Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wordy Wed 4


I sweep the pool deck at least twice a day. we have lived here for 31 years. 
  he says: pick up the rug, sweep under it. Move the chairs, sweep behind them. DUH!

Driving in MY side of the garage, 31 years of me driving in my side of the garage

   he says  You are to close to the truck or you are to close to the work bench, turn your wheels, sharp. you are to far in, you are not far enough in.  DUH!
I am backing out of same garage, for 31 years. Never hit anything

    he says   Straighten the wheel, turn it hard. turn it HARD! Why are you turning your wheels?  DUH!

Recently I have been taking out the recycle bin and the garbage bin... BIG Rolling Bins..MARKED on the lid with big ARROWS how to sit them

    He says    Don't set  it crooked, they cant pick it up if its not straight, park it close to the curb so they can reach it with the claw.

Ground Hog day is every day..
   sitting by pool, every single day... the neighbors palms are getting to tall, going to be in the power lines soon.
    the neighbors vines are coming on our side of the fence, it is killing his tree. Ranting for several minutes about the vines and limbs and leaves on OUR side of the fence....


CheerfulMonk said...

How infuriating! Good luck.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh! I guess he wants to do it himself so bad. But enough is enough! If we are the one to do things, then we should be able to do them however we want. Yikes, now your lips are talking!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
lounge-seat driver... YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

we hope the neighbors will act before trouble is on the way. we know that tipps&tricks from our dad, the mama always rolls her eyes like a carousell LOL

crafty cat corner said...

Have you got some ear pieces that you could put in and pretend that you are listening to music, that way he might let up for a bit. I understand though what you are saying.
My new post is about driving and yesterday I did actually drive. The first thing he said when I got in was 'Now, get yourself comfortable' I answered that I do not ask him that so why ask me, that shut him up. lol

Ann said...

I do believe Bob and Wade were made from the same mold. He used to do the same thing to me. Drove me nuts. My revenge was to purposely do the opposite of what he wanted me to do.

Hootin Anni said...

Bud Used to do that, but I shut him up for good. I said, "there's a right way and a wrong way and then there's an Anni's way so shut up and let me do it my way or no way"! He shut up.

Rose said...

Laughing at Ann and Anni's comments...but I know going through this is not fun.

Mevely317 said...

Oh my word! I'm guessing this is a relatively new behavior? Can Bob not go fly something? (*grin*)

Martha said...

I think we need to find him a hobby lol - oy, men! :D

eileeninmd said...

LOL, my hubby is the same way. I still do things my way..

Take care, enjoy your day!

photowannabe said...

Oh Brother...Life is never dull at your house.
Too much COVID is taking it's toll on both of you.
So much frustration on both of your parts.
I don't think Bob does well in a passive roll...the boss in him comes blurting out.
(((hugs))) to you and finding your "happy place" while the comments are going on.
Another 10 hour day today...hoping things will go well for me too.
Love the picture at the end of your post.

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY WORD rant on somedays it doesn't pay to get out of bed. Tell Bob not to poke the Mama Bear. I love that photo at the end.
Hugs Cecilia

Linda said...

Once Louis Dean was doing some things like this. As he was talking.....I held up my hand and said, “Stop talking just a minute!” Then I stared into space for a few seconds, shook my head and said,”Okay!” He said, “What was that all about?” I said, “ I had to find my DISREGARD button!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Well that sounds so much like hubby at this house. And with memory issue he repeats over and over. I no longer get upset. Yes dear seems to resolve his need to be heard.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Definitely deserving rant!!

Chatty Crone said...

His name is not Bob it HAS to be RICK!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, it does feel like groundhog day everyday!

Inger said...

After reading this, I'm glad I live alone and also very glad I have no neighbors I can see or hear. I remember living in LA and having to put up with people.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh boy, ground hog day is a good way of putting it ;)