Yesterday at noon, we were in the back yard by the pool. It was 89 in the shade and sitting in the sun UV was like a branding Iron. If I sit the thermometer on my lap in the sun it shoots to 109 quickly.
this is the time of year our Ball of Fire Sun is right over head and really close to the earth.
If we drive East in the morn, West in the Afternoon, the sun sits squarely in the middle of the road and is blinding
January 2 is the day the sun is closest to the earth.
Jan through March, it is easy to get sunburned in a short time.
I came in the house and put on a baseball cap and was unhappy with it.
Bob said go get David's hat he used to wear when he worked for the City.
My son last worked for the city in the year 2001.
20 years later it is protecting me from the sun
AND you know what else it is doing.
the reason there are so many, I could not see the screen on the phone and moved in shade and sun and brighter sun... the sun is not only hot but blinding.
Yes, I do know it is NOT required to show all of them.. Another reason is I am sick and tired of doing nothing during the pandemic. The over abundance of photos is pandemic induced.
Florida is closet to the equator of the USA and if you hold a flashlight on a world globe and slowly turn it you will see that Florida stays in the beam of the light all day long.
Found this sentence on a web search. Which means it may or may not be true.
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those are not freckles or lint on the lens, it is sun coming through the holes |
You are absolutely ADORABLE in this hat!! When I was younger, I used to look so good in hats, now I look awfulin them.
the hat looks great... and we hear you... to sit at home and to wait for things what will not happen is a challenge...
You shoulda lived in Colorado when it comes to sunburn...higher elevation, closer to the sun. Being outdoors in Colorado,the thin air, you burn in 15 on the coast, the thick heavy air, I don't burn at all. Perhaps it's skin type. I love your hat; you look great. And my goodness...stay cool in that heat!!!
Grand hat. De rigueur for protection from sunburn and keep the skin from premature aging.
The hat looks good on you. I've never been crazy about hats but I have to wear one for work.
You looks cute in the hat, I like it! It is good to protect and shade your eyes from the sunlight, I can stand anything bright shining in my eyes. we have had more cloudy days than sunny day. They even have snow listed on one day this week. Winter is not over yet. Have a happy day!
You look great in the hat! Cool weather coming in again on Thursday, for a few days anyway! After that we're doomed lol.
Even with the heat and brightness of day- I dearly miss Florida! Love the hat- it is adorable on you! xo Diana
Hari Om
I do like a good sunhat... and that is one! YAM xx
Hello Sandra,:=) Wow! That is really hot.Those wide brimmed straw hats are just the job to keep the sun out of your eyes. My daughter gave me one for my birthday last year, but I don't think I suit it as well as you do, in yours. We have had a sunny week, but it's going to rain tomorrow, we just can't rely on stable weather like we used to, not here in Portugal anyway.
You forgot to say a big thank you to Sandra for my monitor hook up! I don't know if you go back to read comment replies, so I brought it here :)
That hat looks very practical, with strap under the chin too. Here it's usually too windy for wide-brimmed hats (even on sunny days) and yet I've never seen any sold here with a strap like that. I like hats and I usually wear some kind of hat or cap regardless of the season. In winter to keep warm, but on sunny days I also want some sort of brim to keep the sun out of my eyes. I wear baseball (kind of) caps sometimes in summer because they don't blow off in the wind, but from vanity point of view, I really prefer hats...
Smart girl! I love hats, and yours/David's looks cool with that black(?) band. 'Wish I could wear baseball caps, but when I try I look like a giant, walking NOSE. (Really)
Aside from the Kentucky Derby -- or a royal wedding -- I don't see many people wearing hats anymore.
Will you be decorating yours with flowers for Easter? Maybe I'll decorate my helmet and call it a bonnet!
Now THAT's a hat and you wear it so well.
Sandra I am so glad that you are wearing a hat in the sun! And you look so cute in it!
Cold I can deal with; extreme heat I find debilitating.
The more pics the better...I just wish I could stand to wear a hat!
You look good with that hat. That’s more than I can say for myself, so I rarely wear a hat.
That is the purrfect sun hat. Not only covers your face but your neck and shoulders
Hugs Cecilia
I rarely wear a hat..which I really should, because of my fair skin.
I usually look like I have a pot on my on the other hand look mah-velous....
Try to stay cool...thats too hot for me, especially the humidity. I'm like a limp dishrag!!
You look really nice in your hat and it will certainly help in that heat! It is going to get up to 70 up here today. Got to get out in that!
I’m photosensitive so I always wear a sun hat when I go out. Mine has a tie so it doesn’t blow away in the wind. I don’t look nearly as cute as you do!
You look so cool and cute in the hat! ALways wear your hat. I have pre cancer on my nose and I live in hats outdoors. Oh goodness, you have the heat and we have the cold. Want to trade for a few days? heeheehee It was close to 70 yesterday and today, we have snow. But the sun came up and melted the sidewalks dry. I am always trying to catch up with everyone commenting. My problem seems to be talking too much. Alas, it is my life story since I turned 12 years old. Before that I was afraid of my own shadow.
I hope yoiu have lots of good ways to stay cool and enjoy your days.
Have a wonderful week and stay cool.
I think the hat looks great on you! Mark wears similar hats when he is outside doing yard maintenance.
Awww, this should have been an Awww Monday post for how adorable you look in that straw hat!!!
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
I like the speckles where the sun shone through. Like you had a galaxy for freckles.
You have my sympathy. Just had another skin cancer removed.
Perfect hat
here in NZ it's advisable to wear sunblock even out of the summer season - and to basically stay out the sun between about 10am and 3pm. Of course, not everyone does that! Even I who hasn't been out much in the sun, forgets my sunblock...
That temp is also too hot for me, Sandra, and that hat is perfect on you😀. You are right about the pandemic being the cause of so many photos, but no harm there.
love your straw hat! oh, you look great!
have wonderful day from start to finish~ xoxo
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