UPDATE:I many not make it to your blog today, I meant to take his off auto post, this was set before we got Gary who is now named Big Boy. We have a very long list of to do things, to get ready for a dog and now we have the dog and MUST do it today.... I am kinda sorta back.
Armadillo, is Spanish for ''little armored one" and per Wikipedia there are 20 different types. Most of my life they have been a common sight here in Florida, but is has been years since I last saw one.
In our quest for peace in the past few days, I madly cleaned closets and Bob cut the grass.
He came to me with little guy in his hand, and said
"look, I ran over an armadillo"
We assume a visiting child threw it over the fence.
You might also assume the MADsnapper, sat it on the kitchen counter, used cell phone to snap to shots, and took the photos He is minus nose and 2 feet, removed by lawnmower.
Still, he made a beautiful Lunapic Creation.
I think I am back, we shall see, what we shall see.
Thank you to ALL of you who supported me over the past few days with your beautiful comments.

Poor thing! I have never seen a real one; we don't have them. Little Armored One...that is so cool! I think I will remember that.
So that was a real one???
Hari Om
...and gives good clues as to why much less are seen... poor Armo... Yxx
I think I've seen an armadillo in the zoo before. Poor litte guy getting run over by the mower. He's a trooper though, going through that and then sitting for a photo session :)
I read once that they naturally carry the bacteria that causes leprosy. Is that right? Are people aftraid to touch them?
Hello, I have seen the armadillos in Florida. They are cute. I heard they can cause a lot of damage if they are able to get under your house. I am glad you are back. Now you must share more photos of Gary! Enjoy your day!
Was sorry to read about Jake but happy that you were able to find another to give your love to.
Hey, since Armadillo is Spanish, they must have them in Spain. This sounds so wrong. And until I read you, I thought they were only in Texas. I think this is the wildest post you have ever done. A dead Armidillo on the kitchen counter! And he looks pretty good. I never know what I will find here, but you sure keep Blogland hopping! I was also so glad to hear that Bob was mowing!
I used to see armadillos all the time too, but come to think of it I rarely see them anymore. Makes me wonder why. I love Gary's new name by the way!
Poor little guy! Now, as Eileen says, we're all waiting for pics of Gary!
Having lived in Texas for over 10 years, I saw my fair share of Armadillos...and this is by far the cutest one.
(most of the ones I saw were on the side of the road :-()
Unfortunately, the only armadillos I've seen are road-kill. Those sights still make me sad. Happy 2nd night in your fur-ever home, Big Boy!
The only armadillos I've seen here are road kill. Still, it makes me sad to see them cast aside like so much trash.
Happy 2nd night in your fur-EVER home, Big Boy!
I've never seen a real one. Not even in a zoo, I don't think. Hope all went well today, with the heat and humidity and all. Can't wait to hear more about how Big Boy is adjusting.
Glad Big Boy didn't eat him! At first I thought it was a real one! sandie
Getting run over by a lawn mower is pretty tragic, but a new dog is happy!! Congratulations may your hole be filled with slobbery kisses and lots of snuggles!
Since reading your post sweet Sandra it has come to my mind that I have not seen any around here in a long time and I used to see one now and then. That is pretty cool what you did with that little armadillo, I can't tell by the pics the size of it but am assuming since it is not real it is fairly small. I think "Big Boy" is a great name for your new family member. Take the time you need to get back you have been and still are going through a very emotional time. Love and hugs
Dear Sandra, I'm glad you are sort of back.
Your new Big Boy is awesome and will fit right in. I like Big Boy better than Gary but that's okay if it reverts back. It's what ever makes you happiest.
That's a cute story. Cute little armadillo.
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