Monday, August 16, 2021



The day arrived, with many a sigh.
the knee is replaced, but I can't see his face.
To tired to do a proper post or comment on yours. So sorry
Arrived hospital 9:15
We were in a tiny preop room until 11 am when they rolled him out and I came home to wait on a call that the deed was done,
Doc called at 1:10 and said he was in recovery and would be there for a couple of hours, he did well, they would put him in a room and when he was set up would let him call and talk to me. It is now 3:08 and not a word yet.
he wanted to come home today, I am praying they will keep him overnight.
he needs care not being home.
I have a few things to share but not right now.
since I have been home I put that crazy shower chair together and what a JOB.
Cleaned the leather sofas, washed the dog/lap blankets and sofa pillow cases.
the house is ready and Beau is broken hearted,
Bob through the ball 6 times at 7 am after I walked him. He has refused all offers of anything except 2 potty breaks and he did eat his lunch.
see you soon


Mevely317 said...

Not until 11AM? No wonder you're emotionally (and physically) spent! I agree, just coming out of major surgery Bob needs trained caregivers at the ready. And I'm sure YOU need sleep. Maybe when Bob calls you can put the phone up to Beau's ears so he can hear his daddy.

Thank you for letting us know! xo

bobbie said...

Keeping you both in my thoughts ~

Hootin Anni said...

It's good to know he made it through the surgery.
Rest, if you can, Sandra.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm keeping you both in my prayers. I'm glad the surgery went well. Take care of yourself too sweet lady!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yes, keeping him in the hospital sounds like a good idea for this night.

Chatty Crone said...

I HOPE THEY KEEP HIM THERE TOO - a few years ago it was a month! lol
Keeping you both in my thoughts ~

Ginny Hartzler said...

Poor Beau. Poor YOU! I'm so glad all went well!! Now of course I want to know EVERYTHING! Maybe someone will talk some sense into him about staying overnight. Getting the pain controlled without nausea can be tricky. And he needs to stay till they work out his best med.

Inger said...

Poor Beau -- after all you've been through, now you have me feeling sorry for your dog. Remided me of Samson when Errol left. Anyhow, Bob is doing well and that's the most important. I hope he agreed to staying in the hospital overnight.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the update. Now the fun begins. We hope Bob does get to stay overnight, best for him AND you. All the best.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Ann said...

What an exhausting day both physical and emotional. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope you hear from Bob soon so you can rest a little easier.

Martha said...

So glad to hear surgery went well. Keep us posted!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Rest up as much as you can... sending hugs and ether energy! Don't fret about blogging until you can breathe a bit... YAM xx

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad to hear Bob came through the operation okay. Millie & Walter are keeping their paws crossed that all goes well and that Beau will be happier when his dad can get back to ball throwing again.

Olde Dame Holly Rose said...

Very stressful and draining to have a loved one undergo surgery. Harder than undergoing it oneself, I think. Hang in there.

Linda said...

I thought about y'all all day yesterday and today! SO thankful all went well. I know you are beyond exhausted. It's done! Love and prayers.....

Tigger's Mum said...

We are pleased to read it all went well. F & Mr T both send a warm hug for you and your human. F feels very sorry for Beau (Mr T gets like that when Mr B goes away) but Tigger struggles to feel any empathy with a K9. xxx F & Mr T

CheerfulMonk said...

Sending hugs and best wishes. Please take care of yourself as best you can. ❤️

easyweimaraner said...

we will think about you and we will have our healing thoughts candle to help you through...

diane b said...

Glad to hear all went well but I can feel your anxiety and poor Beau too. Well done putting the chair together. We are hopeless at flat pack stuff.

eileeninmd said...


I am so glad Bob's surgery went well. I know you and Beau can't wait to have Bob at home. I am sending healing prayers, wishes for Bob's speedy recovery.
I am happy to see this update. Take care, do not worry about commenting.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I am sure you must be worn out. That bath chair looks like it would have been difficult to put together. Sometimes the anesthetic takes a little longer to wear off for some people. My leg stayed numb for about an extra 10 hours than they expected.

After my knee surgeries (one on each knee) at different times, I had a problem getting into and out of the car. Our car upholstery is cloth and when I sat on it, it was like my slacks velcroed me to the seat and I couldn't scoot further into the car, because my leg wasn't functioning as usual. I found that laying a plastic trash bag on the seat let me scoot in without a struggle. I had to readjust it each time I got in or out but it really made it easier to get in and out of the car, I also put the back of the seat in a laid back position before entering,and brought it back into normal position after getting in; we were told that hint at our pre-surgery meeting, but no one mentioned the plastic bag which helped me a lot.

DeniseinVA said...

Great that he got the surgery. I'm catching up on this news but know you have been very much in my prayers.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

So glad to hear the surgery was a success. Sending prayers and hugs in hopes that Bob will be home soon.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, overnight is good. The shower seat looks nice. Does he have the toilet seat and a walker? Sorry that Beau refused to play with you.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the update on Bob’s surgery even though I was a but late in reading this Sandra. Soinds like an overnight for him will give you some rest too.

Susan from Bucks County said...

Bob should be home by now - I am behind reading my emails - hope he is doing well! I am sure you and Beau are happy he is home! And if you are happy , so are we!!!