Saturday, December 18, 2021

Quest For Bread part 2


I made these Gluten free drop biscuits, and they taste ok but are made with heavy whipping cream, and if I eat one a day I can eat it, the cream is on the OK to eat list but  I must be careful. The heavy whip cream I bought is not pure cream. It has milk. Milk has lactaid.
Recipe HERE I found a zillion to think about HERE
One super easy that I am going to try next. 

A new fly in the ointment appeared the day after I did the swallow test. Heartburn. I have not had heartburn for more than 15 years, I take Omnezeprol daily and never have an issue.
I believe it was caused by the barium foods I ate for the Swallow Test.
I researched and found a list of teas that help digestion.
Ginger is at the top of heartburn; Chamomile is good also.

I forced myself to drink a cup of each after dinner to help with heartburn while sleeping. Ginger is just plain Yucky, and Chamomile taste like rotted rose petals that Beau peed on...

 NOTE! I am a coffee drinker, cut down to 2 per day. 

To make the teas more drinkable, I put one of each in the cup and put Carmel Sweet Drops in it and drink it down, because it does help. A bit of Lactaid Milk in the teas helps the taste. One week of this and I still hate it. But I hate heartburn worse. But wait, there is MORE

Thank you to Ginny from Let Your Light Shine, Ginger Gum is the winner. It works Well. I had to order it from Amazon, could not find locally. 

The good news is this post has been sitting in drafts since Nov 23rd and the heartburn IS NO MORE. YAY... The doctor changed my RX to pantoprazole, and it works great. I take it before my evening meal and GONE is he heartburn...  


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am SO glad the ginger gum worked for you. It is better than iccky tasting tea. It is just too hard to find around here, so I order it by the little case from Amazon. World Market sells it at their checkout, but they are over the mountian. I never heard of this new drug.

eileeninmd said...


Ginger tea has a very strong taste, I do like Chamomile better. Both taste a little better with honey. My doctor put me on Pantoprazole and it does help too. I never heard of ginger gum. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Me? Not much of a tea drinker either...don't touch coffee. I'd much prefer a drug. lol

Rose said...

I am glad something worked..maybe I will remember this. I ought to get the gum...I seldom have heartburn but it is a pain when I do.

Ann said...

I've never had ginger tea but I have had chamomile and I like that. I was a tea drinker for years before I discovered I really did like coffee after all.
Good to know that the ginger gum worked for you. Even better that the doctor prescribed a new med that works.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Milk has LACTOSE... Lactaid is a propriety name for lactose-free products. Ginger is an excellent digestive settler, a shame you couldn't adjust to the taste. Taking it with lemon (often it is sold combined as such) can take the harshness off it for the taste and the lemon has its own digestive advantages. The ginger gum is a good product though and I am glad they are providing the relief you sought! YAM xx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'd like to try that gum...sounds good! I take a half of a Tums sometimes but I hate to do that because it's a no no if you have trouble with kidney stones...which I have had in the past! Always learning and trying to stay healthy! Holiday hugs!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to know that ginger can help, Sandra. Thankfully, I rarely need to take any type of antacid, either OTC or prescription for which I am thankful. My husband is more sensitive to food reactions, unfortunately.

My Mind's Eye said...

I'm sorry but this made me giggle,"Chamomile taste like rotted rose petals that Beau peed on.."
Hugs cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

So glad you found something that works. I use aciphex and it is a miracle for me, but a rare few. I will have to look yours up.

Tigger's Mum said...

F said she used to use ginger gum but can't recall what for (seasickness?). She just liked it. As for your biscuits taste is one thing, but what is the texture like? If it was like the sheep butter pastry it tasted ok but it failed to hang a pie set in sand.

Inger said...

I'm so glad your heartburn is gone. I've never had it, but it sounds so unpleasant. Earl Grey is my favorite tea and I have it with my lunch. But must have one or two cups of coffee in the morning to wake up.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad the ginger gum is working. I'm going have to get some for Mark. We buy a ginger chew on Amazon and Mark loves them when he has heartburn. Glad your new prescription is working.

photowannabe said...

So happy to hear that you have found relief.
Dave takes Omprozole sp?? daily and it seems to do the trick.
I laughed out loud and read the description of the tea to Dave..he said that about says it all. He doesn't like Camomile either.
Hope those biscuits will be a great addition to your meals.
Interesting about the ginger gum..I really do not like the flavor of ginger.
Thinking of you for the 20th.

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, those biscuits look like soft, chewy cookies .... yum! I love the Yogi teas whenever I get a sore throat.

Otherwise, I've never found a tea that makes me want to have a second cup. Now that you mention it, I'm going to try putting the caramel (and/or) vanilla drops in it. All those bags aren't going to drink themselves. (*sigh*)

diane b said...

Oh My you are having a rough time. I'm glad that you are finally free of the heartburn. Now keep well!

DeniseinVA said...

I had a recipe years ago that included whipping cream and they were the best I ever made. Unfortunately, I can’t tolerate anything with whipping cream, any kind of cream, any more. I love it but it doesn’t love me :) and good to hear you no longer are suffering from heartburn. My sister used to drink ginger tea all the time and like Ginny she also ate ginger gum. I rarely have heartburn but I do like to drink chamomile with vanilla occasionally. I drink tea English-style with milk (what I was used to drinking my whole life pre-Gregg) but I have 2% milk in it now. Not as good as whole but I got used to it.

Olde Dame Holly said...

Please make a new tea brand, "The Rotted Rose." And the advertising slogan could be "100% Guaranteed Beau Pee" in every cup! Oh my. Glad the heartburn is no more!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm thinking about you and Bob today and hope everything is going goodd and improving every day! Sweet hugs to you both!

Sandy said...

They look so good, sorry you had some issues. Heart burn is no fun for sure. Glad the tea helps. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Sandy's Space