making changes on my blog and I don't want to mess anything up. Your dogs is precious, looks like it is smiling~