Friday, January 29, 2021

Final Friday Fiction w/Wild Yam

 Here we are on the final Friday of the first month of a fresh decade. The third decade of our current century. I asked all who are participating in my little fiction meme to be prompted by this one photograph, taken by "F" over at Tigger's Wee Blog. It just begged to have tales told about it... Yamini

Photo by  by "F" over at Tigger's Wee Blog

At First Glance

Old, not new.
What was this? no clue.
The photo makes me feel Sad, so sad
Graffiti makes me feel bad, so bad
Was the Graffiti written yesterday?
Was the Graffiti, written today?
I see A window to the past,
I see the shirt, its the first thing I see,
this shirt, how old can it be?
I believe it is very old, hanging there to prove it could and did last.
In that window, did it age quickly, or fast?
 I see the fence, was it meant to contain?
Was it meant to protect one from the mobs, not quite sane?
I see bars on the window, was someone detained against their will?
If we look inside, will we find their bones, there still?

Author MADsnapper

Joining Final Friday Fiction with Yamini, My Take Take and image, let it inspire your words.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you are the best mystery writer EVER! This is both chilling and sad. Yes, the first thing Inoticed was the shirt. It almost like someone arranged this entire scene as a mystery for people.I do hope you tell us what and where it is.

easyweimaraner said...

love your thoughts.... we HATE graffiti too... it makes me sad...and angry ... my grampy always said: hands of a fool damaged wall and stool...

Ella said...

I like graffiti, the good one!
But your rhyme is excellent! Congrat!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh my word, Sandra, you really grasped this one and searched its every pixel!!! Thank you so much for taking up this FFF challenge and for providing us with even more questions... YAM xx

Ann said...

An interesting meme. You did well with this. I probably would have looked at this picture for a long time and had a million thoughts but none that I could put into words

Hootin Anni said...


Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra!:=) Wow!!!! Your imagination knows no bounds. Your picture, and poem are thrilling.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sandra,

You did great on the challenge with the picture. The shirt really stands out to me.
I do not care for graffiti, some is down right ugly. Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

You leave me wanting does syre wander about that shirt.

Martha said...

You did a great job with this Sandra. It sure makes me want to know more about this photo!

Tigger's Mum said...

I'm with Ann in that the shirt caught my eye and I instantly had so many jumbled thoughts and none I could put into words. Your poem does it all perfectly. Do you mind it I link it to the picture in the original blog back last December? For anyone who asked the wall is in Piraeus. As briefly as I can describe it, old villas that did not get destroyed in WWII got hammering in the battled that followed between Communism and Right Wing interests. After those wars the area was redeveloped as fast as possible and families owning villas were given incentives to pull them down (damaged or not) and let developers replace them with apartments. By the 80's someone woke up to the fact they were losing their architectural heritage and the pendulum swung to the other extreme. Now families cannot redevelop these sites (even though many are derelict and many irreparably damaged in a very big earthquake a few years back), unless they restore them to their villa glory. So they crumble - and this shirt expressed all that sadness and frustration and loss and uselessness.

My Mind's Eye said...

Very very nice you capture the picture purrfectly
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

More! I want more!
I think you've outdone yourself here. I keep staring at this image ... mesmerizing. Yes, that shirt. For some reason (I can't define) this makes me think of the Holocaust.
Do you know where this image was taken?

Forsythia said...

The image makes me feel desolate and you capture that with your words.

Marvelous Marv said...

Well said. You have captured the feelings the photo evoked in me. I LOVE your poem, even without the picture prompt, it evokes feelings of loss, desertion, and angst. Thank you! Barb

photowannabe said...

Sadly beautiful. Really a story in one shot.
So many few answers

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That sure makes for a lot of questions - good and mysterious!!

Woos - Lighting, Misty, and Timber

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful job Sandra!!!! I really enjoy your writing both the day to day banter and the mystery type writing today!!!!

Betty Manousos said...

you're definitely an artist. totally enjoyed your writing...intrigue and mysterious!

DeniseinVA said...

That's a great image. The shirt is the first thing that caught my eye. Great job!

Carol Henstra said...

I kept looking at this picture too. I thought what is she going to say about it then I see the poem. Beautifully said.