Sunday, August 30, 2020

Video Visit Venting


Above, I sat waiting for my 8 am Video Visit with my Doctor, I needed my RX refilled.
I entertained myself with my cell phone and when she popped up, I was ready.

BE Careful out there! YOU NEVER KNOW who is snapping your pic.

Have you had a video visit? How do you feel? I really dislike it.
the good news is no makeup and I was in my gown. 
What a waste of time, she can't take my BP or listen to my heart or take my temp.
I could tell her anything, also if they never listen to the heart how do they know my heart is beating or that I am congested... 
Just give me the PILLS I have been on for 15 years.
My other doctors gave me RX for 1 year unless i needed to come in because something changed.
Once a year, blood labs and a well check up.
This doc wants a visit every 90 days. 
Did I say what a waste? of Medicare Money and my time.



Ginny Hartzler said...

We have been having video appointments with all of our doctors! They do recommened it for regular checkups, and only actually go in the office if something is wrong. Same with the dentist, postpone indefinately cleaning and such. Well, just imagine laying back with your mouth wide open, a living receptacle for the virus! Yes, it concerns me that the doctor cannot check us out. But it may be worth it to avoid office visits in the time of covid.

CheerfulMonk said...

I had my annual visit with my doctor yesterday, and it turned out to be a Medicare Wellness Visit, not a annual exam. I could have had a physical too if I had signed a piece of paper saying Medicare wouldn't pay for it. It was strange... I skipped the exam but we still chatted and she tried working on the ear I haven't been able to hear from the past six months. She couldn't get it all and my ear started bleeding, so she told me to rinse it out with a bit of hydrogen peroxide. I dutifully went to the pharmacy of our supermarket and asked for the HP... the gal wasn't friendly and just said they didn't have it. I assume she thought I should have known they wouldn't have it because of the pandemic. A real adventure. It cracks me up. Andy has his in October and has some things he wants to talk about, he'll ask first how they want to handle that. We figure by then they will either be on top of the new changes or else will have changed everything again. Too funny.

Ella said...

I will be happy if I can go to my doctor via the video, but unfortunately that is not possible! But this won't help ... my blood sugar has to be measured and can't be done through the video ... right?

Anni said...

Personally, I think it's a waste of time & opens up the door (wide open) for fraudulent actions with doctors claiming insurance & medicare, etc.

eileeninmd said...


I can ask for my refills on the doctor's website. It would be nice just to get a years worth, then a new prescription when you visit the office. I have never had the video appt. My yearly physical is at the end of Sept. Take care and have a good day!

Martha said...

I agree with you, it's all about the almighty dollar. I would hate doing the video visit, I hate being on camera or having my photo taken. Oh well, gotta do what you have to do to get your meds. Have a blessed week Sandra :)

Mevely317 said...

Unlike Tom, I hate video conferences. And don't even get me started on Medicare's so-called "wellness" visits. At least this year my doc had her nurse call me with their list of questions. Suppose they're saving face time for those who are really sick -- but how's anyone even supposed to get IN the building if they're running a temp? At my last blood draw I asked the 'Temperature Guard' lady what's their criteria to say 'yay' or 'nay.' She said 99.5 or above means they have to go back and call their doctor for instructions.
Do y'all have a BP monitor? Back in 2013 Tom's doc suggested he begin taking his every day and charting the numbers. Him not so much anymore, but it's become a habit for me to do first thing every morning.

PS - LOVE your alliterative title!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I think there are good and bad points of the video visits.

Good points: Don't have to go to germy office.
In icy or super cold winter I won't have to go out.

Bad points: Can't get any blood pressure tested, chest listened to,
or ears checked for fluid behind eardrum, throat looked

I have to clean a place in my messy house, so I have a
place to set up my laptop to show my face so that it
doesn't have something messy behind me.

I have to find boxes and things to make the computer
enough above my face, so that the doctor is not looking
up my nose during the whole visit.

I don't like this new (to me) deal where I have to be seen every 3 months. Usually nothing is new. I'm quick to call if I feel something new going on. I really like my primary doctor, but too many visits is too much.

Everyone take care.

Linda P said...

Hubby and I just fill in a request list of repeat medication, drop it at the primary care centre or do online. We can collect meds from pharmacy but lately a driver brings to our home. Twice a year the meds are evaluated for effectiveness or problems. We have phone consultations too, but we haven't been to the actual Doc's office for months for a checkup. Your system sounds more complicated because of medical insurance.

Chatty Crone said...

I could not agree more. This is so ridiculous. How can they tell anything about you - they are making the teachers go back (Kelly) and the doctors and government are staying in. I thought they were suppose to help people and they have themselves barricaded in. I have my first virtual in September. Thanks for letting me vent!

My Mind's Eye said...

I had my first in May. Getting set up was tricky could not set up on desk top but iPad worked fine. It was different but then all of 2020 has been different every day Ground Hog's Day. We have another video chat in Oct...I can choose to go in if there are issues so we will see. Before each chat I have to complete a questionnaire.
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

I have not did video but have helped Roger with telephone visit. It was okay.

DawnTreader said...

I've never yet had a video appointment, and unless it's about something you can actually show them, I can't really see how that would help more than a regular phone call. However, this past week I tried renewing my prescriptions over the internet. I needed 11, the form did only allow me to enter 10, and for some reason out of those 10 I only got 8; so then I had to call anyway a couple of days later and wonder why (nurse said it must just have been a mistake) + add No 11. Now all sorted out (by a doctor I've never seen or heard of.) When I called, I also asked about my annual check-up (it's been 14 months since the last one) but it seems I'll probably have to wait another few months for that. I'm sighing because they keep changing such routines without informing us patients. How is one supposed to know?

photowannabe said...

I had my first video "chat" last month.
Like everyone else has said..Dr. can't listen to your heart, look down your throat, in your ears, check your BP.
It truly is just a CHAT..
I did get my BP meds renewed and since I had no pressing issues it was fine.
She was happy with my weight and said I didn't need to loose any more
BUT I need to loose 5 more to be happier.
I did have to go into the lab for blood work and she was happy with that and that I still only have diet controlled diabetes.
She suggested I get a BP monitor and keep my BP at a certain level. If it goes up she wants to see me.
So all that to say..
I'm alive
and going on with my life...

crafty cat corner said...

I get angry just reading this post. Over here we are lucky as we do not pay for anything other than the prescription but for you people in the usa having to pay for everything must be so frustrating especially when you are not getting proper treatment.
I do not co-operate with them when they call and ask what my bp is or how much I weigh, they are taking the easy way out when we can't even get a face to face with them.
God knows how many people are ill and will not know it until its too late.
Once upon a time they wouldn't let you have or do anything until you visited the dr, that's all gone out of the window.
Bob Dylan had it right in his song 'The times they are a-changing' lol
Stay calm and carry on Sandra, lol

Inger said...

Are you sure it's not a Medicare requirement? I have to go every three months in order for Medicare to pay for my diabetes supplies, insulin, pump supplies and so on. My PCP is every three months too. It's good as we age, I think, to find things early if there's something wrong that you don't know about yourself. I met with both my PCP and my diabetes nurse practitioner, he looked his usual old grouchy self. She looked like a glamorous 1940s movie star. I never saw that in real life and was so astounded, I had to tell her!

Ann said...

I haven't had any video calls with my doctor and I don't know that I would want to. If I can't see them in person then what is the point. I'm so tired of all the restrictions they are putting on everything.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So far I have only had phone conversations with my doctors. Sorry about that doctor. Mine gives my prescriptions for a year and blood work once a year too!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We have not had the need for any medical video visits. We did go for the annual Medicare Wellness exam, it was originally scheduled for May, but the medical offices were closed. It was re-scheduled to August and we both went to the office and had all the tests done there.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It really is a waste of time but what can we do? lol Take care and keeping smiling I guess!

DeniseinVA said...

A sign of the times! I hear this is becoming more and more popular. The only time I have used our video is when speaking to family or friends.