Monday, September 6, 2021

Miscellaneous Stressors 1


Can breakfast cause stress?
 YES. It can if you hate to cook!
7 days of breakfast stressor.
I hate to cook, Bob has cooked his breakfast, exactly this nearly every day for 37 years.
I cook Beau one 35 second microwave  egg (see blue bowl below) and myself something easy.
I eat healthy now, but did not in the past
in the past I ate pancakes and waffles and sweet stuff, muffins, things I PURCHASED, 
I cooked my breakfast and Beaus breakfast and Bob' Breakfast.
While stressed to the max keeping up with everything it was the little things that added to my stress.

It is Bob's Chore to fill 8 ice trays. He is the only one who uses ice.

It was enough stress just knowing I had to fill them every other day, 

it is impossible to twist the trays and dump ice with out  a few of them bouncing off onto the floor, leaving wet puddles for Murphy's Law to direct my feet or Bob's feet to slip and slide on.
(my friend once spent 6 weeks in a rehab home because her husband dropped and ice cube on the kitche floor and she stepped back from the stove, went down on her pelvic and cracked both sides)
Are you picking up what I can do in my mind?

3rd day of ice tray duty, I was Stabbed In the Foot by a falling Ice Cube!
I twisted the tray and out popped the cube and it fell straight down with the pointed side perfect for a tiny slit in the top of my instep, it bled and it HURT because it hit the arthritis spur that was there,

Tigger's Above comment is one of several that wanted to know how I could write the story with humor  while stress was happening.
 The answer is, for 10 days I did not write, As soon as Bob was removed from walker and cane, my mind came back from the deep hole of stress.
during the real stress I jotted notes all over the house of things I wanted to tell.
Some of you will never know because I can read what I wrote.
I could not write during those days, you will be hearing about those days but they are in the past.
to be continued


Ginny Hartzler said...

If you had to be attacked by an ice cube, this was the best way. At least you didn't slip on it! They are so dangerous because wherever they are, they are invisible! I am thinking that Bob is back to cooking breakfast now. But still so much more that you have to do.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can't remember anything without writing it down. Two days ago I went to W.M. with a short list. I held and looked at the list while shopping. I STILL forgot to get something that was on the list RIGHT IN MY hAND!

diane b said...

That is some breakfast. I hope Bob is back cooking his own.

easyweimaraner said...

we wish you all da best ... Im with you on da ice cube front... we are not made for being stars on ice, I hurt my back while doing an icy salto....

Hootin Anni said...

A bowl of oatmeal & juice & milk daily for me. Easy. Lol
We have your large breakfast like pictured for dinner once in a while...too high in fat & cholesterol for us. And for one who doesn't like to cook, it's a 4 letter word...W O R K

eileeninmd said...


I usually like to cook, hubby and I wake at different times. So we eat breakfast separately. I am glad Bob has recovered so fast, that is awesome. I hope you can feel more relaxed, less stressed. Take care, have a happy day!

Ann said...

Stress can really do a number on a person. I can't tell you how many notes I write for myself and then later look at them and wonder what it's supposed to mean.

Azka Kamil said...

we wish you all da best

Mevely317 said...

Oh, yie, yie! YIE! ...That's me, hopping around the kitchen floor on one foot after being attacked by an ice cube. It's been a while, but ya. I feel your pain. These days, one or both of our girls will come pick it up ... Grace LOVES to bat an ice cube around with her paws.

Bob's breakfast looks delicious! I can't remember the last time Tom and I had breakfast together at home; he usually waits to eat anything until mid-afternoon.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Gracious, that's quite the plateful! I too hope this means Bob is back at the counter cooking his own! I might occasionally have a cooked brekky - but mostly I'm a toast and topper kinda gal... YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Bob's breakfast looks very yummy! No way I could eat it every day for 37 years though. Beau is lucky to have a great Mom who cooks for him in spite on not liking to cook.

I'm glad you are feeling better!
Hugs Cecilia

Forsythia said...

It's the hundreds of little stressors that do you in. You're writing again, and that's a good sign. Hugs.

Pam said...

WOW>...stress can happen anytime that your routine changes. Stress can even happen at good times like planning for a wedding, a birth, buying a home...all of the above. I don't know about you but I always try to avoid stress but there are always those times when stress finds me!!!! I hate those days! Breakfast looks good. Take care.

Rose said...

I just get so tired of thinking about food!

photowannabe said...

Cooking sure isn't my first love. I do it out of necessity. Dave doesn't cook but makes his own "breakfast" Tea and a croissant. If we go out for breakfast it's a full course for both of us. Then we pay for it on the scale afterward.
Sorry about your ice cube attack...seems like it's Murphy's Law for you much of the time.
I sure hope your stress level gets less and less every day.
Thinking of you dear friend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The breakfast looks delicious. I'm so sorry you are so stressed. So he is not able to do anything on his own yet? You need a break. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You will make it and come back stronger than ever.

Chatty Crone said...

You actually bled from an ice cube hitting your foot - only you girl!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

maybe this is another wake up call - that life needs to be streamlined a bit more - otherwise your stress is going to escalate to a point where Bob has to care for you.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope you can find a way to do some of these things without stress. Maybe you could do everything to music! Or hum...that drives my husband crazy. I hum a lot! hahaha!