Friday, August 14, 2020

Shroom, Shrooms Nature Friday

There they were, in our yard, try holding a leashed dog that is ready to walk and lean way down to get photos of mushrooms.
Nearly hurt my back taking the photos and then
I almost got Mouse Shoulder again searching for photos of these to identify them.
 Link provided if anyone want to try and identify them. I gave up.

I decided I don't give a shiitake! 

I could not find them exactly and there are dozens of almost like these to pick from HERE


Ginny Hartzler said...

They almost look more like toadstools. Many toadstools are poisonous, so don't let Big Boy eat or lick them.

easyweimaraner said...

well said we don't give a shiitake LOL

CheerfulMonk said...

I love, "I don't give a shiitake!" too. :D

Hootin Anni said...

"...decided I don't give a shiitake!". I just spewed orange juice all over!

Ann said...

I often don't give a That was a good one

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I do think it is one of the Boletus family - but may not be the edible version... so not touchy! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...


I love finding the mushrooms. These are pretty and colorful.
I've only been seeing the big white mushrooms on the lawns.
Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend!

Rose said...

Oh, Shitaki! I would love to have one to examine it. Does it have gills or is it a polypore... which would not guarantee identifying it, but would narrow the field.

Martha said...

You are so funny!! I don't know what kind of mushrooms they are and I guess I don't give a shiitake either :D

Mevely317 said...

Funny 😁 girl! I've no idea, but remember a Brownies' hike where one of the adults said to watch for wild mushrooms: the more colorful they were = the most poisonous. I think it was several decades before I dated to eat a mushroom!

My Mind's Eye said...

OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they are rather pretty I love the top color.
Wonder if there are any critters living under them. BOL No need to look 'cause that would mean getting down on all fours ...Hugs Cecilia

retirementdaze said...

Wow! This closeup almost looks like aliens have landed and multiplied! I am impressed that you were able to get it at ground level.

photowannabe said...

Yes, me and squatting down to take pictures is not a pretty sight...but sometimes you do what you gotta do...
They do look like toadstools that little fairies live beneath.
Don't let BIg eat them though...don't know if they are poisonous or not.
Temp is suppose to be 103F today and then it goes up from's even mildly humid too...
Thinking of you today as I do my shorter stint at Lynne's.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are pretty, even without a name.

Chatty Crone said...

I decided I don't give a shiitake either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow! Those look different from mushrooms I see here.

DeniseinVA said...

You had me at shitake, I actually laughed out loud. Great eye-level photos! Mushrooms are delicious! I have seen people picking them out in the woods for taking home for dinner, but would never trust myself to do that. Mother used to buy field mushrooms that were big and flat, and the size of dinner plates at the old greengrocer in town. Incredibly delicious and at that size they fed the whole family as a side.

Betty Manousos said...

lol. i don't give a shiitake either. i love mushrooms and i eat them several times a week. they are delicious and also packed full of nutrients.
these are pretty and wonderfully photographed.