Sunday, May 27, 2018

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

How'd She Do Dat???

I visited my friend Karen's blog Lily Valley, and found her granddaughter creating rainbows on paper, using sunshine reflecting off a CD...
Just sayin...

Hello, my name is Mad Overkill Snapper and I DO HAVE POPCORN CEILINGS...
the shadow is a moving fan. 

I think I heard the rainbow say   "I am OVER it".....heh heh heh

I am singing …
Somewhere over the rainbow
yada yada yada
And dreams that you dreamed of, they really do come true.

Except if the song is true, WHY do I STILL have popcorn ceilings?

Aint this AMAZING?


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That is very clever - totally abstract... love it!!! YAM xx

Anonymous said...

I love it! Very creative and pretty. I purchased Karen a ceiling fan pull with a prism on it, hoping it will make"rainbows" for Kaedyn in the aft. sun. She has a birthday coming up in June.

Karen said...

Glad you liked Kaedyn's rainbow maker. She is also my tech support, and shows me how to do things on my new smart phone! Kids today!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the CD is a great rainbow maker. Very pretty rainbows. Kaedyn is very clever. Enjoy your Sunday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

testing reading list for edge

My Mind's Eye said...

MS this is CLEVER!!!!! OMCs the things we learn here on the WWW.
I have popcorn ceilings too. Down the road,I do not plan to removed them come time to seems they offend all the younger generation. when decide to sale (10+ years or so) I'm thinking of just putting up a sign outside the front door. "Warning, you are entering popcorn ceiling dwelling...if offended walk away, because they will stay and be up to you to take away"!!!
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...


Hey I have popcorn ceilings too - if they still make them anymore - readers DON'T GET THEM!

You should see my garage ceiling and anytime water comes in on any ceiling.


Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

You are too funny. I love that your inner child is still so playful.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! Yes, it IS amazing! And I am now thinking of ways to play with it. Been scanning through some of your blogs I missed. What is the beautiful purple flower? I watched ALL the coverage of the royal wedding in the hospital...poor Phil. Too bad the hospital had no crumpets or clotted cream. So Thursday is kind of breakover day? I lost TEN pounds in the hospital, whoopee!!!

Mevely317 said...

AH-mazing, indeed!
So, how'd popcorn ceilings get such a bad rep? HDTV makes them sound as bad as asbestos! (Color me, stuck in the 60's .....)

Linda said...

What's so awful about popcorn ceilings? We have them and we love them! Louis Dean especially likes them for the acoustics when he plays music. I am keeping my ceilings! And I like wallpaper, too!!!

Ann said...

Oh, what fun. I just may have to get out some CD's and do some playing. Who knew how entertaining that could be. We don't have the popcorn ceilings here but I do remember having them somewhere that I lived. You don't want to let go of a helium balloon in a room with a popcorn ceiling.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I hang unused old CDs and DVDs in the garden off trees and bushes. As they move in the breeze the sun catches them and creates marvellous effects.

God bless.

KB said...

I love it!! You are a child at heart (and I mean that in the best possible way)!!!!

Hootin Anni said...

How clever is that? And gorgeous muted colors!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have popcorn ceilings in my house. No complaints here. I like the rainbow idea.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It's amazing the uses that can be found for CDs and thanks Sandra for sharing this fun post. I have a lot of new CDs that I won't be using as I am backing up to external hard drives now. I loked a previous comment that they also make good sun catchers outdoors.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I couldn't even tell the rainbow was on your ceiling in the first picture! What a fun idea...I'm going to have to try soon as I unpack our cds that is ;-).

Just Mags said...

Now that is just cool....pretty rainbows too. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So do you know how the granddaughter got those rainbows onto the paper?

Ohmydearests said...

Looks like fun! the same fun can be had with a sparkly sequin top on a sunny day... ;)