Friday, June 15, 2018

Wildflowers On Flower Friday

More of my Wildflowers in a pot, Joining LLB Backyard on Flower Friday.

These were taken with my Nikon, the prior post taken with my Cell...

These beauties were the first to bloom.. 4 of them on 2 different days. I believe them to be Cosmos.

I whisper to them and say " hurry and bloom, I am rootin for you!'

Show your true colors, Open up, Celebrate your natural beauty, be wild and wonderful.

Who put that strap there? See the concrete container below? there are about 30 wildflowers in there and the are all almost ready to blooms, so far 2 yellow and 3 reds. I don't even know what they will be. Color me excited. This is my first time planting flower seeds....

BUT WAIT, There Will Be MORE!
Help! I am snapping and I can't Stop...

to be continued and continued and continued


Anonymous said...

I love the wildflowers! I have never been successful with seeds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Ann said...

Had to laugh at the OOPS picture. I've done that so many times

Karen said...

Fun to see what flowers will come up! I have a hard time seeing what I am photographing in the bright sunshine and I often cut off the heads of my gks!

Gayle said...

I love the feathery leaves of the Cosmos.
P.S. - See the ground around the planter? A field of wildflowers next year with or without your permissionn ;)

My Mind's Eye said...

Absolutely beautiful wildflowers and we are rootin' for them too.
How dare that strap photo bomb the picture.
Hugs Madi and mom

Linda said...

I’m so excited that your wildflowers are growing! I’m going to try again when we go back home!
It is hot in Texas but it does cool off at night! That’s when it was 73 degrees here! Probably like at 3:00 this morning!

Pam said...


photowannabe said...

Pure joy in color and flowers.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Enjoyed seeing your colorful blooms, Sandra, and even that camera strap! Thanks too for you comment on our recent family wedding. I had fun taking the family photos because there's no pressure when doing it for fun. The official photographer was the one doing all the real work!

Hootin Anni said...

You've made my day! Beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

I never thought ab out planting them in a pot. Gorgeous.

KB said...

Isn't it miraculous when seeds turn into gorgeous flowers like yours? I get super excited about it too! I'm also growing potatoes this year - even more of a miracle in my book!!!

Mevely317 said...

They're so dang happy to be alive! Wouldn't it be great if we could pop and shine like that?

Ruth Hiebert said...

Planting a package of mixed seeds like that can be very exciting.You have some beautiful flowers there.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

How exciting!! I can't wait to see more!!
Jakey, Arty & Rosy

DeniseinVA said...

I am definitely going to have to throw down some seeds and am going to buy some this weekend.

Just Mags said...

Beautiful wildflowers. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love your new header. I enjoy seeing your wildflowers.