Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tadpole Update

It has been 2 months since Freddy and Mama frog had tadpoles in the rain barrel Prior Post here

Tadpoles are common in the barrel and usually they are hopping out of there with in 3 to 5 weeks as tiny frogs
They are still there. I started fretting a couple of weeks ago that they did not have enough food, I found 2 of them doing cannibal acts on another one. With research I found how to feed them.

Now I am cooking spring mix lettuce for them, This was the first day I threw the pieces in and they came and devoured it, so now each day I am cooking spring mix lettuce. They Love it. Can't use the cheap iceberg, no nutrition in it. they are growing like crazy.. The thing is Big Boy tries to get in the rain barrel to see why I am throwing food in it. They eat other things but I have the lettuce so why not. Have to wilt it and chop in tiny pieces, but I found they make the big pieces tiny over night.

look closely and tell me they are adorable. I think they are

Cooked lettuce, ready to dump in the barrel


Ginny Hartzler said...

The picture before the last one, it is gorgeous! Like some kind of beautiful art! It looks actually painted, and the large tadpole at the bottom middle looks like smoke is coming out of his mouth! The first picture is beautiful too. With the muted blues at the top right. That would be the sky in between the leaves. But it makes a gorgeous flowing design, almost like ink in water. Do you see it?

Ann said...

Who knew that a tadpole liked spring mix lettuce. Look at them just gowing crazy for that stuff.
Ginny is right about the one in the second picture looking like smoke is coming out of it's mouth.

eileeninmd said...


I would never have thought to feed tadpoles. I see the smoke the others have mentioned. The reflections in the photo are pretty, I see the trees or plants above. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

Cranberry Morning said...

Thanks for the reminder that I found several tadpoles in a barrel and put them in our little pond. Must go check on them! Our pond has lots of plant life so they're probably fine, or maybe they've all jumped out by now. Ribbit!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
yup. adorable! YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

OM word I sure do hope that was not Freddy that Charlie was taunting last week.
They are adorable.
I hope and pray Michael gets gulped up by the Gulf and disappears
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You are the bestest tadpole foster Mama ever!!!

Mevely317 said...

I LOVE your tender heart, Sandra! Now I'm thinking all those wasted bags of Spring Mix that "someone" let go bad in the refrigerator … when there are poor starving tadpoles out there.

Has Big Boy seen a frog yet?

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have never before heard of feeding tadpoles,but then I have not heard everything. You are so kind.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Learn something every day and now I know what to feed tadpoles. Hope your little family grows into frogs.

Just Mags said...

Good for you feeding those hungry little ones. I do think tadpoles are cute. We used to catch them at the river and take them home and keep them so we could watch them transition into frogs. Nice pictures and you are going to have quite a few cute frogs soon. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's nice that you are feeding them. I remember when we had an iguana and we had to feed him romaine because regular lettuce has no nutritional value like you said.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

How resourceful you are. I love the litte ones too. In UK I never saw any frogs though I was around lots of ponds. I must research why.

DeniseinVA said...

This is very interesting. I remember a big bathtub of tadpoles my dad put together when we were kids. Mum wasn't too happy to see hundreds of them jumping all over the back yard one morning, lol! We kids loved it and I think I would to this day.