Monday, September 3, 2018

Why All The Black n White?

Tuesday morning, having dumped photos from Nikon to Desktop, I stood with camera in hand staring out the living room window at the dead grapefruit tree.

 Suddenly, thanks to Pam and Myra and their black and white photos, I decided to set the Nikon on black and white, and take photos of the dead tree.  I took 2 in color to show you what I saw.

I knew when I started the sun was blinding and at the wrong angle to get the tree properly.  Did it anyway.  This grapefruit tree is 33 years old, Bob grew it from a seed from a pink grapefruit. He found the seed while eating the fruit at work, it had a sprout on it. He planted it in a cup, then a bucket in the yard of our home in Saint Petersburg. When we moved he planted it in   this spot and my uncle said it would never have fruit. It did! and all the neighbors Loved Them as did we. It died last year due to drought and some kind of leaf rot, that took it and 2 hibiscus.

It ended with my heart breaking. I turned from the tree to go inside, and standing behind the fence was my sweet almost blind, almost deaf Jake. He was ON GUARD, Staring at me, like is that something I should bark at?

I started to wave at him and say It's Mommy, Jake over and over. He could not hear me so I walked closed to the gate and said I'TS MOMMY JAKE,think MegaPhone Loud.. so loud the neighbors may have popped out to see what was going on.

HE came to the fence smiling at me, and turned his head away, looking embarrassed because he did not know me.... Bob was in the pool and when I went through the house Jake was trying to get in side to find out if I was in the house. Bob said when I opened the door. What's wrong with Jake... and when I told him we were heart broken together.

Thus began my quest for black n white photos... Yesterday's post was out of order. More to come and I promise I will keep the words MINIMAL... 👀👄


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is just so sad. And I can see him smiling when he found out it is MOMMY. He is very happy to have a Mommy like you. I think I would just have cried right there in the yard. The black and white pictures are definitely much spookier and more moody. They have a totally different kind of feel. I wish I could do something to help you or make you feel better.

Linda P said...

The story of the grapefruit tree is interesting and all thanks to Bob saving that pip all those years ago. It's a shame that it died due to drought etc., but it's still there for you to photograph. So sad about lovely old boy Jake. It's heartbreaking for you, but he must sense how much he's loved by you and Bob.

Yamini MacLean said...

beautiful Sandra.
wont be commenting much if at all for a while - broke lefy wrist night and typing one-handed is a pain for the right one! Yxx

Ann said...

That is so sad. He looks like he's smiling when he realized it's you. What a sweet boy and he loves his mom.

Karen said...

That is interesting about Bob growing that big grapefruit tree from a tiny seed, and all the fruit it produced. Sad that it was killed by the drought. Jake is such a good dog. Bless his heart.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

test, the silly emails have stopped AGAIN, sending comments to my email

MadSnapper n Beau said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

no matter what I do will not email me comments

My Mind's Eye said...

The tree got a new life in bow! Amazing it was once an itty bitty seed sprouted.
Sweet adorable Jake bless his’s too a good day for all.
Hugs Madi and mom

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is sad news about the tree dying and your sweet Jake. I believe dogs also have a great ability to smell people. Jake knows your scent and probably knew it was you there. HUGS! Enjoy your day!

Mevely317 said...

Slide #3 is exquisite! Even in death there remains beauty.

Macie and Grace will often bark and carry on like lunatics. Then, when Tom walks in I ask them, "Now, aren't you embarrassed?" Jake loves you so tremendously … I swear, 99% of dogs are heart. I love his smile!

photowannabe said...

I'm so sorry your fur baby is having difficulties. It's so hard to watch that decline.
Great B&W shots though.
Saw our "granddogger" last night. She's getting old too and still has the bounce but it doesn't last long.
These dogs sure become a part of our lives, don't they?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Labor Day to you! Love the black and white photos. Too bad you lost the tree, you've had it a long time. That's a great smile on Jake.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The black and white are quite impressive.

Hootin Anni said...

Jake is such a dear one! Love your black & white...with monochrome images so much more details show up.

Hootin Anni said...

Jake is such a dear one! Love your black & white...with monochrome images so much more details show up.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful black and white Jake smile!

Ida said...

Wow I wouldn't think you could grow an tree like that from a Grapefruit seed so that was cool to read about. So sorry you lost the tree though and I feel so sad about your sweet Jake losing his hearing. He's such a well loved dog and I know he loves you right back.

Chatty Crone said...

That was sad - I am so sorry.
I did like the black and white photos.
Happy Labor Day. God Bless! sandie♥

Just Mags said...

So sorry the grapefruit tree died. That was amazing that Bob grew it from a seed he found. Sweet, sweet Jake that is a great photo of him smiling. All the photos are good and I especially think the B&W ones are. Hugs sweet Sandra and nose kisses for sweet Jake.