Above is the same house you saw on Wed. This was taken from drivers seat out windshield. to get the photo in the AD they had to lay down in the yard and shoot part of the house aiming up.
What a Difference.
the rest of the house are on the same block, both sides of the street.
Click to see details

Bob and I decided we would NOT move on this street for the rental price of $2300.00. Would you?
Really lovely houses, but OY the prices!
Please give us a sign if the one with the blue car in front is for sale ... we love it....
I wouldn't rent...period. (but the homes are nice)
I wouldn't mind having quite a few of these houses but not for that price. I can't imagine paying that for a mortgage let alone a rent. All that money with nothing to show for it in the end.
Hari OM
Rents everywhere are just ridiculous; how the heck do folk manage???? Some nice homes there, though... YAM xx
They are nice houses. It seems like rent is really high everywhere.
Have a great day!
Being that we woukd have not enough money left for utilities and food, no, could not pay that.
Nope, not even a little tempted. Going out on a limb and guessing anyone who can afford that rent may be a tidge snobby. Like Tom said about going on a luxury cruise -- we'd have little-to-nothing in common with those folks; what would you talk about?
I love living in Florida and I'm glad we moved here when we did. Prices were high at the time but it's been worth it to be here and we haven't had any regrets! Enjoy your week! Aren't these cool mornings nice!!!
Rental prices now just leave me speechless. There is hardly any way a normal person could afford to rent.
Pretty homes to look at though
Hugs Cecilia
Wow! It's amazing how you can make something look so different! Although, I guess we do it all the time with our dog shots LOL
Lovely home on a lovely street but that kind of money just floating away..no thanks.
California prices for any and everything are through the roof.
Couldn't buy here now for sure...not planning on moving couldn't afford anything.
Just to let you know that my pulled muscle is better and I can actually walk without looking like I'm tipsy or walking on a storm tossed boat, AND yay I am getting my hair cut and a perm today. Right now I look like I should be in a homeless shelter...I know that's not nice to say but if you saw me (which you WON"T) you would agree...(:0)
No, I would NOT! I love the interior, though!
I'm so glad you own your own home!
A very nice look at your neighborhood and I like the houses. Renting is very expensive up here too.
I always enjoy seeing them. They have charm. I'm not sure about living on the street but the rent would be probably $6,000 here in California.
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