Friday, September 3, 2021

How Mama got her stress part 2

Beaumont Here today.
Mama wants the knee surgery on one blog to create a journal  of daddy's knee replacement.
I approved no post on mine today.

Daddy came home with PILLS and exercise
Mama used timers, to keep her mind wise.
He took a shower when he should not,
things then got really really hot.
he refused to sit on the shower chair,
stood on leg with foot in air.
Mama and Daddy have prescriptions, evening and morning.
Surgery added three more, with a lot of warnings.
Take this then and that is later,
Mama started sounding like a mad mama gator.
Her mind went from feeding daddy, to feeding me,
the drugs were staggered, it was hard to be.
She used two timers to remember when,
They both forgot, her aggravation came then.

To encourage Daddy to slide foot forward and back
She sat two chairs, one for her, one for him, she gave him NO slack!
Our house has been loud, since he came home,
Mama was threatening as she would roam.
If doctors orders said do this, he did not.
If orders said don't do this, then he did and things go hot!
He walked when he shouldn't
and then he couldn't.
She ran back and forth, her mind was spinning.
It was hard for me to tell if daddy or mama was winning.
No one slept for the 1st 8 nights
I thought things might lead to some big fights or even bites.
Daddy's leg was hurting, he tossed and turned
Mama laid beside him and nearly burned.
Ice packs here and Ice Packs there,
Pain pills alternate with Tylenol was fair,
but the pain still ruled
and the two acted like fools,

Therapy was away from home, 3 times a week
they drove to the office, the therapist to meet.
They gave daddy charts and showed him how to do them.
Mama brought them home, said you MUST DO THEM.
The charts showed there were 7 sets  to follow, 3 times a day,
Daddy kept sayin No Way No way.
Mama said Lie on the bed,
 lift your leg
to your head.
now sit in the chair, slide your foot out to there.
He said, I don't need these, she started pulling her hair.
She huffed and puffed and said lean forward with hands on your hips
you better listen to what comes out of my lips
The walker you have is to use when You need to walk
It written down here, How dare you balk?
She sat in one chair and he in the other
And they did the charts while yelling at each other
All the exercise helped
because at the Therapy she heard no yelps
Arianna said to daddy, look at you.
I can't believe how well you can do.

This is what I did, for days and days
, I want to go back to my old ways. 
My name is Beau, I love them so.


easyweimaraner said...

what a time you 3 had... we agree if doctors say to this! the men do nothing... but they do efurrything the doctor prohibited... men are no good patients... ;O)

Ann said...

Why is it that some men don't think they have to follow doctors orders. I can understand how frustrating this had to have been for you.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau

First, your Daddy should have follow the doctor and therapist's orders.
Most men have a rough time following doctors request, which makes your Mama upset and worried. Your daddy is lucky all went well and he is recovering well. I hope and pray things are all back to normal for you and your Mama and Daddy. HUGS, have a happy day!

Tigger's Mum said...

Stress must get your creative juices flowing - how you can find the imagination to put all that together in verse when you are buried in stress stress stress is completely beyond us. F just shuts down when the stress and anxiety reach a certain level. While you have our sympathy for the underlying story, you also garnished a lot of laughter I'm afraid (whether you wanted it or not). Keep it together and tell Beau we now understand why he has been looking so perplexed. xxx Mr T (and F)

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gawd, your daddy is soooo stubborn!!! What this lady in Texas would call a mule headed gentleman that deserves no treats at the end of the day!!

I can tell you horror stories with what I'd have done and said if I were your mama, but don't wanna burn the fur on your ears!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh, I agree with all the commenters before me...
so creative and entertaining,
despite the fluster and the straining
hard to believe that you, Beau,
didn't just up and let them know
who really's the boss of the place you're in
- Mama, of course, this time must win!!!
Hugs and wags, (and wishes to the peeps) YAM-aunty xxx

Forsythia said...

I don't suppose it will do any good to tell Himself that his knee will work better a year from now if he does these exercises now. My husband has had two knee surgeries. He exercised his Male Right-to-Refuse by refusing additional pain meds in the hospital, against the nurses' advice. Who knows what price he really paid for this "victory?" We'll never know. However, he did do his at-home exercises and his PT as instructed. Note: his right foot and ankle are permanently screwed up because 30 years ago he injured his foot playing racketball and laughed it off at the time.

Forsythia said...

PS. I know this situation isn't funny, but your poem sure is!!

Mevely317 said...

I'm with Tigger ... amused and awe-struck at your creativity. Add Life Coach to the top of that resume! Sure hope Tom won't need a knee replacement cause I wouldn't have the patience.

PS - I'm still shaking my head (imagining the worst) that Bob took a shower w/o using the little chair!

Millie and Walter said...

Your momma is doing a great job helping your dad to keep on track with his new knee. We have our paws crossed that things start to go smoother for all of you, Beau.

Inger said...

There's a lot more than the mad snapping to you, my friend. I read parts one and two and what a great story teller you are. I too am with Tigger, just awestruck by how you could come up with this format and these words while experiencing such major stress and worry. I would probably just have given up and taken a blogger break. I hope the stress will ease within the next few days. Beau loves you both and needs things to get back to normal.

Dear Beau, I'm sure it will, but it may take some time. Just chew on your balls, collect them in a little pile, take a nap, and life will soon be normal again. You daddy will recover, stress will be gone.

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau your Mama for certain as earned her very own Physical Therapist degree.
I love the idea of the chair on rollers.

In answer to your question:
No SHE is not posting we correspond via email. She sent the photo in an email.
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

PS I meant to also say your Mama's brain is working perfectly..I'm amazed at how you put the post together quite cleverly
Hugs Cecilia

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...Rose told me in my comments to check your blog for your KIA instructions posts (I see no labels in your sidebar). Can you direct me where they are by leaving me a comment link?

When you have time?!!

Hootin Anni said...

Pss...found it!!
Two posts. Funny.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The good old times will come Beau! (well written post)

photowannabe said...

Good Grief...your Momma sure married one stubborn man!!
Totally crazy to fight all the advice...Glad he is doing better and soon Beau things will be more normal!
I have to say I am thankful my Man cooperated and is almost back to full mobility. Driving hurt his leg so I am still the chauffer.
6 month so far...we even did yard work the last few days.
He using the electric hedge trimmer and me the electric lawn mower.
Both pooped after ward but work got done and we are moving on...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Bark to Mama that there is NOTHING wrong with her mind, she is sharp as a tack! I could never write such a cool biographical poem! Also tell her how much I love it, and it is all because of HER that Daddy is doing so well. The therapist should have congratulated HER, not Daddy!!

DawnTreader said...

I read part 1 yesterday but did not get round to commenting, just read part 2 now. Totally agree with other readers that besides dealing with the stress as such, you also do a good job of describing it. Hope that the fact that you're now writing again is a sign that things are improving!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A frustrating experience and you were not even the one to have had the surgery! Hope that things get better from here so beau can relax a bit too. We did not get any flooding or high winds from Hurricane Henri or the aftermath is week which affected pothers parts of the Northeast. Thanks for asking, Sandra.

Chatty Crone said...

He needs a hip after this you say? Lol. He is really not a very good patient -but has a great nurse!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my Beau, Mama is exhausted just reading this and can only imagine the stress your Mama has had!

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry about all of the stress and drama. Sending much love and best wishes, and prayers that your dad will stop being so stubborn. ❤️

Olde Dame Holly said...

And this shall go down in Blogland history as "Beau's Epic Ballad, Concerning the Knee Surgery of Mine Master and the Stress of Mine Mistress." Too cute and funny although I know it's not funny in real life!

Linda said...

God bless your sweet heart!! I know it's been a nightmare - but it WILL end! Maybe not as soon as you hope and I do pray you are all three still standing when it's over!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Men are stubborn creatures. You are saintly Sandra. I will keep praying.

Rose said...

I dont blame you for writing this all down...because if you are like me you woukd forget part of it.

Betty Manousos said...

i am so sorry for all of the stress. how frustrating it must have been. i pray things are all back to normal for all of you. glad your daddy is recovering well.

and Sandra, you're my hero!

sending lots of love!
thinking of you.

Ellie_In_Moz said...

Dearest Beau. The daddy's don't often listen to rules or reason. Your mama sure has a time of it. I'm glad you're there being a good lad. Pats and love from Aunty Jo and Skabby

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a very good way of recording Daddy’s knee replacing Beaumont :) She sure is taking good care of him even though he is well, you know and I mean that in the nicest possible way because as my mother always used to tell me, men make the worst patients. At the end of the tunnel she will deserve a whole slew of medals. But I am sure you are doing your part by being a good boy. Please tell Mommy not only is she a saint but her poetry is perfection. So remember Beau, be a good boy and help Mommy every way you can.