Friday, May 6, 2022

Front Window View for nature Friday


When you saw the photo did you know why the house across the street from us is under a tent?

After lunch we always sit out by the pool for about 20 minutes or get in it for a few minutes. I could hear men laughing, and music playing. And when I came in to see where it was coming from, Behold the house had been completely tented for Termites in just 20 minutes.

Two young men were laughing, joking, working, music blasting and I told Bob, come see these guys. They are having a blast WORKING!
That is truly rare these days... 
  Do you have termites and tents where you live?

If you by some chance are enthralled enough to want information, click HERE for Intriguing Termite Facts and search google images for photos. ENJOY!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I figured that it was tented for termites when I saw the entire house tented. Gosh, I would be afraid of lingering fumes when I got back inside!! I'm just glad we don't need to make that choice.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Having been in two homes - one in Nigeria, one in OZ - hit by termite activity, I have to say the solution and conquest of the blighters involved no tenting... never seen anything like that! Hope they don't come your way... YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

wo we hope they can get that critters... maybe this is a termites circus for a while?

Ann said...

I've heard of houses being tented but have never seen one around here.
Working and laughing, that's a good combination. It makes the work go faster if you can have a good time while doing it.

eileeninmd said...


I have heard of the tenting for termites. I have never seen one, except for maybe on TV. Living next to the forest, we have termites here too. Hopefully not in the house, we have it checked once a year. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

Yep it's a typical thing here at times.

Cathy said...

Hot humid climate - perfect for white ants. Our climate in Melbourne is changing slightly, becoming more humid so suburbs near the coast have noticed an increase in termite damage. More brick houses, less weatherboard means any most of the damage is inside….but I’ve never seen tenting to treat. Do they use gases or spays? I’m sure the contractors know what they’re doing but I’d still be worried about it floating around the neighbourhood.

Rose said...

No, I did not know what it was...I wish I could rent my yard for moles!

Rose said...

Tent, not rent my yard!

Mevely317 said...

Uh-oh. You've touched on one of my biggest home-owner fears. While in Arizona we weren't overly concerned; but here in Alabama. My DIL says it's not 'if' you get termites, but 'when.'

photowannabe said...

I have seen them around here too. I'm glad we have mostly brick and stucco. I sure don't want those critters around us.
Happy workers is an awesome thing.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I can take spiders and other big bugs...but a run in with a fire ant mound when I was little has me totally icked out by ant sized little critters!

My Mind's Eye said...

Termites and Dixie go hand in hand. We have an annual inspection. I don't x 1000000 like any kind of bug. Hate them. I haven't seen a tented house here I suspect that infestation got out of hand.

Very nice to hear some enjoy their jobs and do it with positive attitudes
Hugs Cecilia

Tigger's Mum said...

No termites that we know of in UK, and unless they dine on concrete they probably don't thrive in Greece. F vaguely recalls that Aussie termites were beginning to become a problem in Auckland when she left NZ about 3 decades ago. They got imported in wooden power poles of Aussie timber. We had fire ants in our veg garden in England, and F waged a war on them. Turns out they don't like being dug up regularly and they eventually went somewhere that people didn't dig so much. xxx Mr T

Ida said...

Nope no termites for me...ewww but very cool that the men were enjoying their job so much.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am pretty sure we don't have termites here, but just the thought makes my skin crawl.

CheerfulMonk said...

I would just as soon not see one!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That was definitely a sight that would have had me wondering what was going on other than a house redo which apparently it is -- in a way. Sure hope the termites do not relocate in the neighborhood, Sandra.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Our last house had to be tented when we sold it. We were already moved out. I have only seen one house tented in our neighborhood here since we moved in 15 years ago.

DeniseinVA said...

I remember those tents in California but have never seen them here. Climate makes all the difference I guess, except that one morning a few years ago, coming down the stairs I heard the strangest noise, like zillions of tiny little bees buzzing. I was horrified to see termites swarming in our front room. I never knew termites swarmed, I never knew termites had wings. To add insult to injury we had termite inspections on a regular basis and I wasn't too happy with the pest control people who did regular check ups on our house.