Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Because I could, I Did!


A few weeks ago, on morning walk,  the sun told me to take a photo of its sunbeams on the above house. You know the rest of this story.


Since there is nothing to say about these photos, I thought I would share one of my MADsnapper Thoughts that pop into my head.

I shared with my doctor the fact I am having really bad cramps in my legs and toes, the kind that make me cry.
She said eat more potassium, drink more water, walk every day.

I am drinking more water, drinking apple cider vinegar in water, and eating from a list of high in potassium foods.  This seems to be working, and none since I started reading labels and her list of potassium. She said try food first, not over the counter, save that for if this doesn't work.

Drinking more water means more times on potty... that is a given at my age.

 While counting off the sheets of TP or TT, which ever you call it, I thought this is my FIFTH Potty in 3 hours, that means I have used 15 sheets of TP in 3 hours, I then calculated in my head how many I use in a 24 hour period because I am drinking 8 glasses of water per day.

 I was shocked to find  I may be contributing to the Toilet Paper Shortage World Wide because my Potassium is low!
BTW........ Do YOU count your sheets of TP?


Ginny Hartzler said...

The side of the first house is so unusual. It looks like parquet flooring! I do remember that low potassium causes leg cramps. Likely your potassium is low because of dieting. Bananas are great for it. No, I don't count the squares. We are stocked up! But of course no matter how much I have, I never feel like it is enough since we had that bad shortage.

CheerfulMonk said...

I eat a lot of bananas, so potassium isn't a problem. I had heard magnesium helps, so I take magnesium supplements a couple of times a week.

Tigger's Mum said...

😹 no TP (or BR - bog roll) counting going on here other than a check on the remaining rolls under the sink. Here in Greece no flushing of it either. It all has to go in a bin by the 'potty' and go out with the rubbish.

easyweimaraner said...

we don't count but we wonder how we now look for something, we only bought when we needed it... now we buy it every time, no matter if needed or not LOL

Ella said...

I also had cramps in my legs and I also ate a lot of bananas ... but recently I had a cure with vitamin D and now I have no more cramps!
Maybe will help you too...

Ann said...

Whenever I start getting leg cramps I eat more bananas. Next time I'll know to add water too.
I've never been one to count the squares of tp. I just pull some off. Sometimes I think to myself, whoa, I pulled off a little much there...lol
That first picture looks like there is a spotlight on the flower bed.

Hootin Anni said...

Never count sheets (even during the shortage). And yes potassium levels, when low, causes all kinds of leg circulation problems (And balance)...should also consider sodium too ... since,water tends to leave your body, so does sodium levels.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
yup, most food sources provide plenty of potassium and well done on improved water intake. Yes, I tend to count... have no idea why! YAM xx

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra, Last year, on my last consultation with the surgeon who operated on me for bowl cancer, he told me that my Potassium levels were low also. He gave me a list of things to eat, and to drink 8 or more glasses of water per day, I guess it was to help both my intestines, and bring up my potassium levels. In the list of food, a banana a day was also recommended, and Vitamin D. All those visits to the potty are annoying, but your leg pains will soon get better.

I don't count the paper!

eileeninmd said...


The home, the palm trees and sunshine all look beautiful. I hope your legs and toes are feeling better. My legs hurt when I am laying down to try and sleep. I do eat a lot of bananas and I drink a lot of water too. I do not count the toilet paper and I do go a lot. Take care, have a great day!

crafty cat corner said...

I don't count the paper but do make lots of visits to the smallest room in the house. I eat a banana every day so maybe that's why I don't get cramp.

Forsythia said...

I don't count the squares, but now I'm thinking maybe I should. Seems you can't take up space on the planet without damaging trees and causing other environmental havoc.

Martha said...

LOL! I don't count but I am a big water drinker, always have been so I pee constantly too. With the shortage I started buying Scott TP just for me. It's thin but a roll lasts me for about a week

Mevely317 said...

OMW, I'm dying over here! Yessss ... for no apparent reason, I began counting squares last year: Has to be 5. No more, no less. (If I pull off 6, that one gets put atop the roll.) How's that for OCD?

My mother used to drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in her water every morning because she heard it helped ward off AD. (Ironic, given her passing from dementia-related causes.) I've tried, and may do so again. But gosh, that taste. 😝

My Mind's Eye said...

I don't count tp sheets but I do count ounces of water...
Very cre8tive post...MS
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

I never just grab a wad of TP...I don't think I ever did.

I love the light on the sides of those house...specially the way the second one is bathed in warm light.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think I could say I count my sheets but I don't give them much thought. Glad the potassium is working for you.

photowannabe said...

Love your light and shadow pictures...We have no light and shadows today...gray and rain...not stormy thankfully just steady rain.
Just to let you know that 2 of our vintage Hawaiian hula dancer postcards just sold. One for 22.50 and the other for 13.99.
Not bad for 2 pieces of card-stock!!
I don't count the TP but when it's a good ply 4 sheets generally do the "job"
Vitamin D3 has made a difference for me and once in a while a banana is good, though I'm not suppose to have much fruit for the sugar content. Everything in moderation is my motto.

Chatty Crone said...

You are so funny - no I have so m any people using it I don't want to think about it.

DeniseinVA said...

You are a hoot! No I don’t count squares.

Marvelous Marv said...

Nope...I was not counting...but now, the obsesive compulsive that I am, I KNOW that will happen! (Sigh). Have a marvellously Happy Day!

Ruth Hiebert said...

No, I do not count the sheets of TP I use. Just take what I think I need.

Linda said...

I started counting after the blog post you did last year about a 10 Sheet night or something like that! Now that I have plenty of toilet paper, I'm not counting anymore......but I do use less than I used to!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Count TP? I don't and never have and I'll be thinking of it every time I go now...thank you very much! hahahaha!

Carol Henstra said...

I eat half a bananas with other frozen fresh fruit and make a milkshake with skim milk over a quarter of a cup . So actually it is a thick smoothie. Then I have cereal on top. Cornflakes no sugar.

Yummier. Since Sid had his stroke I went down to 140.Not good. I have now been 154 for over a year. I started to gain weeks ago in my top of legs. I started to walk but now my back is sore but Doctor said walk, walk. On my phone it counts all my steps, my blood pressure is good sometimes too low. Sid as I told you is paralyzed in torso so it is so hard to not have him with me. He can not sit by himself, stand or walk never. And he was the healthy of the two except over weight. I was too. So have to laugh at your toilet paper count. Enjoy your blogs. The other ladies know me some of them. I am glad I am back. Lavender Dreamer, Chatty I have tried to connect years ago it just was impossible it seemed. Hope she is okay. And other gals on your other blogs.