Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Doctor Visit-Bad News Good News


Wed, Christmas Eve, Eve
I stood up from my rocker, and stretched and I felt a stinging sensation.
Using a mirror, I found a horrid red blistered rash.
Rushing to Bob I said where did this come from overnight?
I said I think it might be yeast, but not sure.

I knew my doctor office was closing at 4 pm on Wed and not open until next Monday.
I called at 11 am, she said come at 12:30
I had to wait an hour to see the doc
 (THUSLY all these photos! What else does a mad snapper do while waiting?)
She delivered the bad news with the words that is NOT yeast it is Shingles!
WHAT? I had the shingles shot, how could this happen?
How did it get this bad and I did not know it was there?
Her answer was, "that is the good news" thank your lucky stars you got the shots, because you would have been in agony for a week now, this rash is at least a week old.
She said the reason you are not feeling the pain, is the pain comes from the nerves. they follow the nerves around the body. The shot doesn't stop you from getting shingles, it makes it bearable.
The best news of all, I have zero Pain.
She gave me RX for antviral, to make the rash go away in a few days, said to put B12 under my tongue 3 times a day and put old fashion calamine lotion on the rash.
I did all and everything is fine...
It is already less red, less blisters, and smaller in size.

If you are a senior, I suggest you go get the vaccination.
The reason Bob and I got the shots was the life guard at the Y at age 57, had a horrid case and he wanted to die from the pain, for weeks!

Plus I got photos with the prescription.. I just hope Covid was not in the office while I was.
shingle bells♪
♪shingle bells♪♪♪
shingle all of the way♪
oh what fun it is to have shingles on♪♪
Christmas day. ♪♪


CheerfulMonk said...

Did you get the latest Shingles vaccine? How bad was it? I had the original vaccine and got Shingles in my eye later. I was lucky that the eye doctor recognized what it was, it could have seriously damaged my vision. My doctor wants us to get the new vaccine, which is supposed to give more protection, so thanks for telling us.

eileeninmd said...


Hubby and I were just talking about this last night, you reminded me we need the Shingles shot. I am glad you were not in pain and the rash is getting better. I love your pretty decorations. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

Ann said...

That's good to know about the shingles shot and even better news that you have no pain from it.

Rose said...

Roger has had the shot...I have never had chicken pox.

I am so glad you had the shot

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
So glad you don't have the pain... it really can be miserable. Good ol' calamine, eh?! YAM xx

Martha said...

I never knew you would still get the rash just without the pain. I'm so glad you got the shot! Leave it to you to make up a song about it lol!

peggy said...

My daughter in law has shingles for the second time. She has been to the doctor but I will have to ask her if she knows about the B12. The song was cute, but hope you don't have to sing it very long. Merry Christmas from Michigan.

My Mind's Eye said...

Yay thank you for the update!!! I had the first shingles shot at 62ish
then 2 or 3 years ago the Shingle vaccine that was in 2 doses was approved we both got that too.
Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

Oh dear. Well, I'm glad you only got a mild version of it then, thanks to the vaccine. Now that reminds me both that this is one vaccination I've not had, and that there are one or two more that I've been wondering from time to time if perhaps I should get as well (but just now does not seem the right time to ask about anything besides the most urgent stuff). I did get the seasonal flu vaccine back in the autumn, though. And I hear the very first delivery of covid vaccine arrived in Sweden today; but those first doses will go to elderly people living in care homes, and their carers.

Mevely317 said...

Love how you never fail to amuse -- and EDUCATE me. On the way to my son's house yesterday, Tom and I were talking about (what little) we know about shingles. A couple years ago, his son had shingles in both eyes and wanted to die from the pain. I had the shot years ago -- and now, reading comments need to ask my doc about maybe getting the 'new and improved.'

bobbie said...

Hubby and I will be getting our 2nd shot of Shingrix on Tuesday ~ I nursed my Mom when she had shingles years aago ~ thank the universe you are not having the pain!

Forsythia said...

Shingle Bells? Now THAT was somewhat painful. I'm glad you escaped the worst of the pain, and I'm glad we've gotten the shingles vaccination. My sister-in-law does not want to get shingles again, let me tell you.

photowannabe said...

Oh, I'm so glad you could get in to see the Dr.
Happy you can get it under control.
I haven't had the shot. After reading all the disclaimers and possible side effects when I was at the Drs. office months ago, I decided not to get it. The Dr. didn't push it either. Perhaps when things calm down in the virus world I will think about it again, since there is an updated version...
Speedy recovery and here's hoping the new year will be better for all of us.
Didn't get my email fixed yet either. I will call again on Monday during regular working hours. Son Steve couldn't figure out what was the problem either..Probably only something Tech services and get into and fix...happy days!!
Had a nice Christmas, and today I have to go to Lynne's so her daughter can do the weekly shopping. Not really looking forward to going but the pay helps. I would rather just veggg today and recover from all the activities.

Ida said...

Wow I had no clue you could still get them if you have had the shot. Which I have not, I tend not to do shots much. Glad to hear that you are not in pain from it.

Saimi said...

Oh my Shingles Sandra I was totally under the impression if you got the shot, you wouldn't get shingles. I'm 58 and haven't had the shot nor entertained the idea of getting one. My friend just had the series not that long ago. I guess you get one shot then another one in a couple of weeks. The last one put her out for a few days. She said she felt horrible. Im to that excited about doing it, or just chicken I guess. We were expecting a quiet Christmas and was surprised when George and family came in and our other son came home so it was a very Merry Christmas !

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh Sandra, I am so sorry yet VERY GLAD that you had gotten the shot!! Both of us have gotten ours, although the pres thinks that the shot prevents it entirely...silly man. I tried to explain to him it's like the Pneumonia Vaccines we got...they don't prevent it, they reduce symptoms. Take care of yourself and keep fighting off COVID!..:)jp

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have debated about getting the shingles vaccine ,but have not yet had it. I hope you get rid of this quickly.

Joyce F said...

Lucky you - no pain. I had shingles about 15 years ago and it was no fun. Got the shingles shot and then the new one too. I had heard you could get shingles after getting the shots but a lighter case, less pain.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad you had a mild reaction and are better now, Sandra. Yes, we have had both shots and thanks for the explanation that if one gets shingles it will be a mild case because of having done so. What a way to end the year!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness that is the best of bad news. I had shingles before - kind of a light case. They want me to have the shot - I might do it. Yikes. Hope you feel better.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so glad you didn't have the pain. I've had my shots. I know what you mean about sitting and waiting to see the doctor. That's the worst part with Covid out there. Enjoyed your photos.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Nick had the shingles because he had the new improved (Haha) chicken pox shot when he was one. At age 17 he nearly died from shingles and nine months later he was still struggling to get his energy back. I don't think I ever saw anyone so sick. My SIL Cheri has scars from her bout with shingles and my friend Simone says popping out two babies was a breeze compared to shingles when she was 12. I am glad you are better so quickly. I am afraid of all the vaccines because no one has the common sense to tell me if I will have a reaction. When I was given some sort of birth control shot when Nick was a baby my eye dr. was furious. He said did your other doctors get a degree from a Cracker Jack box? If you are going to treat patients for God sakes, know their health history! I wish doctors did not push us through like cattle. UGH! I am glad you have a nice dr. to care for you. Hoping you heal quickly. HUGS

DeniseinVA said...

Good grief!!! I need to get that shingles shot. Glad you got yours after hearing this explanation.