Our living space includes one big room, living and kitchen, the entire middle of the house. If we are awake we are in that area.
The 108 inch Window frames the house accross the street.
About a year ago, we watched 4 adults move in. 3 months later 2 more adults moved in.
The day they moved in we spent the entire day watching, it was better than TV. First they took a 70's firebird off the back of a trailer.
What a hoot! They tried and tried again and again to back the trailer up to the carport. finally left it sideways, the girl gets in the car while it is ON the trailer, the two guys push it down, while she guides.
We were splitting our sides. then they pushed it backwards into the carport. We surmised it must not run because other than the day 6 weeks later when they pushed it out of one side and into the other side and covered with a tarp, it remains undriven.
The first move was not much to watch, the 2nd move in I spent the entire day telling bob what they had moved in or OUT.
I actually counted out loud to Bob, each drum part they took off and in the house. And described it.
Peering out the bedroom window, I would shout, they just took and entire drum set inside. Now they are taking 2 more drums, Bob they just took 2 more, they don't match.
He answers where are they putting all this stuff. the house is only 1850 sq feet.
What about the noise all cooped up with a drumer???
We call the house, The Parking Lot. Six Adults, Seven Cars.
we call the people Mom and Dad, Big Man, Big girl, Small man, small girl.
We have surmised they are family because the girls look just alike except for size. thus the Big and Small and both girls look just like Mom. By girls, I mean young, like mid 30's. Young compared to us
PLEASE, keep in mind while judging this post, we have been locked down
by Pandemic we have Zero to talk about.
2 weeks ago, Big and Big came home in a convertible, a brand new Camaro. With the top down.. LONG discussion on which of the cars was missing and was traded.
Imagine our shock when instead of 6 cars there were now 7.
I quickly checked the price of a new Carmaro! Wow
Listen to a FEW of our MANY comments...
the Camaro just came home, that makes 6 cars in the lot.
The Audi just left, there are only 4 cars across the street.
The big guy in the red car, just came home with take out. No wait, she has a bag to. How do they afford to eat nothing but takeout when the rent on the house is 1800.00 a month?
Well, they have 6 people paying rent together! How do they live shut inside with the windows all closed and only 2 people who sometimes go to work?
Have you ever seen them bring grocery bags in the in the house?
How do 6 adults live together in a 3 bedroom house? they never go outside. I saw 2 dogs twice, so when do the dogs go out to pee? they are boxers, big dogs, I feel bad for them.
Maybe the dogs aren't there now, haven't seen them since the first week.
No, they are there I hear them bark sometimes
Maybe they take them in the back yard out the back door. There is no fence, they must use the leash, the only times i saw them they were on leash.
Look, bob, they got a new lawn mower, its bright green, and makes no noise. I can't even hear it.
Does it have a power cord?
No, but no sound and they are cutting the weeds.
Then it is one of those rechargeable ones. I saw it on TV, it comes with 2 other things, a set, they are all rechargeable. Plug a thing in the wall and recharges all of it.
Well, that is what they got, because now the big girl is out with a bright green car wash power sprayer. I bet That's what came in the Amazon truck yesterday. Must be the set because its the same color...
The Fedex truck and Amazon trucks come almost every day. Where are they putting all this stuff with 6 people in the house?
Only two of them work, so who pays for all this?
Yeah, and what do they do all day, shut in that house. The only time a car leaves is to pick up dinner.
Bob, the carpet cleaning truck is back, this makes 4 times in a year.
Probably from the dogs messing in the house since they never go outside.
This house is what keeps our conversations going and is better entertainment than cable TV...
All this from our living room window.....I wonder what a set of binoculars cost???????
And NO they don't spend their time talking about us because they never open their curtains.
Final Friday Fiction đđđand this is NOT Fiction.
FUN! Don't you have a 50X bridge camera? I use mine for binoculars, and they do even better. Plus I can snap at any point, download and enlarge! NOT that I spy on my neighbors, I just happen to SEE things! This reminds me of that old Jimmy Stewart movie, Rear Window? I knew why they needed so much carpet cleaning before I even read your conclusion. If you knew what went on INSIDE, I bet it would make a great T.V. show, and be stranger than fiction.
rhat sounds like all day is a CAR-neval at your neighbors LOL
Good grief - all we have to comment on is the guy who obsessively wipes dust off his car (parked in the dusty street) every day. We have to spy on stray cats.!
Since I live alone, I often watch whats going on outside. I feel like Mrs Kravitz on Bewitched sometimes...lol
That is a pretty small house for 6 adults. How do they not kill each other?
Your neighbor's front yard looks like a used car lot. I wonder how many bathrooms they have for 6 people living in the house. There are times my house seems too small for just hubby and I. My neighbors probably think I am watching them when I am really looking at the birds, lol. Take care, enjoy your day!
With this kind of entertainment you will wish for COVID never to end!
Fiction that is non-fiction...now, let me get a handle on that one first!!
I'm thinking maybe some are on welfare?? lol
PS...just read Ginny's comment. :::Snort:::
Hello Sandra,:=) I'm still laughing at your commentary, dear girl you should right a book, it would be a best seller.You are such a good story teller.:=)
Sandra, the view from your front window on the neighborâs comings and goings does seem more intriguing than our own view of the river and the apt building across it. All we can see of activity there is when residents play with their dogs. Agreeing with a previous comment that the yard does look like a car lot. To be continued????
This is so funny! I have neighbors just like that that live behind me in a little 2 bedroom house. There are seven of them who live there and so many more that come and go at all hours of the day and night. If I didn't personally know they are all family members I would swear it was a crack house or something. I have no idea where they possibly fit everyone in the house and their yard looks just like your neighbors with cars everywhere and they spend all day moving the cars around and leaving all the car doors open, it's a bizarre scene. Oh and not a single one of them work! I can't figure it all out.
Hari Om
All going to prove that what we read in fiction stories can never really compete with real-life!!! Good grief - I am thinking that if they are a family, the brother are rooming together and so are the sisters... ORRR, they are three couples who agreed to share for expense reasons. Though the car choices suggest expense isn't their issue. Plus the take-home meals. It is this sort of stuff that leads the imagination to making it all up, right?!! Thanks for joining in FFF again this month. Brava! YAM xx
Oh m'gosh, I'm dying!
Back in the late 70's, we had an 'elderly' neighbor who once confided: She used to go out into her garage, sit on a stool with binoculars and watch the neighbors. And the thing was, ours wasn't a particularly busy street. We used to giggle about Elena, but poor soul was probably lonely. Imagine, if she'd only had the internet!
PS - Thing is, I think I'm turning into Elena. Our nearest neighbor -- a 20-something young lady -- has a new roomie/beau/husband(?) and I sometimes surreptitiously watch them come and go. I've no idea why!
I enjoyed your post...I had the same thought as Anni...that homecare on government assistance ..and with Covid maybe they could not work. I think everyone should be interested in what goes on around them...it is not be nosy...it is observing life!
I enjoyed the comments immensely.
Too funny and for sure the best entertainment 108" window is huge.
All those cars and folks in one house sounds like a fraternity or sorority house.
Hugs Cecilia
Sandra...you are a Hoot!!!
What a circus goes on across the street.
I can see how you are entertained by the hour...
Our neighborhood is so dull by comparison.
Kinda like it that way though.
Elder-care duty in a few....
at least it's a tiny paycheck coming...
Still waiting for official info. on Dave's discharge...
Great story. Oh my, I can't imagine all of them in that house. Mark hates when he sees cars on a lawn. I wouldn't be allowed here. I never see what's going on because the front of our house is the two guest rooms. Maybe they are drug dealers cooking meth in the house. That is one wild a crazy story and I would be watching too!!!
I've never lived where I could spy on my neighbors, but I often thought what fun it would be to live in a skyscrabper in NYC, have a binocular and spy on people who lived in a building across the way. People do that, for sure.
Don't these people ever go to the grocery store? You never see any store bags being carried into the house? I don't like to see all those cars all over the place. But at least you and Bob can have some fun.
Itâs the pandemic, lol! Very entertaining!
They're doing a public service entertaining the neighbors. Thanks for the fun post. đ
I found your blog by chance. Thank you for the good laugh about your neighbors! You have your very own COVID-sponsored soap opera starring a lot of cars, a lot of people, a lot of takeout, an 1800 square foot house and the mystery of how exactly they are living!
Your in lock down and you just got your vaccine shot and you were walking and enjoying it. We are waking in our zone everyone now.
I have my window and chair right there and I too can see people, you name it.
yours interested but talk about close neighbors but really unless you live in the country. Houses are close unless you have a fence and bushes like you live now. Good.
ummm the plot thickens on who/what/where/why with your across the street neighbours.
Here I have a big bank of ranchsliders which is also my front door, but my view is the rear of 2 houses and no back garden, the houses are about a 1/2 metre from a broken down fence. But the windows of one of the houses is in view, the curtains are never drawn open but the loud voices of a foreign language and some barking poodles make up for no one in sight. At the front, and I'm down a ROW there is a huge bank of trees but the guy is a musician and there is often screeching learners on site. Across the back an empty unit but with a rubbishy plant that's taking over the roofline and across on the other side huge house, noisy people and a dog that barks half the night, but I can't see them.
And then the common wall between the units isn't soundproof but he's on his own, so not too bad...and he's one of the lucky one, is in an essential job!
So I have no one much to "look at" ...
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