Monday, December 27, 2021

The 2nd Knee Replacement


Looks painful, right? 

Bob's right knee replacement this past August went really well for him, I was a wreck. This left knee went much better for me, but Bob did not do well.  Above is NORMAL, so the ugly bruise is not part of his problems. Surgery was successful and the knee is fine or will be in a few weeks. 

"Cliff Notes"
6 days before surgery, Cardiologist added RX
Within 12 hours, he had horrible hiccups
24 hours confused, dizzy, lethargic, lack of desire to move, no appetite, stopped eating.
All listed as normal, except for hiccups.
symptoms worse the day he came home.
together using hindsight, we figured out why and I called Doctor and told him we were
stopping the RX.
We did and the side effects were gone in 24 hours, he never had hiccups after we stopped the pill.
His problem now, due to mix-up by doctor office he has had NO therapy and will not until Thursday.
This past August, by the 6th day, which is today he was walking without walker and now he can barely walk. He had 3 hours of therapy in first 6 days in August.

  you have my permission to skip my bloviating version below. 

The surgery was quick and successful and as it should be with no glitches. The problem started on Dec 14th, when his Cardiologist gave him a new pill to take at night.

The next day, he started with horrible hiccups, they woke him up at night. He said this new pill makes me feel confused and dizzy. I checked side effects and confusion and dizzy was in the long list. He decided to keep taking it and see if it adjusted.

6 days after starting the new meds, he went in surgery feeling tired, no desire to do anything, loss of appetite and hiccups.

After surgery he came home and got worse, compared to recovery 4 months ago, he was much worse, could not walk well even with walker. 

On Wed we sat and with HINDSIGHT figured out the way he was feeling had started 1 week before the day he started the med.

I typed in Google Search Hiccups and Losartin..  the first 3 things that came up said Males over 60 sometimes get hiccups. his shook the bed at night enough that they woke me up.

I called the office and said, please give the Dr. a message that we are stopping the losartin because of these symptoms.  15 minutes later he called and said I have never heard of hiccups as a side effect.

I REFRAINDED from asking him did he have access to Google Search and said, We have stopped the meds, we will wait a week and if he still has the symptoms we will call for an appt.

I did not give him his 5 pm and since then he has not had hiccups once, it took 3 days for the other side effects to go away and today on Christmas Day he ate the first normal breakfast since the day he started the meds...   Christmas day he went outside, walked with walker, and is reviving quickly.

THE OTHER PROBLEM... the Dr Assistant Forgot To Schedule Us for Therapy at their facility. My first clue was the call from the hospital home health nurse wanting to set up times to come to our home.

I said no we do not want anyone coming in our house 3 times weekly, we are doing in facility. She put me on hold, called the facility and came back and said she doesn't answer, I left a message, This was at 3:30 Monday, the day of surgery. No Call,. I called left THREE messages, and by Wed was LIVID. 

NO CALL BACK. I started by calling every dept in the building and telling my story. The last person I talked to I said just forget the therapy. I know what to do, we will do it ourselves and hung up the phone.

15 minutes later the Dr Assistant called and all she said was, I hear you want to come here, we have 3 spaces available next week, I will give you the time and you pick the 2 you want.

I was no upset over her forgetting or missing it, but the fact i had no call back after 5 messages.

Now he is a week behind in therapy except for what I AM MAKING him do. He starts Tuesday with visit for evaluation on what needs to be done and actual therapy on thursday, 11 days of no therapy.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief, and all to to human error! Which could have been avoided. I have heard the Florida hospitals are at their wits end with Covid,maybe that is why?

crafty cat corner said...

After Tom had his heart attack back in August he had a stent fitted and came home with an arm full of pills. One of these was 'Lostartan' and he had all sorts of troubles. We decided that at 82 it really didn't matter any more and quality of life was more important. We stopped all the pills except his warfarin (blood thinner) and he was so much better. They give these pills out without a thought to the side effects and each person reacts differently. So please you got that one worked out okay.
What a nightmare all this is Sandra isn't it?
Let's hope the next year is better.

Ann said...

Glad you were able to figure out that it was the RX that was causing all those symptoms. How crazy is that the doctor never heard of hiccups being a side effect. I would have been very frustrated as well making all those calls and leaving all those messages and never getting a call back.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad you figured out Bob's meds were the problem. Now, he does have to do the therapy, to recover well. I hope all is worked out now for his appointments. I am glad he was doing some exercises with you. Sounds very stressful for you. Take care of you and Bob!

Tigger's Mum said...

Good l**d - you guys have been getting the runaround, one way or another. Get Beau to bark at them. Here's hoping you get the movement going in that latest new knee and walking is achieved real soon - in time for New Year dancing even. Love to you both (F) and mr T

DeniseinVA said...

Sheesh!!!! This leaves me shaking my head. Sad to learn you have had to go through all of this. Hope it is smooth sailing from now on. You documented this well. Speedy healing to Bob and less frazzle days for you.

Ellie_In_Moz said...

Oh my word, Sandra, what a nightmare. And always due to human negligence and error. I would also have had a fit about the non- replies to your messages. I hope and pray that Bob heals quickly. All the best with the therapy. Compliments of the season to you three. Love Jo

Yamini MacLean said...

hari om
Well done for getting Bob started on moving that knee... and boo hiss to the cardiologist! It is far too easy for medicine and pills to be thrown at folk, particularly elders, rather than taking proper in-depth assessment and individualization of treatments... (can you hear my teeth-gnashing? The ex holistic practitioner in me is fuming on your behalf!) Anyway... onward!!! YAM xx

Forsythia said...

The reason the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day is that you get to box verbally with your health care providers. Just so frustrating!

Inger said...

I'm so glad Bob has you to help him with all this stuff. So many errors and no responses. It's awful. I'm not sure why he was supposed to take those pills, but it sounds like he's doing OK without them. I get so tired of doctors.

My Mind's Eye said...

Bob is lucky to have you as his head cheerleader and P.T.
I'm glad the worst has passed
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

OMW, I'm sitting here SEETHING! What on earth would Bob have done if you weren't so diligent (researching). I understand doctors, etc. are human -- but feel strongly they need to be held accountable. While that's probably not 'malpractice', once this is all over, I'd leave a public review so hopefully this won't happen to anyone else.
So sorry the two of you had to experience this!

photowannabe said...

Boy...I do feel for you. Been there and done that with Dave's leg fracture. Its so frustrating to have to plow through the non responses and red tape. So glad you persued and got Bob back on his feet again.
May the new year be better and Bob and Beau out walking again.

Betty Manousos said...

OMW Sandra! what a nightmare I’m so sad you have had to go through all of this... cannot even imagine. so glad you figured out what the problem was. all the best with the therapy wishing speedy recovery to Bob. thinking of you. sending lots of love. take care (((hugs)))

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know you a frustrated with good reason. Sadly things don't always go right and these mistakes should not happen at all. Glad he got off that pill. Crazy side effect! I know this delay sucks and I'm sorry it happened. ((Hugs))

Olde Dame Holly said...

Things get so mixed up at holiday time. The hiccups are serious and I am glad you stopped the pills! My non-medical opinion based on something my Dad went through! I hope he will catch up quickly once he's going in for the therapy.

Rose said...

There is really no excuse for that. It is maddening to have to deal with something like that after such a surgery, and to sit and wait for a phone call that never comes. I had almost the same this past summer with one of Roger's meds. I know I don't have a job, but still there are things I need to do/want to do and not have to stay within distance of phone. And I am not giving my cell phone, because I cannot talk and drive. Just know that that is beyond my capabilities.

Linda said...

Seems like we keep getting 'game changers' these days. I am SO happy YOU handled this surgery better than the last! Bob will be fine. He wants to be able to get up and do and I feel sure he will catch up with therapy in no time.
Our sewer stopped up - again - and I took charge of the situation and called Roto Rooter before Louis DEan even woke up this morning. They were out within two hours and went on top of the roof to clean it out. No toilets had to be removed and replaced. At first Louis Dean was irrate. Then he was okay with it. Then he was grateful!
Plus it didn't cost us a penny as they were just out on December 9th so we didn't have to pay again!! Win! WIN!!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You are becoming a great nurse Sandra...Bob is so lucky to have you!!

Terra said...

Oh Sandra, thank goodness you are there and able to keep pushing for improved treatment, dropping of certain meds, and getting him physical therapy. I imagine many people do not have such a great advocate like you.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you for doing the research and figuring it out! That's so frustrating about the PT...I hope it goes more smoothly now. ❤️

diane b said...

Wow what an ordeal for you both. Well done for persisiting and working it out for yourselves.

Chatty Crone said...

I AM SO SORRY. Goes to show you doctors are human - thank God you were there to be his advocate. Keep him going until therapy.