Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday Selfies messing about in PicMonkey


Every day for 32 years, I make up the bed as soon as I step out of it, except on Saturday, I strip the sheets and put them in the washer. 
today while putting the bottom sheet back on the mattress, I backed up and jammed my shoulder against the dresser that has been in the exact same spot for 32 years.
At first I thought, maybe it is old age, but I have been this age for a year now, so why now.
Was it because I was one day older than yesterday?
the first thing I read was "seniors tend to have too much furniture and furniture that is to big for the space, and that is why they bump into it"
Really? My house is almost empty, My furniture is minimal and small with lots of emtpy space.
PLUS I have been a senior for 23 years, this just started.

one said I might be unaware of my surroundings. ov vey!
Another said lack of sleep can cause it. I get 6 to 8 hours every day.

One Doc said this is a part of aging.
the other one said, it is a myth that aging makes you bump into things.
the reason you do is not moving enough and no exercise.
REALLY? I exercise 7 days a week, an hour a day, different types of things.

I have come to the conclusion when we get as old as I am, STUFF HAPPENS and also I need to be careful in what I believe or don't believe 

The reason for the mask, the photo I used to create this, I hated my MOUTH. I just added a mask to hide the ugly mouth, the reason my mouth is ugly?
OLD AGE!!!!!!
Then I realized my GRANDMOTHER wore a hat just like this 60 years ago when I was 16


Ginny Hartzler said...

I bet if you were 32, you would still have bumped into it. Who's to say? We all have accidents at every age. I love your creations, especially the polka dot Bob & Beau!!

Tigger's Mum said...

Ginny's right but at 32 we would just shrug it off. As a senior the d*****d bruise seems to last for weeks.

Linda said...

Getting old is challenging.....I felt extremely 'elderly' on Friday. Some days are better than others. I also think our hearing is starting to go. I know Louis Dean's is.What with the roar of the fans and AC he can't hear anything I say the first time. And I am truly not a big talker. I don't like using a lot of of words and now I have to repeat what I say so many times that I am finding it easier to just not say anything. And Louis Dean loves to talk so he does enough for both of us. Now I love to visit with people but I'm not one to carry on a conversation all day long.
Today I saw my sister in law and my brother together and watched a sermon about love in action. Lonnie has no short term memory. They returned recently from a vacation in Branson. He didn't remember going. He forgets every day that Mother is dead. But he knows he loves Michele and flirted with her all through the visit.
I am beginning to think that the most important thing we can do is be kind. To ourselves and to each other - especially our spouses.
How is Bob doing with his knees? I will send you a private message about a cream I am buying after using a sample. I hope and pray he finds something that will help him....

diane b said...

Yes it could have happened to any age but as we get older Our ability to judge the distance of the space around us seems to get less accurate. (Especially when Bill is driving)

CheerfulMonk said...

My hat is similar to yours and I almost never go out without it. But you take much better pictures than I do!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
the most likely explanation is the same at any age - distraction. Not being present in your movement. Or simply discoordinated. I'm prone to that! YAM xx

Hootin Anni said...

It was put there on purpose. Otherwise you wouldn't have backed into it and we wouldn't be here reading about the life of a gal making the bed for 32 years. (Just kidding).

And I 💕 your hat image!

eileeninmd said...

Love the images, cute edits. BTW, your mouth is not ugly.
I have been clumsy all my life, always bumping into things.
Take care, have a happy day! Wishing you a great new week ahead.

Betty Manousos said...

i agree with Hari OM. yes, distraction. not being present in your movement. it has happened to me many times bumping into things.
love your creations. plus, i love your writing style; your words come out perfectly. i think you should write a novel.

happy sunday! xoxo

Martha said...

Love the edits and we can all have clumsy moments at any age, it doesn't mean a thing! :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Cool art! Watch out for those things that go bump in the day!

Mevely317 said...

Just the other day I was telling someone I had to stop with feeding my symptoms into the internet. And FB's no better, with their come-on's: 7 warning signs of kidney cancer.

But ya, I think it's natural. (THIS from the gal who turns her ankle while walking across the floor barefoot.)

I like the hat; in fact, I've been toying with the thought of going to Belk's to see what they have.

My Mind's Eye said...

My problem is I need to slow down...I don't know why I'm always in such a hurry.
We have my in-laws 90+ year old bedroom suite the downstairs guest bedroom(bed you often saw Madi with lavender and aqua quilt). The dressing table and chest of drawers have the SHARPEST corners. I can't tell you how many times I have banged my left thigh on the dressing table (yes the old kind where with a stool the lady would sit at while putting on makeup).
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

Isn't old age wonderful?

Inger said...

I use cabinets, walls, chair backs, etc. to hold on to when I feel unstable in my walking. But then, of course, I don't exercise an hour a day. Of course, I wish I did, but then I don't. This wanting to do something and then never doing it seems to be my biggest issue with old age. This is only a recent thing, so you have a few years to go, but I think what you do now will help you then. As for me, I'm working on it and fascinated by it also. It's very strange and has never happened to me before.

photowannabe said...

You make me smile so are beautiful and I think our bodies move a bit differently as we "age". Sorry about your brush with the dresser...maybe it was a love tap saying good morning and changing up your morning routine..haha...
Love your sketches.
Now I'm off to watching church live screen.

DawnTreader said...

I agree with Ginny and Tigger... Stuff happens at any age but when we're younger we tend to heal easier and worry less, so minor accidents (causing no longlasting problems) are soon forgotten.

Ann said...

Well it sounds like everyone has an opinion on why you would have bumped into the dresser but the truth is that none of them really know. I say you bumped into because it was there. I bump into stuff all the time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This getting older is not for wimps, that’s for certain. On the bright side, we are still able to do a lot.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

interesting reasons you have found Sandra, but I agree with Hari - a moment of distraction even if you don't now know what it was.

DeniseinVA said...

I have jammed my little toe on the same ottoman twice in one week. Now I know why :) I like those effects. I have a hat very similar to this one.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, many of us who are now older, have experienced similar bumps many times, myself included. The reasons you listed in this post were interesting and many may well be valid. But, for many it may just be a case of just aging no matter how much we try to do to keep active, but we should always keep plugging along no matter what.

LC said...

I am finding that many medical personnel consider all women above a certain age as all alike, even though you are doing everything to keep moving' and grooving. Frustrating!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's funny that you added the mask. I helped Mark move some heavy furniture when he painted our bedroom earlier this year. I paid for that. My doctor has told me not to do that again!!