Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Mulch It!


Since the drought came to town about 5 years ago, the back yard has only a small amount of grass. 
There are 2 patches we cultivate and water because Beau needs grass to eat.
Our yard looks like it has been mulched, and it has.

But Bob doses it with the mower. When he cuts the front lawn, he cuts the back yard.
we are surrounded by 7 trees and they drop pine needles and leaves and it creates finely chopped mulch that hold down the sand. Florida doesn't have dirt, we have SAND

If you look closely you can see we do need to paint the house.
We agreed on a color. Platinum which is silver/white with gray cast to it.
The trim will be bright white, the shutters and door we are still on the fence bickering
The shutters are sanded and the paint is in the garage
Now I will lose sleep over seeing him standing on a ladder..


Ginny Hartzler said...

Make the trim a pretty pastel, something to break up the white and give a pop of color. Maybe pale aqua or green? Let us know what you decide! Don't forget before and after pics!!

easyweimaraner said...

we have to paint our house too. but the community wants it white, me not, so I wait till the whole old paint is gone, then it is red... I'm a genius... and no ladder work for my lad ;O)

Ann said...

I like Ginny's idea of a pastel color for the shutters. My house is vinyl siding and I would love to have the whole thing redone but I'm afraid to even find out how much that would cost.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm sure he'll do just fine on the ladder!!!

We have clay, not sand. lol

crafty cat corner said...

I can't imagine living in heat like you do. I hate our summers and long for Spring and Autumn.

eileeninmd said...


We grow more weeds than grass. The silver/white sounds pretty for your house color. It is good your house is one level and not two, you will be supervising the paint job. Bob will do a great job. Take care, enjoy your day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh my - can't wait to see pictures of the makeover... my ten cents worth is that one could enhance the grey from the platinum by making the doors and frames a graphite or charcoal... YAM xx

Rose said...

I wondered what color you were going to choose. I wondered if you were thinking of some of the pretty colors you have shown us.

Chatty Crone said...

Looks like you are getting ready for spring/summer cleaning. I think that the house will look terrific.
I am having trouble with Bloglovin -it hasn't been up in days - so I am trying to figure something out - but I am here.

Mevely317 said...

I remember that Florida sand! But it's far better than the 'kitty litter' found in Arizona. Can't wait to see the finished product -- and learn that all of Bob's bones and tendons are still in working order.

On our way back to Birmingham in a few ....

My Mind's Eye said...

We have a theory...more mulch less grass...well except this time of year weeds grow in the grass
Hugs Cecilia

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your color choices sound beautiful.

Linda said...

I love mulch! We use red cedar chips to cover the dirt!
We need to paint our house, too.....but I'm the one who does most of it and I am NOT a good painter!
We probably need to hire someone to do the trim that's too high for me. Maybe Summer will hire someone for us when we are down at the ranch this summer, She's a good contractor!

photowannabe said...

I guess we are all of "that" age when the upkeep of our homes is such a major undertaking.
Great decision going with the choice of colors..I like Yami's suggestion of graphite or charcoal for the door and shutters. Not "Florida" but so crisp and clean looking.
I know how you feel about the ladder but the choice is Bob , You or hiring someone..I'm guessing Bob is going to win!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I love the look of your yard. We have mostly dirt/sand as our yard too, along with river rock and a patch of grass.

Tell Bob to BE CAREFUL!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Your yard looks so neat, but that's sad about the drought. 🙁

I'm looking forward to seeing how the repainting goes...fingers crossed for Bob. At least he doesn't put a Christmas tree on the roof like Andy does. 😀

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That mulch seems to work out well.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

either buy or hire a scaffolding system that means climb the ladder and stand on a plank to paint higher bits of a wall...

interesting about your ground...and I guess it has to do with the low lying coast...

DeniseinVA said...

I look forward to seeing a picture of your house when you finish painting. There are parts of our garden that do not grow grass so we mulch. We have so many projects to get done around here, and the list is growing.