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Dollar tree re-wired by ME from prior post. It looked so pretty I could not help myself |
I took a few days to get myself re-wired by un-plugging from devices? I got most of the stuff done but not all and I could not go more than 2 days away from the computer...
While on break, the heater BROKE! We woke up on Christmas Eve, the house was 65 degrees, turned on the central heat, ran it for an hour, turned it off and left for the YMCA pool excercises as we do five days a week.
We returned home and stepped in a house that smelled like burning wires, really smelled. While I vented about the house burning down around Big Boy's head, The Man went outside and came back in and said the smell is coming from the HVAC, the heat coils are still on, go touch it. The top to the unit would not let me place my hand on it. Bob starts in the house and says I will turn on the AC and it will cool them down.
I screamed NO! are you crazy! Flip the breaker on the AC!
It got LOUD but Nervous Nellie won!
The Flipping Breaker was Flipped!
I called our AC guy at 8 am on Christmas Eve and left a message that we needed a repair visit but could wait until after Christmas.
The day after Christmas, he called and said he would be out that day. I said we need to pull those ferns so he can get to the unit.. The man started cooking breakfast. I went out, yanked all the ferns out, made sure he had access.
I came in and said "I pulled the ferns" its ready for him to work with out ferns in his face. Bob says where did you put the ferns? I said out at the curb.
He said really loud with eyebrows raised a shocked "WOW".
You see when forced to do yard work, I always just pile them anywhere convenient and then he moves them to the curb later. I explained the walk to the curb was EXERCISE, that is how I made myself do it. The repair was wiring and relay switch, and $229.00 and he was gone in 20 minutes. Just like my MONEY! Question for you? would you have flipped the breaker or let him turn on the AC?
Oh boy, that must have been scary. Glad it turned out okay even though it came with that bill. Your tree looks beautiful and impressed you relighted it.
Wow, the adventures never cease do they??
So glad you could get things fixed without "burning down the house with Big in it".
That was a fast fix but costly for you...better than the alternative though.
Glad you got your "exercise" too.
My "exercise" consisted of hand to mouth yesterday....
A fun day but now the REAL "exercise" begins in ernest...stepping on the scale doesn't count!
Glad you were able to get it fixed so quickly. I'm pretty sure I would have flipped the breaker instead of turning on the AC
Of course I would have flipped the breaker!! SO COOL to see you today, I feared you would be gone for quite awhile. So I am happy now!! You are back, B.B. is back, and all is right with the world. The tree is gorgeous!!!
Ya, flippin' breaker girl here. (Except, now I need to have Tom show me WHERE it is.) I'm so frightened of a house fire. Always have been, even when I smoked cigarettes. I've even been known to turn around at the front door and go check the stove -- even when I'm pretty sure it was never turned on in the first place.
One of my Bible study friends posted on Christmas Eve about her g-granddog who - together with his parents and new baby brother - are living with her temporarily. Last month they arrived home to see flames shooting out of the roof. Thank God, Ranger, their German Shephard was saved but everything else a loss. Sally's words about broke my heart:
"I put the Fire place channel on tv hoping it was also playing Christmas music but it was just a crackling fire. Ranger jumped up and ran to the tv whining. Think he was reliving the trauma of being in his house when it was on fire. Poor thing, I changed the channel right away! You're safe now buddy!"
Glad you have that problem solved.
I totally would have flipped the breaker! Glad it's all fixed!
I would do the breaker! Just in case. Hope you got it fixed.....such a pretty tree also
Hari OM
Definitely flipped... So glad this didn't turn into a tale of serious fire. Phew. YAM xx
I would have no idea what to do. I would have left it to the man because my man used to be an air conditioning engineer.
I would have flipped the breaker! Just because it is better to be safe than sorry.
Definitely! Shut off all power to AC/heating unit. Of course both of us here would have done so.
Retired from a HVAC service company. If your unit is a heat pump (fantastic invention for those in certain climates) which provides both heat and AC that probably wouldn't have worked either.
The smell of burning wires would send me straight to the breaker.
Yikes MS not a way to spend Christmas Eve and that smell of burning electrical is very very scary.
For sure turned off the unit. My daddy was an electrical contract.
I have a very healthy respect for electricity. Yikes I'm so glad all is well.
I 229.00 is a lot but I was thinking the entire unity might need replacing.
Speaking of repairmen we are waiting the plumber. Our guest toilet was making crazy swishing noises before Christmas. WE called the plumber. Turns out the water in the tank was leaking into the bowl. The swish was the tank auto refilling. We had the Kiddos coming but he assured me it would work fine if we made sure to keep the tank level at the maximum line. Nothing says funny Christmas than ask your (SIL of Angel Madi took on the task)to fill up the tank a couple of times a day. New one will be quite efficient.
All 3 potties are vintage 1983. So I'm guessing the other two will be coming up for replacement.
Hugs Cecilia
Oh, my goodness sweet Sandra. Glad it was repaired and nothing was damaged other than what had to be fixed. I would not have turned on the AC for sure. Stay safe.Hugs
Ooooh, electricity and that burning smell? Your reaction was spot on!
I hate when things like this happen. Isn't always something these days! That's what I think about the so called "Golden Years." I am thankful you did not have a house fire and that it was able to be fixed.
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