Saturday, June 9, 2018

Breaking News!

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My eyes are old,
I need fonts in bold.
Our sofa sat 17 feet from the TV,
The man helped shift it to help me SEE.
we shifted the sofa, not the TV, 
The man and Me, to help me SEE.
Since 2005 the sofa in the same place was found.
I have begged and begged, to shift it around.
Last week, I loudly complained
until he gave in to stop his pain.
Now it sits 12 feet from my butt to screen,
Now for me, the  TV can be seen.
The newspaper under the sofa, dated June 1, 05
Tells you my friends, I am the worst housekeeper Alive


MadSnapper n Beau said...

luv u all

Gayle said...

What? No sofa photo? Did you miss any sales in the paper?

Ann said...

I could show you pictures that would prove you are not the worst housekeeper alive but I don't want to embarrass myself :) You have me curious what is under my couch

Anonymous said...

I have moved pretty often, so no old newspapers under the sofa, but each time I move the movers find lots of milk jug rings (the cats love to play with them) and I always wondered where they went!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I would need a forklift to shift the sofa suite I inherited with the Hutch... dread to think what might be under there!!! YAM xx

Karen said...

With these cataracts, I could benefit from being closer to the TV. Great idea. I remember finding Easter basket 'grass' under the sofa cushions when I cleaned for Thanksgiving lol

My Mind's Eye said...

MOLMOL MS you wrote a poem. Mom dreaded the arrival of our new stove back in April. She was sure there were gonna be unmentionables under it 'cause nobuddy ever moves the stove but alas it wasn't too bad.
Hugs Madi

eileeninmd said...

My hubby has pulled the recliner within 4-5 ft. from the TV. Maybe he needs new glasses? We may have some dustbunnies under his chair. Enjoy your day!

Chatty Crone said...

I love it - that was soooo funny! And I understand.

Mevely317 said...

You are sooo clever! I'm right there with you; in fact, lately I've been known to wear my 'readers' over my contact lens. Thanks for the chuckles, Sandra. Luv you, too!

photowannabe said...

Oh wow, great poem and I think you have been peeking in our house.
Moving things is such a pain. We had to move a lot of "treasures" out in our shed when we had the graduation party.
If we could only do a garage sale and get rid of some of it. I know our kids would thank us..HaHa..

DawnTreader said...

Haha... I actually cleaned under my sofa earlier this spring but couldn't remember when I'd last done it properly before that. There's a spare guest bed under there but that hasn't been used for few years now (the top of the sofa can be turned into a single bed as well).

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you can now see the TV better than before! Better late than never.....

Just Mags said...

Sandra now that was just clever made me smile. Glad you can now see the TV better. Oh, and I forgot to say on your last post that I was glad you have AC now. Good for you keeping them to their first quoted price. Hugs

DeniseinVA said...

Hilarious, I smiled throughout.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Our TV broke so the new one was a bigger screen and that was very useful. Sadly now I like to watch it more and that has issuses too. I frear I might become a couch potato.