Most of you know I am battling IBS by changing my diet choices. I have been doing really well, but my symptoms escalated at an alarming rate no matter what foods I ate for the past week. I told Bob, this all started with daylight savings change.
Of course, he Poo -Pooed that idea! I reminded him he has had some of my symptoms for the first time ever.
I received my daily IBS Newsletter from Living with IBS with this
News Flash! Daylight Saving time can effect IBS.... It disrupts our body's natural timing, so springing forward may set your IBS Back...
My body went ballistic for the past 7 days. The good news is, after a period of time IBS should adjust to the new time. HOPE HOPE HOPE
IF NOTHING ELSE, this proves Bob was Wrong and I was Right HEH HEH HEH and it also gave me a chance to play in PicMonkey using my Avatars from Bitmoji.
below is a quote from the link above.
“Permanent, year-round standard time is the best choice to most closely match our circadian sleep-wake cycle
“Daylight saving time results in more darkness in the morning and more light in the evening, disrupting the body’s natural rhythm.”
We need to live our lives by the Sundial, that is how our bodies work best! |
Good grief, I never would have thought the time change would affect I.B.S.! There is a bill ready to be signed now that will eliminate the clock change for good. But it would be daylight savings time all the time. Almost everyone is for it, so it looks like it may be passed. Gosh, I hope your body gets acclimated to the clock change fast!!
Fingers crossed your body will get back to normal soon. The House is going to discuss the matter and not just go along with Daylight Saving Time all year. People have been writing to their representatives, maybe we should write to ours?
we totally agree, it can sure be the reason ... his idiotic time warp stuff is good for nothing and it can cause serious trouble...
Good Morning Sandra, :=) I am totally Gob Smacked by this news. Who would have thought that IBS sufferers like yourself, could be affected by Daylight Saving Time. Get better soon!
Yet another reason to not like daylight savings time.
I know for a fact you were right & Bob was wrong!!!!
I am sorry your symptoms came back. I would have never thought that the time change could effect IBS. It would be nice not to have to change the clocks again. I hope your are back to normal soon. Take care, enjoy your day!
I can completely see the time change messing with our health.
I hope you get better - I totally agree about the time!
MS 100% sure you are correct about the culprit. IBS likes a schedule and getting off by an hour was obviously a big deal.
I sure do wish they would pick a time and let us stay with it.
Hugs Cecilia
I am sorry you suffer with IBS. My friend has it and she has a horrible time keeping it under control. It is really life altering. Praying yours comes under control again soon. xo Diana
Wow, this is so interesting...I never thought about our bodies natural rhythms affecting things like IBS. I really hope things get back to "normal" for you.
Of course it felt good to be RIGHT!!
Even though I don’t suffer from any adverse effects of daylight savings time, I wish they would just choose one time and stay with it all year.That's my two cents worth.
While i hav read lots of pros and cons to stay with daylight savings time, this one was new to me. Hope your IBS does adjust and soon.
Wow, that is very interesting information. I had no idea it would effect someone with IBS. Hope you are doing better now.
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