Saturday, June 16, 2018

Color Me Wildflower Yellow

I love yellow flowers, 
I have been totally blow away by this brilliant yellow with burgundy center flower.
Day 3,  3, day 4 there were  7, then 9 and then 14.
YES! I was counted them
It took me 3 days to identify them and I was shocked, I say I WAS SHOCKED!

I found out they are Our Florida state wildflower,  Tickseed better known as Coreopsis in the plant world. 
When I scattered the package of wildflowers I had no idea what would come up.

Backside above is as pretty as front side below.... these were my first day, first flowers taken with my phone. Fret Not Dear Friends.... They get better with the NIKON....

you are about to be blown away by Tickseed Photos, coming soon to a blog near you.

Walk this way to see what I have time


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
We get lots of thd full yellow coreopsis growing wild in Australia... in the UK it is a garden plant! YAM xx

diane b said...

Ours are not as pretty as those. Phone photography is improving everyday. I've been experimenting with it and learning heaps. Sometimes challenging my canon.

Ann said...

Those are pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...


crafty cat corner said...

They certainly get noticed. More please.

Gayle said...

As soon as I saw these stems I knew I had been in error. Glad you found its true identity. When you mentioned tickweed yesterday the RG and I just looked at each other. A very pretty bloom.

With PA being on the top of the list for ticks (Lyme's Disease) its name would probably get it rejected here.

Jo said...

Hi Sandra, how incredible that your national flower, the Tickseed came up from your scatterings. I love the last image of your feet with the bloom higher up. Excellent perspective. But you have the talent for this! Have a great day. Jo

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is a pretty flower. A great state flower, our state flower is the black-eyed susan. I like the cheery yellow flowers too. Enjoy your day!

Karen said...

Those really are stunning. Not sure I have seen those with the burgundy centers. What fun to see what will spring up from your seeds.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh those are a pretty flower and now I know what the state flower of Florida is.

Linda said...

We have those here before t I had no idea they were your state flower! I love how much fun you are having with a package of wildflowers seeds! You love so many things! The world would be a better place if there were more people like you! Have you heard how Ginny is? If you do, would you please let me know?

My Mind's Eye said...

Florida does have a gorgeous state flower with such vibrant colors.
What a surprise package of wildflower seeds
Hugs madi and mom

Mevely317 said...

Now you've got me looking this way and that for sunny places to strew seeds! That yellow just colors my world happy! Isn't it interesting how colors can influence our moods?

Love the twin hibiscus(es? hibisci?) on your header.

DawnTreader said...

They are very cheerful - enjoy! :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

They really are beautiful and we've had enough rain to make many of the wildflowers bloom again. Love your photos! happy weekend!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

UPDATE (6/16/18, 6 pm): I talked to Ginny about an hour ago and she asks that everyone say some extra prayers for her... She did come through surgery fine --- but she now has some uncontrollable bleeding and they haven't found where it is coming from yet. They are putting her in ICU tonight --and will run some tests searching for where the blood loss is coming from. Continued prayers for Ginny. Please pass this info on to other friends of Ginny --both on Blogger and Facebook. Thank You, and God Bless our friend, Ginny Hartzler.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Tickseed is a truly beautiful flower.

KB said...

Wow, it's gorgeous!!!! I've never heard of it... but it must be famous if it's Florida's state flower! It seems like so much fun to plant unknown flowers and be very surprised when they bloom!!! Enjoy.

Just Mags said...

What a beautiful flower. I too love yellow flowers. Your yard must be a sight to behold with all the different colors of flowers blooming. Hugs

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW!!! Love seeing the yellow around the burgundy!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very nice, yellow is my favorite color!