Sunday, June 27, 2021



Oh Yes I did, take more photos of the Moss Rose Saturday morning. 

Also on Saturday morning, I smashed my big Toe. All Bob's fault. When I bring groceries in, I place the  refrigerated stuff by the fridge and the rest goes in the cabinet stuff under said cabinet.

Each week he sits the cans by the fridge and the meat and cheese on the opposite side of the kitchen. Saturday morning I picked up the sack of canned goods to move to the proper place and the can fell out of the bottom and of course my big toe took a DIRECT HIT of the EDGE of the can, swelling quickly and turning blue because of the words coming out of my mouth.

Bob says, that can fell out in the car when I picked it up, I put it back and if you left it where I sat it, it would not have fallen out on our toe. NEED I SAY MORE?

Comment questions from yesterday post

Two questions above. The hard drive was not broken, I removed it to destroy it because even when wiped clean the info is still there for anyone who knows how to find it. Bob will drill holes in it to destroy the data.
We will take the computer I destroyed to the recycle place, minus the hard drive.. 

some of you may remember from a Prior Post,  the Mad Man I am Married to, just this past January,  took a hatchet to the hard drive from the old desk top...


DawnTreader said...

Lovely to be able to follow your cracked pot plant :) ... My brother helped me a couple of years ago (or whenever it was) to destroy the hard drives of two computers before leaving them to recycling. I did not trust just wiping the drive to be enough either.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sorry to read about the toe injury, Sandra. God plan to destroy that hard drive beacuse as you said you can never be sure all data is erased.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oucheroonies on that toe - hope it heals up asap.

As to the drive, you can do it the physical way, as you are... ORRRR
You can do it the geek's way, by wiping or shredding the data. The difference is that then one could offer one's old computer for sale or to a charity that recycles them for poor kids or third-world countries, rather than dumping. Jus' sayin'. For future reference. YAM xx

Mevely317 said...

OUCH! That sounds like just the sort of thing that happens here -- only yesterday it was a huge knife that narrowly missed my foot. I was like, Screw the foot, thank God the girls weren't in here. How's your toe this morning?

Thanks for the info about the hard drive!

eileeninmd said...

Your plant looks so pretty, it is growing well.
I stubbed another toe too, on my exercise bike. I am clumsy and walked right into the bottom part. I hope your toe feels better soon. Take care, have a good day!

Martha said...

The moss rose is doing so well, it's beautiful! I already knew what you were doing with the hard drive. I'm sorry about your toe and hope you didn't break it. I don't know why these men of ours can't just do things the way they should be done to begin with!

My Mind's Eye said...

OUCH I have sympathy toe pain.
Yep I have an old hard drive too never thought about drilling holes in it.
Good idea as it just sits in the drawer
Hugs Cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your Moss Rose creation is simply gorgeous. The garden center has huge baskets of flowers that are very expensive, and NONE are as beautiful as yours! And these have a feeling of both wild and cultivated. So the bottom fell out of the bag? Aren't all of W.M."s bags plastic? Your poor toe! Keep us posted about how it is doing. I did not even ask about your hard drive, because I KNEW why you took it out, due to the fact that we are sisters from another mother.

Inger said...

I'm so sorry about your toe. It hurts just to think about how much that must have hurt. Thanks for the hard drive info. Makes sense. I have no idea how to destroy mine. I don't know where it is either, so may be one less thing to worry about. Love your broken pot. It's so fabulous, somehow. Just lovely.

Hootin Anni said...

Glorious,beautiful, moss roses!!

I don't know about you, but sometimes our decision to accept a marriage proposal is questionable!?!! (Jk). Seriously, tho, #@!?#@!

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra, didn't you hurt your toe a month ago too?

Olde Dame Holly said...

Poor toe! Draw an angry face on that toenail (IF IT EVEN STAYS ON) and let it GLARE at your hubby! That's not the kind of can-can we want you doing! We do NOT want a CAN-do attitude in that way! I can feel your pain. ha ha bad puns just make it hurt worse!

photowannabe said...

Oh Sandra...I'm so sorry your toe got "canned". Ouch that must have hurt so much. I hope it heals quickly.
Love your Moss Rose spilling out of the cracked pot. I can tell it really likes its new home.
Hope your Sunday goes well.

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry about your toe. 😟

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Sorry that your toe was hurt and yes hard drives as well as old phones that had WiFi and internet access need to be smashed. Nothing is very private anymore. Data harvesting is now a well paid career. They ask you to recycle devices and even offer money. Well why? They know what they can get from devices.
Your flower photo is lovely.

Ann Thompson said...

The moss rose looks fantastic. It's grown so much.
Ouch on the toe

NanaDiana said...

LOL-That hurts SOOOO BAAAAD when you drop something like that on your toe. I dropped a full can of hairspray on my toe years ago and thought I was going to pass out from the pain. I Hope you have a good, sccident-free week. xo Diana

Linda said...

That HURTS!!! I seem to only injure the two toes that I have the most pain in!
Back in the day, I let my teenage son tear apart a computer. I'm sure there was no way to recover any data when he got through with it!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Loving that Moss Rose plant! I’m sorry to hear about your toe and know you know how to destroy a hard drive!! Good girl…jp

DeniseinVA said...

Ouch! I hope your toe is feeling better this morning. You just never know about these hard drives. Your moss rose looks gorgeous!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for your answer. That's a great idea!!
Sorry about the can and no you don't need to say more....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Always love seeing the cracked pot.