Friday, March 18, 2022

EPIC News!


While browsing the news in my Feedly I saw on Fox Every iPhone/Android user should know these genius commands!

Click! I was there. this is the Link, but I don't think it will work for you so try copy paste.

I say Hey Google or tap the Microphone icon, which is faster to me.
Then Talk!

Hey, Google Turn on Flashlight! it worked, and since I was standing in the living room it came on and hit bob right in his eyes in the middle of a drag race on TV and a loud sound came out of his mouth, "what the hell are you doing?"

I said to Bob, watch this and held up the phone and said turn off flashlight, she did.
I then said 
Lumos and the light came on again, I said Nox and it went off.

Seems this is from Harry Potter, or so Fox Said. It's more fun to say Lumos than turn on flashlight.
This is handy if you are in the car trying to find your keys that fell in the bottom of the bottomless hole that lives by the front seat.
Now the next time I drop something All I have to DO is remember to say 
Lumos and Nox... how hard could that be???😋

I tried saying 
Set Timer for 10 minutes. Done

I wanted to try this one next

Stand under a plane flying over and say Hey Google, what flights are overhead?
I could not find a plane to try it out, but it says it will tell you and where it is going.

My conversation with G.G. went like this (I call google GG for google girl, I could have Google guy if I wanted to, you know, change the voice, but I digress)

Me:   Hey Google, add to my calendar
GG:  thank you, what is the title
Me: Rodrequez (bobs doctor because that is what I add a lot)
GG: what is the date and time?
me: March 18, 4 pm
GG: one moment, please
GG Do you want to save this?
It worked, but then I had to go find it and delete the fake appt. 

I wonder what the desk person will think at the office when we are checking out and I am talking to my phone and answering questions?

Hidden features to try on your Windows or Mac PC..

And No I did not forget Roses for Rosy on Nature Friday at LLB


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your faces, expressions, and emotions!!! They are so cool!! You are learning a lot, and best of all, you can REMEMBER the words to say!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a fun post! 😊❤️

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I'm just glad I don't have anything but an actual telephone; you know, those things you make numbers on and talk to people? If I want light where no lamps are, I use the torch! YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

the mama had not even a clue that she has a flashlight (and hey it is not bad!!!) a fb friend told her about that and now we even know the magic spell we can use when it is dark outside ;O)

DeniseinVA said...

A fun and informative post, and I know all kinds of tips now. Thank you!

eileeninmd said...

What a fun post, love the images and thanks for all the tips!

Have a great day!

Ann said...

Very cool. I used to be able to just say "hey google" and it would listen but now I have to actually press on the little microphone to ask her questions.

Rose said...

This was fun...I should take time and try some of this. GG should have a Siutgern accent...I might try asking her more stuff if she did.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

There are SO many neat features to learn. We only touch the surface. And I wear an Apple watch and I answer the phone on it. And text...and set a timer...and ask questions, etc, etc! lol

My Mind's Eye said...

Mad Snapper is now a Mad Googler
I love it and the graphics
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

EPIC, indeed! I can't wait to try the flashlight ... and the airliner! Day before yesterday I was reading out in the sunroom and 3 helicopters were flying back and forth at low altitude. What gives with thaaaat?

Did you hear the one about pressing the power button 5 times to summon 911? I just tried Googling it to include the link but there's differing info, depending on one's devise, etc. I just don't want to test it and have the police show up!

photowannabe said...

Great information..I do use my flashlight on the phone all the sure comes in handy.
We use Hey Google to get addresses and directions and even how to spell words.
It has com in handy when I'm trying to remember the words to an old hymn for Lynne. Who would have thought that our phone would be "Big Brother" to us?

Chatty Crone said...

THANK YOU! I am going to try them out.

Chatty Crone said...

Could not get to Fox's video - but tried flashlight and it worked - it was so hard to get to before. You can have them set alarms and timers too by asking them.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW! I love that they use Harry Potter commans, sounds like a whole lot of fun!!

Rosy says thanks so much for her Rosy Rose!!!

Tigger's Mum said...

F just touches the corner of her phone and that blinding light comes on. I'm with Bob on that one. Anyway what's wrong with wandering about in the dark? Xxx Mr T

Hootin Anni said...

Seems it'd take less effort to just click Google's microphone instead of opening google assistant app. Or is it just me?

Hootin Anni said...

So, I copied the text link....the "fun" one would be to find out where the plane is headed!!!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

wow that taking "talking to yourself" to a whole new level...I may try it in the future

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you enjoy finding new things to do with your phone, etc. I never talk to my phone. I think the airplane info would be interesting.