Friday, April 5, 2019

Do Words Matter & Nature Friday

Four Foot Ferns on Fence for Nature Friday
When we were first married, HE said get Red onions, not white. I came home with purple onions because they said Red onions on the store sign and I had never even noticed them.  I did not know they existed until he said buy me red onions..

I came home with a package of Oscar Maier. He said get my sandwich meat in the deli, I don't like prepackaged sandwich meat. ( 35 years ago, there was only one type of balonga, now even Oscar has 5 types)   he is right, once in a while I buy prepackaged and it is awful. I think it changed, because I used to love it.

WHAT? where is a deli? In Kash n Karry or Publix. Wow!  never in my 40 years had I bought anything from a deli.

He calls it sandwich meat? I call it lunchmeat. He eats it a dinner time, I say he eats lunchmeat at supper time.  He eats his meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner, I eat at breakfast, dinner and supper.

. the beat goes on and YES! I do realize ferns and fences have NOTHING to do with these words.
Shadows on our fence, just because 


Ginny Hartzler said...

This looks a bit like an artificial fern I just bought a few hours ago. It is a Boston Fern. For me, it was always lunch meat, and always the deli. I have always been breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Raised in the north, there was no such thing as supper. Phil's family had breakfast, dinner, and supper. NO dinner at all!

Ginny Hartzler said...

WHY has blogger taken my picture out of my comments?

Hootin Anni said...

Lunch meat...always deli. Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Bud says WARSH your hands...I say wash.

Rose said...

I eat brekfast dinnr an supper....

My Mind's Eye said...

LOL LOL LOL the North vs the South you say.

I eat breakfast lunch and supper.
Bryan's mom used to invite us to Sunday Dinner... I finally figured out that is a large meal in the middle of the day that replaces supper. LOL

Meat cut fresh is Deli meat, prepackaged is turkey or ham (I don't eat balonga any more)

Hugs Cecilia

eileeninmd said...

Hello, lovely plants and shadow shots. We cut out the lunch meats, they have too much sodium for my hubby. I hope your day is great!

photowannabe said...

Isn't it funny how words change from one place to another.
I guess it is a North and South thing most of the time.
Usually say breakfast, lunch and most of the time dinner but if it's really casual its supper.
Sunday Dinner was always a special time and the big meal of the day after church.
We don't have "lunchmeat " around most of the time...too much preserves...
My friend from the midwest calls the drink Pop and I call it soda.
When I was in the tour business and had British for clients I had to remember to call the restroom the Loo and getting in line was a que =cue