Wednesday, June 27, 2018

White Wildflowers

The night the white flowers first bloomed, I held a flashlight and took the above with my phone.

This is my best two shots, they are not much bigger than a pencil eraser... these are all on one stalk at the top.

MOMENT of interest or maybe not...Bob opened the door into the house and yelled from the garage. DID YOU TAKE MY 40 Willy's Coupe?  see the coupe HERE for the story. it is a TOY..

I go to the garage and he points on the shelf where it has lived for to many years to count. GONE! he yells gesturing wildly, NOTHING BUT THE HOOD and points to the tiny one inch hood on the workbench....
I calmly yell Well it must have fallen off, did you check UNDER MY CAR?  he kneels down and says There it is, under your back tire.... I must have knocked it off when I got the airplane down..Tje car is fine and sitting back on the shelf that is has resided on for 28 years

REALLY!!!!! REALLY?????  its HIS workbench HIS garage HIS toy so why would I have it? Well, I did have it once to take photos of it but that was a year ago to create the above post.

Below I lined in red the stalk/leaves for you to help identify. they are thin and spindly and fall down a lot, tiny leaves and stem. almost like Anemones but not quite.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
The flower resembles a claytonia...but that grows frm bulbs I think... someone else may do better on this one!!! YAM xx

Anonymous said...

You should know by now that EVERYTHING is OUR fault! lol lol
Love those itty bitty white flowers. I also love your header photo.

Ann said...

How come when things go missing we are the ones who are supposed to know where it went, when and why?
Once again I am no help with identifying your flower

Karen said...

I love to see what's new with your wild flowers. That's a shame about the toy car.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is a pretty plant and cute flowers. I am glad Bob found his car.
I am usually always looking for hubby's eyeglasses. Have a happy day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Boys and their toys...they never grow up, do they? But that can be a good thing,most of the time! haha! Love your pretty wildflowers! Hugs!

Hootin Anni said...

Question?...Why are we ALWAYS guilty of midemeanors/theft around the house when something is not where it should be?

Mevely317 said...

This sounds just like something Tom would do! Aaaargh!!! (But I enjoyed reading the original Willy's story once more.)

Those itty-bitty blooms are so pretty … I'll bet they're delighted to be showcased! One of these days I hope to learn to be as observant.

crafty cat corner said...

Tom can't see things when they are right in front of him, guess Bob is th same, lol

Cranberry Morning said...

Pretty little flowers. They look like Campion, a wildflower we have here - so probably not there. Lol. As for Bob, that's a typical male tactic to deflect guilt. Lol. I get, 'I gave it to you,' said with much conviction, until proved wrong. Lol

Pam said...

I don't know enough about wildflowers to know that that is but I love it. Course...I love flowers! Glad his toy car thingy was not broke.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a cute story about the car. Glad it wasn't run over!!!

photowannabe said...

I just love your interactions with Bob.
You definitely are a match made in heaven...
so glad the mystery was solved and you were innocent.
Love your pretty little flowers too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those little white flowers are so pretty and delicate. I remember having them in our flower beds, when we planted package of wildflower seeds.

My Mind's Eye said...

Whoa MS that first one needs to be in a MS photo exhibition. I love it.
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

My PLant Snap App says your flower is an "heliosperma quadridentatum" but I don't know...Ask Google Girl to show you images and see what you think.

Glad the car mystery was solved!

Just Mags said...

Glad the car was found and Bob is happy again. lol Men and their toys. Pretty little flowers and it is cool the way you got that photo with camera and flashlight. You are amazing with your camera sweet Sandra. Hugs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh those photos are gorgeous!