Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Lobby Waiting and my Observations


Sitting on these chairs that look, oh so comfy, while waiting on Bob's Stress test, I "forced" myself to open my cell camera.
 😎 😎 😎

The wall the entrance was on, was all glass brick, the brilliant sun reflected off the art pieces on wall and tables and created moving art work as the breezes blew. 

With nothing to do for over 2 hours, I counted the number of people who came through.

There were 36 total, and 60 % of those  were men alone. 
I sighed thinking, why oh why didn't  my man come alone.
There were on two under the age of 70's and they were pushing their mother in a wheel chair. 

This office name is Cardiology Vascular Vein Center.
Nuff said?

Nada, NO one, NOT ONE, wanted to talk to me! Sigh!

I entertained myself with my cell and thoughts!

The puffy part sinks down to the hard bottom, and the wood cuts off circulation of the legs.

"they leave the chairs like this because it is a cardiovascular vein center"
(cut the circulation and make those veins bulge and hurt, and I speak for experience)
Each time the lobby was empty, I paced. 
I asked this man if my pacing bothered him, he just looked up from phone and said No!
"evidently this man got the memo on what color to wear"


Hootin Anni said...

Lol...yes, he was definitely color coordinated.
TWO hours? Long time ...'nough said

Ann said...

I would have gone absolutely crazy waiting that long. I can't believe no one wanted to talk.

Tigger's Mum said...

The last line provoked a snort of laughter here. The first photo was really suggestive of a really classy and elegant waiting room. The next sort of gives it away as more what one might have expected of a medical facility.

eileeninmd said...


That is a long wait! I have taken my kindle and read my book, during my hubby's last procedure. The offices here are still asking everyone to keep a distance from each other. Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Congrats on Bob's results (from previous post - I'm running late) and urgh for seating that looks the part but fails in task!!! It does look quite elegant though... YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

You deserve a medal and I hope Bob’s appointment went well.

Mevely317 said...

I can't believe no-one wanted to talk to you! (Their loss.)

LOVE that vase ... in fact, the whole room's color theme (Probably on account it's the same as our master BR).

Those chairs' looks are deceiving. I remember when my parents would drag me along to department stores' white sales. I'd see all the pretty beds made up with different linens and plop down ... only to realize it wasn't a bed after all, but a hard box.

My Mind's Eye said...

Yay you MS being able to entertain yourself...well for a while anyway. I love the first photo.
Hugs cecilia

photowannabe said...

You do go to a lovely office...Kaiser is pretty ugly but it gets the job done. We were in and out of the lab yesterday in about 45 minutes.
It seemed no one talked to anybody at our place either. Everyone just diddles on their phones.
Love the matching guy and the chairs.
Thinking of you today and I did read your email..(Sigh)

CheerfulMonk said...

Andy had his latest eye treatment in Santa Fe yesterday. It took the standard two hours of waiting, but I stayed in the car. Only patients are allowed in the waiting room, and the benches in the hallway don't even have cushions. I always bring things to work on.

They do have WiFi that works even in the parking lot so I wrote and published my first post, including a picture, using my iPad. At least his appointments are four months apart now, so the next ones are November and December.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Waiting room time goes much slower than any other.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

BOL Mom says waiting room waiting is THE worst wait of all. It seems to go on forever. The magazine selections is awful and in this day, who wants to pick up a shared magazine anyway. Thank dogness for phones:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Inger said...

I'm laughing too hard, so I can't comment. Except to say, those people had no idea what they missed, not talking to you,

Chatty Crone said...

Two Hours is a long time to pass alone!

Linda said...

I've been thinking about you and Bob.....
I hope he's being nice about all these visits and tests! It will be good when this is a done deal and he starts recovery!

Veronica Lee said...

That was indeed a long wait! Thank God for Tik Tok!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think I would be pacing too. Normally I would go outside but I know that isn't a good idea in the Florida summer humidity. Looks like a nice waiting room. Sorry the chairs were not comfortable.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

you need to take up knitting or crochet to wile away "waiting"