Tuesday, AM I took my camera with me to pick up Beaus Meds from the Vet.
Three minues drive away is Lewis Park, one of 8 city parks in our town.
Seeking Trees and Peace and Quiet and knowing there would be also be lots of blog fodder, I parked and stood looking North and South.
Big Beautiful Trees, the sound of birds, green gorgeous grass.
I slowly wandered the paths, looking, listening and feeling while walking.
I saw a lady with a Bassett Hound, she was off leash, the dog not the lady, ha ha.
I said is it ok for me to pet her? and before I got to the end of the sentence thd dog was sitting on my feet. I laughed and said, I guess I can...
She said Maggie is the Park Greeter.
we Talked and Talked and of course I petted and petted Maggie.
We were both starved for Stranger Talk and even more starved for Stranger Talk without Masks.
I was So starved I FOROGT to take a photo of Maggie. Butt if I had taken one, this is what you would see. Just like this one I found online. She was younger than this one.
Do you have nearby parks you can visit? would you spend 20 minutes talking to a stranger?
do you ask if you can pet the dogs?
Rosey, there were no flowers for Nature Friday, but look what I got you instead.
That was a fun encounter with the lady and her friendly dog. I do have a park I visit with my dog, the park has a large pond/lake and ducks which my dogs finds fascinating. Me too.
How beautiful! I love the little creek; does it have a name? And I adore the squirrel! It looks like he walked right up to you, looked at you, and started posing!
isn't that amazing how dogs bring people together? we often talk with the corgi man or the retriever lady... we don't know the names of the people but the names of the dogs LOL
I bet that talking to that lady really lifted your spirits didn't it. When we are alone most of the time with our husbands conversation dries up. You'll have to do it more often.
There is a park about a mile away from me but it's not nearly as nice as this one.
I very rarely ever have stranger conversations. Most people just keep to themselves and I'm not one to start a conversation with someone I don't know.
Love the parks and beautiful trees. Cute captures of the squirrel.
Maggie sounds very sweet. Hubby and I often stop and talk to other dog walkers and people we meet on the trails. They are nature lovers like us.
Take care, enjoy your weekend!
Hari Om
No park, but a shoreline promenade... and yes I greet every dog - and if their owners are up to it, them as well! YAM xx
A perfect morning if you ask me!!
Yes I would talk to a stranger 20 m kik minutes...and yes I would ask..what you got instead of flowers is cuter.
I MUST revisit your park's twin: Village Green! Now that I'm no longer walking like the devil himself is chasing me, (hoping to lose weight) I'm going to slow down and enjoy the beauty. Sadly, no canines are allowed, but I loved your encounter with Maggie. Dogs are better judges of character, I do believe, than most humans.
PS - The last time I spent 20 minutes talking to a stranger it was creepy Larry; hopefully, he's found someone else to latch onto.
So many many parks and trails near us too.
Maggie is adorable. When we moved to this house our neighbor 3 doors down was owned by Charlie Brown the Bassett
Love the Spanish moss
Hugs cecilia
Oh, sorry Aunty S, I couldn't help myself! We have lots of parks down here to play in!
Thanks for my squirrel!
I love those big trees with the Spanish Moss (?). So majestic. I do have parks near me - but yours is so beautiful!
I hear the absolute joy in your post today.
Your time in that park was a real battery charger.
Maggie is darling and yes we seem to always talk to strangers.. especially my Hubby. He has never actually met a stranger!! (:0)
Sometimes we pet or at least talk to the dog. People always walk the dogs in our neighborhood. As long as they don't poop on our lawn and people pick up after them we enjoy seeing the critters.
Doing a happy dance...have sold 6 things on eBay this week...over $100.00 in our pocket..Its a lot of work but the extra money really helps.
Usual Friday routine..
Yes we have walked in a park and yes we have also talked to "strangers" both there and when in a restaurant, store, just about any place we see other people.
I love that you went to the park and not only met a person to chat with but also a basset hound. Thery are such amazing looking dogs, I would definitely spend 20 minutes talking to a stranger, if we were on the same wavelength. I never meet any dogs here. And when I lived in LA, I don't think I wanted to pet the dogs that walked by on the street with their owners. With one exception, one guy had a Cardigan Welsh Corgi and that dog had the softest coat I've ever petted on a dog. I always wanted to pet that dog, it was an amazing experience.
Once the snow has melted, I will once again be visiting the local parks. I must admit, I.m not a huge pet lover, so no, I don’t ask to pet a dog. I do enjoy chatting with folks for a bit.
I'm so glad you had a chance to talk to someone! Yes, I always ask if I can pet someone's dog. And I make sure it's okay with the pup too.
That's a great walk and I enjoyed all your photos. I enjoy meeting people on walks and many have dogs that start off the conversation. I always ask if I can pet their dog but am a bit hesitant after I asked that question and the dog still snapped at my slowly extended hand. Is it palm up or palm down, I know there's supposed to be a difference? Do you know or is it a false memory? One of our son's friends used to come over to our house all the time with his Basset hound. She was a doll, I loved her.
I love talking with unknown people - of all ages - I seem at times to attract especially teenagers - but I also strike up chats with lots of people, often when we are all on the bus/train or waiting at a "stop" - and I've learned lots as well, some people have fascinating lives...and according to the teenagers I couldn't possibly be that "old" - wow you are younger looking than my grandmother who is that "old" :-)
That's what I have missed through these last few years, yes in NZ, we've had periods where life is pretty darn normal but not now!
Cute dog and the squirrel is cute too! Sounds like it was really nice to stop and walk around.
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