I took these two photo through my windshield at Regions Bank. That is Applebee's Red Awnings in the corner. These ponds are often small oasis for us in the tropical heat.
My car temp thingy said 96, in the shade. we are HOT. Grab the shade where ever we can find it.
I sat there waiting for the AC to do its Job and the next thing I knew, SNAP
In Florida every commercial building or condos or apartments MUST by law have retention ponds to collect our rainfall.
A five minute downpour can put an inch to 2 inches down in that short period of time.
With daily storms from May through October and as much as 70 inches of rainfall a year during Florida’s wet season, it can cause a lot of damage if the water doesn’t have somewhere to go. This is why retention ponds are so essential to this tropical state.
More info HERE in Waterfront Clean Up.
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Reminder, if you visit Florida, every single pond you see might have an alligator in it. |
Morning Sandra. Great snaps as you sat by the retention pond. No wonder you find every possible way of keeping cool in that sort of temperature. Not a place to cool down by taking a dip in the water then! Have a good day!
It is 55° here this morning, I would like to warm up. I am sure the gators love those retention ponds. It is a pretty spot with trees for shade.
Happy Sunday, enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead.
I had no idea about the retention pond requirement.. Excellent planning
Hugs Cecilia
PS I placed an order for cold air for you...it should be arriving via
Amazon Prime lickety split
Hari OM
Practical yet beautiful use of excess water! Just looking at such places helps with the cooling... not that there is need of it over here... YAM xx
That is a lot of rain in 5 minutes!!! I sometimes think I could move south, but then I would have a hard time with the temps! And the humidity.
Retention ponds! That makes so much sense! You always find something interesting to SNAP! I think of you just about every single day when I see something that I know you would have a ball snapping!
Interesting facts about the retention ponds.
Do a part 2!! Because I had no idea about any of this, and I bet most people who have never been to Florida did not know this either. So, since we are alike, you KNOW I have lots of questions!! Here they are, better grab a cup of coffee first. What if an apartment building is very small, like four apartments? Is there a size limit? There are lots of apartments like this around here. What is IN the ponds? Surely since they are man made, there are no fish, or GATORS?? Does if differ depending on the pond? Do the get a tax break for making one? I see NO fences!! With so many around, small children will fall in and drown!! That should be the law as well. Do they get lots of scum, is a regular cleaning mandatory? I would think so, or else they will draw mosquitoes! All of this warrants research and and a part two by you! I see CVS, sis you know they are buying their own pharmaceutical company?
P.S. All these questions came to mind before I even finished my coffee. Who knows what else I will think of after my first and second cup? But this is so interesting to me.
I like the idea of retention ponds. Better to store what little water you get.
Of course the gators need their own spa too. How thoughtful !!!
That was adorable - but think I will stay out of the retention ponds!
The retention ponds look lie a good idea and maybe and oats for some waterfowl.
Swimming with gator gives me hebbie jebbies.
Coffee is on
Living in Florida all those years, and I had no idea about that law! Gators, yep. I'd rather take my chances with denizens of the Gulf or the ocean.
So you have Regions Bank, too? That's who we use, since JP Morgan Chase has no stores in Alabama.
I never knew about that Florida law regarding retention ponds, but makes a whole lot of sense. Funny saying on the gator 🐊 photo. Cute key chain and very clever those tires.
That's just to hot for me. Our high for today is only supposed to be 79.
I learned something new today about Florida.
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