Thursday, August 20, 2020

Spam Alert!


 this email came from what appeared to be Amazon. Stating someone had purchased over 5000.00 apple products and it had shipped to me. and if I did not make this purchase call the fraud alert number, 

I went directly to Amazon and both my credit cards and all was well.

I have no idea what would happened if I did what they asked.

3 hours later I got a robo call recording of the same thing.
Not sure how it go through my NOMO Robo call blocker. Some do!

ALERT! check everything, don't trust an email or call. Go directly to the Real Source.

 On the positive side, I get emails daily from WebMD that I signed up for!

I lose weight when I eat more protein and less carbs.
I am not a meat lover and search for ways to get protein other than meat.

Eggs I know about, but this said 10 food with more proteins than an egg.

I am Not an egg lover unless smothered  in cheese and cooked by someone else.
this is the list. 
Each item is MORE than an egg.
Chickpeas, cottage cheese, almond butter, cheddar cheese, lentils, pumpkin seeds, shrimp, quinoa, jerky and hemp seeds.
Please add to this list in comments. NO to tofo unless you want to come cook it for me.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This spam is good to know about, I will be on the lookout! I have been getting daily e-mails from WebMed for years, and love them. Also from a few other health places. Nuts and peanut butter!

CheerfulMonk said...

Thanks for the warning, but like you we check the real company when we get fake notices like that.

Hootin Anni said...

any cheeses, milk, yogurt, beans, fish (seafood). You get the idea.

easyweimaraner said...

I hate this spammers, do they really think we sleep on trees? awful... but I have to admit that I once bought 16 pairs of jeans because their checkout was a mess (yes their fault not mine LOL)

DeniseinVA said...

Thanks for the tip about Amazon. I will definitely be wary now. Love to put peanut butter on a stick of celery and cut it into 1 to 1-1/2 inch sections.

crafty cat corner said...

I had a comment on my blog this morning advertising spyware for errant husbands, lol true!
thanks for the heads up

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
So much for spam - I once got UPS texting and emailing me about my shipment with a very large value waiting in customs... eventually they tracked the correct owner of that shipment though the fact they had my email and phone number in place on that order remains one of life's mysteries...

Now, you are talking to the right person - not just a vegetarian but a nutritionist as well! You can buy ready-prepared, Baked Tofu products, which are usually very tasty indeed. Also, here in UK we have two or three excellent plant-based no-meat producers with things like mince and sausages that even my dad now loves and asks for - over your way there is Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods and I am sure there will be others also. Some will be created from a base of mushrooms, some from peas (my fave), others from soy...

But yes, any of the legumes (kidney/red beans are particularly good as they provide good sources of iron also - as do chickpeas), all nuts and seeds are good sources. What you need to remember, though, is that different quantities are required to obtain the same amount of protein. For example, you would need to eat about 600gm of cooked chickpeas to equal that in an egg... you can do food similar food comparisons on this site. YAM xx

Ann said...

I do the same, always go to the source rather than believe an email. Sadly too many people fall for it.
As for the list, the only thing on there that I like is cottage cheese. I would rather have the egg.

eileeninmd said...


I get so many spam emails, most are wanting money. They get deleted immediately. I had one email that was blackmailing me saying they had a video of me and they would release it if I did not pay them money to bitcoin. Bitcoin is nothing but scams and illegal activity. Hubby gets the phone calls saying they are from Social Security and if he does not call back he will be arrested. I hope not one falls for any of these scams. I do like the news email from WebMd . Take care, enjoy your day!

Martha said...

I recently got spam about my Wells Fargo bank account being hacked with instructions on what to do. Thing is I don't have a Wells Fargo account but if I did I may have followed the instructions. So scary!

Chick peas are my go to for non meat protein, there are so many delicious ways to use them!

Mevely317 said...

I'm so sorry you were the target of these morons! But glad to see it to, so I can show Tom. Twice now he's gotten all rattled from calls saying there's a $700-something charge on his Amazon account. Last time I had to scream, "Hang up the phone, NOW!" and go back on line to show him.

I love eggs ... just about any way. But this list is awesome. There's a few on there I don't care to try, but cheddar and cottage cheese are staples in our fridge.

Rose said...

I wish the ones sending emails and doing the call...well, I wontvsayvwhat I wish but it's not pretty. I am not the one to ask about protein. But I have been reading the answers from ithers.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I have to eat a lot of protein to feel good and eat nuts. High calorie nuts! Not a great choice but they make me feel good so I bag just a few in a little zip lock and eat them that I don't get too many. Since I can't eat sugar or many carbs, I eat cheese for a snack...oh and nuts! hahahaha! It's hard and I'll check back and see what ideas others have. No sugar and few's hard. I can eat popcorn and have a more full feeling though. Hugs!

My Mind's Eye said...

This spam alert was on the news last night. I guess there are so many folks ordering so much via Amazon the crazy spammer thinks he can fool some people.

I found during my gum surgery and no way to chew meat...I crave beef. After week one I made spaghetti sauce w/ 1/2 lb lean g beef it was extra good
Hugs cecilia

photowannabe said...

We have been getting a load of robo calls..we had renewed our Do Not Call list but so far it's not working too well.
I'll be glad when the elections are over...I don't need all the vote for me calls either.
On a different note..I ate too many carbs yesterday and my weight went up again. I just can't win.
Love my morning eggs and some of the things on that list won't work for my diet but...I will try some of them.
Its so smokey at our house..terrible fires up and down our state but we are safe. The air quality is terrible.
Our friends that live about an hour and a half from us were under mandated evacuation...don't know how things are in their area yet this morning.
Prayers for everyone effected by the lightening caused fire-storms.

Chatty Crone said...

I think too if you look at the address you can tell it was a fraud too. Boy do people have nothing else to do but hurt others?

Ruth Hiebert said...

Now a days we just can’t be too careful. Spammers are out to get us in any way they can. We just have to be smarter than they are.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks for the Amazon heads up...Spammers are always upping their game!! I'm not a big meat eater either, I like greek yogurt, nuts, cheese...but like you, I won't eat anything fancy unless someone cooks it for me LOL

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

What a changed world we now live in. I often get calls about bank fraud to my account yet I have no account. And emails saying I won a trip just click to collect. NEVER click. Delete fast.

Linda said...

Thank you for the heads up! I am not a big meat eater so we eat many of the 10 items you listed.
You can't trust anything these days!

Betty Manousos said...

thanks for the warning. I would add to the list...yogurt 2% fat and fish.

P.S. have a restful break. Xoxo 💕🌺

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good idea to warn folks, Sandra, because way too often people fall for these “too good to be true” cons. We have recently been getting calls from unknown numbers and when no message is left, the numbers are put into the block list which has been increasing! Good list of foods, all of which we like, except tofu which is never bought or consumed in our home.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad all was well. I'm so tired of scams. I love WebMD and that's a great list.