Sunday, August 29, 2021

NOT Ready Yet


I forgot a few words above, Mop, Sweep, Vac, DANE drool wipe, and the two worst ones cause by stress


I created the above when I had a feel better moment three days ago... For 5 weeks, 3 before surgery full test and appts. and the only man standing, and 2 after surgery, while I was half of a man standing.

I used the word MAN because I have been the MAN of the house and Woman of house for months now.

FINNALY LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL but NOT yet... Bob is getting his own water and ice and cooking his breakfast and able to fetch and carry for himself and take his meds.

NOW I am almost Down... My head feels like it weighs 10 lbs, my eyes feel like they will pop out, I am off balance and have to be ultra careful I don't fall, I had a near miss while walking Beau and as I started to fall caught myself on the stop sign, which is now leaning a little. I thought I was back, I am not.... if i go missing it is because it is to much. Things are better now and will get better by the day.

SEE you Soon I hope


Ginny Hartzler said...

This has been awful for me to go thru with you, so I can't even imagne how much worse it is for YOU. It is what I fear would happen to me if something happened to Phil. Thank goodness there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And thank goodness for stop signs. Your picture creation would be wonderful, would it not be so true and sad.

eileeninmd said...


You are busy, I hope things go back to normal soon. Take it day by day, even if it you have to slow down some of your chores. I know worrying and the stress can be awful. Take care of yourself too.

Mevely317 said...

Your 'near miss' fall is worrying me. Do you monitor your own BP and blood sugar? Maybe it's a good idea, once Bob graduates PT to have his cardio guy take a look at you? Sorry if I'm over-stepping. (Not sorry.)

Thanks for popping in and letting us know what's going on. HUGS!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I recognise exhaustion when I read it - and yes, keep your blood sugars up at times like this. Peanut butter is a Godsend, I tell ya!!! Covers protein, minerals and sugar balance. As well as helping one feel full when not really wanting to eat an actual meal.

Your creative image is actually a great way to 'release' - and is actually a therapeutic application of your skills - do some more, just for yourself. Write whatever you REALLY want on them. Then they can be trashed once you've externalised the thoughts.

But most of all - REST!!! YAM xx

Hootin Anni said...

Be careful with your balance!!! Take an entire day of rest, you need it. Go shopping online and buy yourself something nice.

photowannabe said...

Oh my sorry for the stress and head popping situations.
Be careful and take Anni's's good!

Chatty Crone said...

There is nothing more needy than a man. Lol. Glad he is doing somewhat better.

Inger said...

I'm glad to hear that Bob is doing somewhat better, I hope he will continue to improve. I also hope you can do something for yourself, buy a treat, take a nap, watch something good on your computer, or whatever would make you feel good. Something to take care of yourself, to make you feel better. I hope for a peaceful, slowed down week ahead for you. With naps. No hurricances. Sending lots of love to you.

Ann said...

I am happy to hear that you are at least making forward progress. I think you need a vacation and someone to wait on you hand and foot for a few days.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You just make sure that Sandra is getting the rest and care she needs.

Linda said...

God bless you and give you strength......and I do hope you will be kind to yourself and rest. You have been through so much and it has worn you completely out. It will take some time to recover. Sending you a good hug....even though you are not a big hugger!! This one is virtual....

CheerfulMonk said...

Please pamper yourself and get better. We're wishing you well. ❤️💕❤️

diane b said...

So sad to hear of your plight. I hope things improve more soon. Good to hear Bob is improving albeit slowly. You take care and try to get some ME time. Beware when Bob is better and things are getting back to normal you could have a relapse. You have been so strong for so long that when the stress lifts you sometimes collapse in a heap. That happened to me when I went through my husband's illness and my Father's death at the same time.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We are all concerned, Sandra, that you have been doing so much that you have neglected yourself in terms of R&R. You deserve some down time and if that means an extended blog break, then just take the time off. Blogger friends would rather know you are feeling less stressed and will be here when you feel better. The news about Bob was good and hope he continues to do well.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Sandra
I'm so sorry you are still struggling will all the craziness August left at your door step.
Sending healing hugs

Forsythia said...


Please let some of this stuff go and take care of yourself. You've been through the shredder, that's for sure, and now you deserve some peace and quiet.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh boy, so much has been going on in your life. I'm worried about you too. Hopefully things are getting back to an even keel and you can slow down. The balance thing is a worry. Easier said than done to slow down with everything that you have had to deal with, but sounds like time to be more kind to yourself.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) I'm glad things are starting to get better. Take care of yourself. I'm thinking about you and praying for you.