Sunday, April 24, 2022

Lewis Park Shadow Shot Sunday


For a fee, our city allows people to place Memorials in the park. 

Some chooses benches, some pick a tree that is already there or to plant a new tree.
In the past there were memorials hanging in the trees, but they are gone now.
Click HERE to see the ones hanging in the tree in 2012
My guess is the 2017 hurricane blew them all away and they were never replaced.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
We have similar - benches along the promenade have plaques and little flower holders. I think it is a lovely idea... That park looks so peaceful. YAM xx

Ann said...

The park down the street from me has memorial benches but they are made of wood. Then there is a house that is used as emergency dwelling for people who have had fires. In the front yard they have memorial bricks. They sold those as a fund raiser for the house.
These benches are way nicer. I like the idea of the things in the tree as well but I imagine that could get quite messy looking

eileeninmd said...


I love all the shadows and the trees, nice park! The memorial benches are a lovely idea. I have seen some in various places. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

Rose said...

That is such a nice idea....great way to raise money for the park, too.

Hootin Anni said...

I like this idea. We have some in parks too. But, love the shadow shots even more.

DeniseinVA said...

I liked the ones hanging in the trees but I agree with you, the weather would have been hard on them. I like these memorials. I see them in our parks, on benches mostly but there are a few plaques around.

Chatty Crone said...

That is sweet I have never seen them before in a park before.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra I love this tradition. We see some memorial benches at the trails we walk too.
Hugs cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

The bench is quite wonderful, and sad. I bet Don Chamberlain would have loved it. The ones in the trees are pretty and in good taste. But I would think they would be stolen.

Mevely317 said...

I remember concrete picnic benches like this from my childhood. Love the idea of honoring a loved one in this manner; I wonder if that's a thing down here? Hmmmm.
Off to church, but will be back to check out your link!

photowannabe said...

I do like the idea of the memorial benches. The park looks lovely and I always enjoy shadows.
Dave cut our lawn yesterday and I pulled weeds all afternoon. Only got it half done though. I think I need to be paid $200.00 for the job!
Oh my aching body this morning. The weeds think they own the place but I'll show them!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love those shadow shots.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's really sweet. 😊

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lovely shadow shots! Looks like a great place to leave a memorial.