Friday, June 4, 2021

Bob's Big Fish Tale and NEW part Two


These are photos of Bob's Big 200 lb Fish. Found in album while cleaning.
Some of you have seen the above photo before but not the others.
Bob talking to local news channel reporter
The boat he is standing on, went 125 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico and Bob caught the winning Fish in the Tournament in 1985. That boat was the smallest boat in the tournament.

Something new I stumbled on part TWO.
IF you have a smartphone AND use Google Photos,
you can use LENS to find out what you took a photo of.

Smart, Right?

I took photos of the photos in my album,
uploaded to Google Photos to save in The Cloud

Asked Bob what was the name of the fish, neither of us could think of it.

I then pushed my finger down on the photo in the cell phone, to save it and noticed at bottom up came the word
I had never noticed it before
I tapped it and Voila. UP CAME the Name of the fish, it is a Marlin and we knew that then. ha ha on senior moments.

I then Tried a plant that a blog friend named Alva, and she did not know what it was.
I put her photo of Alva in my Google photos and Voila, I could tell her what the plant is.
Yes, I know there are apps that do this, but I don't want them in my phone.

Let me know if you try this.. Don't Fret if you have no smart phone,

MY HUBBY HAS NO PHONE AT ALL and will not even use the home phone.
Joining Rosy on Nature Friday...


Ginny Hartzler said...

I do remember seeing the first photo of Bob & the big fish, but not the others. But wait! WHAT is the name of the fish? I read about Alva earlier today, and commented that you are pretty much the savior of blogland. You also keep finding more and more unbelievable magic things!

Linda said...

WOW!! You know how to do so many things!! I'm trying to get up my nerve to cancel cable and use a firestick and do TV differently. Amber said she would teach me.
That fish was HUGE!!!! Does Bob fish anymore?

Tigger's Mum said...

Tigger wants to know whether the big fish got eaten and how many tins of catfood that would be?

easyweimaraner said...

oh my! congrats!!! we bet that was moby dick your bob cuaght... any leftovers for two hungry pups?

Hootin Anni said...

Love Tigger's comment. I'll have to try Google Lens sometime.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
... and it's a Marlin, right? I seem to think there have been films about catching such critters. Well done Bob - and thanks for the viewing, Sandra! YAM xx

Ann said...

Wow, that's some fish. So what did he do with the Marlin after he caught it? I googled to see if it was good to eat and it said that they are not.
I've been using Google lens quite often. I like that it can identify things for you.

eileeninmd said...


I have seen the photo of Bob's BIG catch. That is a huge fish.
The app is cool, makes things very easy to id.
Take care, have a happy weekend!

My Mind's Eye said...

Well done that was a very good fish tale.
My B has no cell either and does not WANT one or even know how to use mine.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Wow! 1985 was a VERY good year.
That Google lens thing is so cool! Initially I was dismayed when it didn't work. Then I kept playing here and there and finally found it in my camera feature under 'modes.' Only yesterday Tom and I were trying to figure if the bush at the corner of our house was a gardenia ... the blooms seem too small. Turns out it's a cape jasmine; "commonly known as gardenia." Woot!

Martha said...

Wow, that is one HUGE fish - you go Bob! Thanks for the info on the Google lens, that could really come in handy. You are such a great techie. :)

LC said...

So in awe of your ability to plumb the depths--and heights of such technology. You go girl!

Chatty Crone said...

I am going to try this - but nothing works as good as you!

photowannabe said...

Well my phone certainly isn't that smart!!
Good for you and I'm glad it isn't an app to clog up your phone.
It's amazing what these mini "computers" can do.
that fish is huge..200 pounds...

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow, that is one big Marlin!!! I have started using Google's Photo ID on my is a total game changer when trying to id flowers. No more searching pictures for hours!

CheerfulMonk said...

That's an impressive fish! And I'll have to try to understand Photo ID. Thanks!

DeniseinVA said...

Wow, an impressive catch! Thanks for sharing about Google photos. I am learning a lot here.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is one great catch! That lens thing sounds very interesting. You continue to find new things all the time.