Saturday, March 2, 2019

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Today we remember Dr, Seuss , who would have been 115 today.
 3/2/1904 - 9/24/1991

We are here today to say Happy Birthday Doc,
We want you to know your books still Rock.
Millions of kids have read your books,
They now love to read, and not just Your Books.
Big Boy is celebrating today, today.
 Click HERE and you are away,away
To see what Big Boy may have to say.

My X-Ray is a nay, so that is a big YAY!  no abnormalities, at least on the xray. we all know mind wise is another story

This is a blog hop, join the PHUN......


Hootin Anni said...

Happy birthday to Dr. Seuss.
He gifted us with the cat in the hat, Horton, Grinch, and served up green eggs and ham (from a moose?).

So, turn up the volume and let us loose...


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hooray, Hoorah
You are fun
oh yes you are!!!
YAM xx

Ann said...

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss. I groew up reading his books and loved them all

My Mind's Eye said...

Bravo on your Dr Seuss poem it surely rocked!
I am glad to hear X-ray was a okay.
Let the phun begin
Hugs cecilia

eileeninmd said...


Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss! So glad your x-ray was okay!
Have a fun day!

Duke said...

We loved your poem and we're glad that you're okay! Happy Dr Seuss Day!

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

Loved your poem and yay on your xray dat are pawesome news!! Happy Dr Seuss Day :)

Matt & Matilda

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you have done some extensive work on this post. I love Dr. Seuss. Every fall on our church prayer line, I put his "How did It Get So Late So Soon?" HOORAY, I am so glad you got a good report!!! Off to see the Big One now!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll definitely visit a lot of these blogs! I love Dr. S and wish I had taken part! I'll at least get some of my books out today to read! Happy you got a good report! Hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

His books will live on forever - maybe not in book form - but someway somehow.

Mevely317 said...

I'm soooo happy to hear those test results! I don't recall being particularly fond of Dr. Seuss when I was little. My appreciation came only after I grew up. Timeless!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

We are big fans of Dr. Seuss and are looking forward to loads of reading today. Happy Dr. Seuss day!

Saimi said...

What a cute post and clever poem! Glad your x-ray checked out ok!! I love the Dr. Seuss books and spent many hours reading them to my kids when they were little, now i do i with my grandkids!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

photowannabe said...

One of my favorite Dr. Seuss books is "Oh the places you will go"
I gave it as gifts to my boys as they graduated high school and to several friends too.
A lot of wisdom in the Seussical book.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday! I like how he used his last name spelled backwards.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Great news and a wonderful Poem!!
Have a Suessical Day!

Sandee said...

Great news on the x-ray.

Happy Dr. Seuss Day. ♥

peppylady (Dora) said...

My favor doctor Dr Seuss book is "Oh the place you will go"
Coffee is on

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this was definitely fun! Happy Dr.Seuss Day!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

A back in my teaching days kids loved Cat In Hat and older ones the Lorax. Glad X-ray was okay.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks for participating in the blog hop; we found it very entertaining what Big Boy had to say.
And we hope to visit his blog again one day.
We must say
We thinks he was most clever getting his Mom to do the work.