Friday, January 17, 2020

GUESS what?

Saturday, Jan. 3rd, 2020, Bob and I were walking Big Boy, only 5 houses down from our own house. Suddenly  Bob and I both said loudly, in Unison, DID YOU SEE THAT?

I said was that what I thought it was, it flew 15 feet off the ground, about 20 feet in front our eyes.

Guess what it was?? In the City Limits, on a city street? I have been accusing the hawk of eating all our squirrels and birds and the big fat bunny that lived right in front of what we saw.

It was an EAGLE!  Alas! I have no PHOTO!

Click here to see Michael Peychich photo that looks exactly like our eagle that flew in front of our faces... .

His feet were up and he was diving like an arrow aimed  at we don't know what. At least Big is to big to be carried off... The only picture of and Eagle  I have is this...

I painted the above, and used a colorbook  page to create the graphic below..


diane b said...

Wow what a surprise but good to have wildlife still around. Love your pics too.

Hootin Anni said...

That would be something to see! Nice graphic work.

Ann said...

Wow, that would have been some surprise. We have eagles around here but I've never spotted one myself.

Ella said...

Eagle are so majestuosos birds ...
I would like to have their sharp eyes!
Very nice graphic work!

eileeninmd said...


What a great eagle sighting. I like your painting and graphic. Enjoy your day!

Chatty Crone said...

Loved tour painting. Yes I can imagine an eagle there. It is good that Bib is big! Do you know in Alaska they are thought of as scavenger birds?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
While it is quite amazing to have this opportunity, it is, of course, a tad worrying. Not their usual territory. Like so many other critters of the wild, it may be a combo of 'easy pickings' from human residence and/or a result of their own environment having become insufficient for their needs.

Love your artwork! YAM xx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a surprise! We see them sometimes...but not lately! We had 2 Ibis walk through our backyard yesterday eating as they walked! lol

My Mind's Eye said...

Quite an impressive bird for sure...I loved KB's post the other day. I had never seen one that close.

Years ago I was walking across NCSU campus. WE all knew there was a family of hawks nesting on top of the Poultry Science building. (kinda ironic where they made their nest). Anyway just as I walked under a clearing under a huge Maple a squirrel literally fell out of the sky about 4' from me. Then I heard the hawk squawking. I figured it was learning how to capture prey but had not mastered the act of landing with a squirrel in his talons
Hugs C

Mevely317 said...

What a shock! I wonder if -- like coyotes in Arizona -- it's hunger outweighed fear of humans. Nature's often cruel, yes; but I'd be traumatized to ever witness a capture.
Given their size, I may never let the girls out unsupervised again!

Rose said...

Oh, cool! I see them here at the house, but never down real low. Oh, not way high, but sure not the same as what you are talking about. Good thing that Big is big!

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! An eagle in the city is not your usual sighting, at least not around here.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

An Eagle, wow that's amazing!

photowannabe said...

Wow, that was quite a discovery. Eagles really aren't that prevalent where you live.
I guess he's found a ready made buffet so he's sticking around.
Gotta get back to walking but it's so dang cold right now..40F. at almost noon. Feels like it's going to snow..not very likely ....

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW!! What an exciting sight that must have been!

LC said...

Wow! I've never seen one in our town. Wonder if development is causing the eagle to extend it's hunting to residential areas. inquiring minds want to know!

LC said...

"investigoogled" and there was an oct. article about eagles nesting on a construction mound in Bradenton Fla. That competition for space is happening in Florida and I bet in other densely populated areas, too. Keep us posted!

DeniseinVA said...

First of all that's a cool painting you did of the Eagle. Second of all wow! What an amazing sight that must have been. How did BB react?