Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Why oh Why do I even Try

I left home at 6:15 Saturday for my weekly Wal-Mart visit;

Walking between Bob and the TV,

I stated  "my list is as long as my arm. It has every department in all 10 acres of Wal-Mart, which means I will get a good work out for exercise. It's because I skipped last week due to the rain"

The last thing I said was;

  " It will take me a lot longer today, I have to walk the whole store"  he mumbles, OK and continues to stare at the TV.

I am always home by 7:30, but this time it was almost 8:30. He shut down the lawn mower..

said as he opened the hatch to the Kia "I was about to come looking for you, you are late"  His eyes widened and he said "ALL THAT?"

I ASK YOU NOW, Why do we even talk to them??????? and he says I NEVER LISTEN. Oy Vey!

My paring knife is ancient and not peeling well. I wanted to try ceramic. WOW! it is so sharp it has to be stored with a cover on it... LOVE IT! of course HE said... it's sharp now, but it will break you know... OY VEY again!

Jake and I are feeling better, we all three had a good nights sleep, we still wait for AC repair...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

google please send me my comments inemial

crafty cat corner said...

Commiserations Sandra. I must have Bob's twin living here with me.
Plus he's deaf and doesn't like the hearing aid (it whistles and makes his tinnitus worse) and I have to repeat everything at least three times.
He does not have Dementia or Altzeimers as he has been tested in hospital but he chooses not to remember things or is away with the fairies. LOL
We wouldn't be without them would we?

Karen said...

Hope the AC repairmen gets there today!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds familiar! lol
Glad you and Jake are better and praying the a/c is repaired soon.

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, I have to stand in front of my hubby to talk or he will not hear me. I hope your AC is back on today. It is 67° here, we do not need AC yet.

I am glad you and Jake are feeling better! Have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

hari OM
A good night's sleep is a remedy for just about everything in life - even selective deafness of partners!!! Have always wondered about those ceramic knives myself - good to know you are happy with it. YAM xx

Betty Manousos said...

good morning, sandra,

i am glad you and jake are feeling better! and i hope your ac is repaired really soon.

My Mind's Eye said...

LOL LOL LOL Sandra I think you have a hidden camera here. We often have the same conversations...that go in one ear and out the other.
I'm so glad you and Jake are feeling better now to get the a/c repair done.
OMCs that knife looks sharp.
Hugs madi and mom

Pam said...

Going to Wally World to get a few things I need usually results in me getting way more than I went after but I can still justify needing it all! haha...glad you and Jake are doing better. Take care.

Ginny Hartzler said...

STILL no air?! So your little unit is in the bedroom, that is why the good sleep? Sleep can work wonders. I have heard that ceramic is amazingly sharp! As far as breaking, who cares? You will both be careful, and Farberware is not real pricey. It's not like a big household where it would get banged around a lot. It's a good thing that Bob worries about you from time to time!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

LOL...I sooooo understand, Sandra. Being married to an IT person, I just make sure to text him to make sure he understands...

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mom Kim here - I knew there was a reason I remained single all these years. Your hubby sounds like my brother - thank goodness he lives in Louisiana and I live in Kansas, especially since I have a speech impediment and move a little slower and he is a very impatient man.

Anyway, so glad to hear there are others who can spend that kind of time at Walmart. I usually have to since I move slower plus I love being able to get my grocery shopping done in the same store where I can get household items. Thanx for the heads-up about the ceramic knife - I could use a good sharp paring knife - will keep my eyes open for one next time I am there.

Glad to hear that you and Jake both are feeling better - it's hard to watch our furbabies get older and hard for us to get older too. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to the last 60 years. Your ac repair sounds like what I just went through with the plumbing in my basement - mine finally got fixed and hopefully your ac will get done really soon.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Exactly, why do we talk to them!! Mark doesn't listen either. I actually left the room the other day. I was talking and got no response at all, he just stared at the TV. Glad you like your new knife. Glad you and Jake are feeling better and I hope your air gets fixed soon.

photowannabe said...

HaHa...Oh yes...I have been there too.
Sometimes we can't live with Them and we can't live without Them!

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad I can leave a comment here.

I ask the same thing - why do we tell our guys anything when they don't hear or listen?????????????

Glad you feel better.

I like that knife.

Love, sandie

Ann said...

Sounds like home. Wade either doesn't listen to me or doesn't remember what I tell him or both. I say the sentence "I told you that the other day" more times than I care to count. The other one is him telling me the same thing over and over. He forgets what he tells me and I hear the same story 3 or 4 times.
I have one of those knives. I had it in the sink to wash it and reached in the water and just barely touched the edge of the blade and cut my finger.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I recently lost/misplaced one of my paring knives, so I may have to look for a replacement.This one looks good.

Mevely317 said...

It sounds like several of us are married to brothers. Geezel-peezel! What REALLY gets me is when I tell Tom something or ask his opinion … and the next day he doesn't remember a thing about it.
So glad to hear you're feeling a little better; and saying a prayer your A/C is up and running soon!

Julie said...

Hehe, I have lost count of the number of times in a day I hear Mum say to Dad "But I've told you that already"
I finks Dads do haf selective deafness syndrome
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Cranberry Morning said...

Right. They don't listen, period! LOL And by the way, I'm responding to your comment here because for some strange reason, Blogger isn't forwarding comments to my email. SO, I think you've hit it on the head, this trauma I'm feeling with turning 70 in August - it's because I get the new title GREAT GRANDMA. I'll bet that's it. I remember my great grandma and she was ancient!. LOL I like that ceramic knife. Let me know if it works like you want it to. Then again, Mr. C. loves sharpening knives, so he keeps mine all sharp - usually. xo

Mersad said...

Good luck with the new knifes. They look really good.

Mersad Donko Photography

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad that you and Jake are both feeling better,SDandra. Hope the temps are not too hot right now and that the ac gets repaired soon. We use a couple of tall oscillating fans in the apt and that helps somewhat. I have never used a ceramix knife so was interested in reading your opinion on them. Right now, I have more than enough cutlery so no plans to get any new ones now, but maybe in the future.

Just Mags said...

It is not much different around here...I talk to myself and Chancy. Most of the time I forget what I said two minutes later...and Chancy can't talk. lol I have wondered if those knives are really as good as they advertise them to be I hope it lasts you a very long time and stays sharp. Hugs and give Jake nose kisses for us.