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Monday Noon by Doctor |
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Wed Noon did it myself |
I took photos of under the bandage, but to gross to post, email if you want to see it Rose and Ginny...I know you do.
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Thursday 1 pm by Urgent care walk in, it was hurting and looking UGLY, so let them check it |
About The Fall.... I got agitated, in the way old people do, over NOTHING, and totally forgot my feet were still damp, and the white tile is slick when feet are wet.
Right leg slid backwards and threw me into the edge of the door.
Down like a felled tree, on right knee, door edge got my arm, both wrist caught my full weight, Shoulder and head hit.. Knocked the breathe out of me.
Left arm 3 bad cuts, 2 sprained fingers, one sprained wrist, one bruise on shoulder
Left knee, direct hit on the ball, leaving fluid that is still there, looked like a softball.
Right arm, sprained wrist, bruise on top of hand, 2 sprained fingers plus reinured the knuckle from weeks ago
Its been Fun... Ice pack galore and as I was enthroned, a poem came to me
Ode to Shrink Wrap
While perched upon my throne,
feeling the pain in every bone,
I realized the TP was gone!
When reaching inside the cabinet door
I realized it would hurt more
as I dragged the package out on the floor.
the *&%$# indestructible shrink wrap would require much much more.
the finger action required, just might require scissors.
For that I would need a Wizard!
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PEE SS I did get it open, without scissors, but oh My be glad you could not HEAR me. |
The answer to Annies Scavenger hunt yesterday is below.
Mary's knees on my ceramic Statue that lives year round in the book case under the TV.
You poor thing!!! Of course I want to see it! I don't know what else to say, it is so bad. Just glad and relieved you are alright, though injured in so many places.
But wait! What did Urgent Care say when you went??
we are so sorry that this year brought another bad thing to you... but at least it will healp up... and we hope it heals up soon... BIGGEST hugs to you... and lots of pawsitive thoughts.
My gosh, Sandra. Your description of your fall & injuries astound me. I am really surprised nothing was broken. (Love the PEE ss)
Your mystery #10 I would have not guessed In a million years!
Hello Sandra
Your fall does sound bad and very painful. I am glad you did not break any bones. I wish you a speedy recovery. I would have never guessed your mystery photo. Take care, wishing you a happy day!
Oh, be thankful for your beautiful bones! No more slippin' and slidin'!
OUCH OUCH OUCH. So sorry you got hurt. Glad you didn't break any bones. The injuries you got were bad enough.
So what did they say at Urgent care on Thursday?
I never would have guess that mystery picture in a million year.
Hari Om
Well, all that can be said for you ol' gal, is that when you decide to do something, you don't do it by halves!!! POTP for yourself from me.
Ah, not the hardened plastic I though, but ceramic - nicely done!!! YAM xx
YOU were BLESSED, Sandra not to be injured more seriously...especially at our age!! Good thing you have great bones, Kiddo. I never would have guessed the answer to #10 of the scavenger hunt!...:)jp
Absolutely, me too. (Seeing the pictures, that is. Back in '08 I did the same thing in the hospital of my leg, but later deleted them.) Reliving your accident here, I'm impressed how much detail you were able to recall. Maybe that's why you notice things that others, like me, might miss. Anyway, I'm so thankful you weren't more seriously injured! Are you going back to Urgent Care for a follow-up?
Yep, I'm SHOCKED at your reveal. Cool!
Sandra my word above that was a horrible fall. Goodness me you..I had no idea one could injury that many places at once. Bless your heart...take care of you and rest. Amazing they macro you took I'd never have guessed.
Hugs from your ghoul friend
Well you are just one big mess my friend. Thank God you didn't break anything! I hope you heal quickly and are feeling better soon!
YES! I want to see...my ears are burning just thinking about what you were saying with the shrink wrap. Great poem!
Girl - didn't you just have a fall or am I confused? That looks so bad. I am so sorry. You are the third person I have heard of that has fallen recently. It must be that time of year.
Please be careful!
Good Golly Miss Molly !!!!
You are unbelievable. So much ouches from your fall. I knew it was bad but not THAT bad.
Praying for a quick recovery to body and spirit...
Your mystery item is a real winner...I couldn't have guessed it in a million years.
Oh friend get better and I love your poem...shrink wrap is horrible even when everything works!!!
I have to say, when you do something you make a good job of it. i would suggest, next time try not to do such a good job on falling. Hope you heal quickly.
OMG! You don't fool around, that was a serious fall and so many parts of you injured. I'm late with my comment, so I hope you are doing better??
I'm so sorry. 😢 Please take care, and bless those bones of yours for not breaking! I hope you start feeling better soon.
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! So sorry, what a fall you had!
omg, i'm so sorry. that was a horrible fall. hope you heal quickly. please take good care of yourself.
A but late in reading this post about your fall, Sandra, and hope you are feeling better. Glad you did not have any breaks and that the bumos and bruises heal completely. What a way to celebrate Halloween early...not in a good way😕
I'm so sorry you got hurt but so thankful that you will be okay. Hope your injuries are starting to feel better.
Oh dear how painful. Please get well soon. I managed to loosecontrol of my bike and fell on my left side with bike on me.it seemed like nothing happened until 2 days later when pain set in and I knew my body was out of whack. Chiro was my way to some relief but time was what finally reduced all. Gotta be smarter and hold hand brakes as I get on so it does not toll away on me.
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