Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Aqua, Live on TV

Photo taken with cell phone of my TV Screen! Aqua, Live On TV

I told you several times Aqua is Trending.
Did you believe me? 


You guys better believe her, see this water? What color is it?

I KNOW it's True!


Ginny Hartzler said...


Hootin Anni said... must be just near you. I don't see much of that color here. Yet, anyway.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
It certainly gets itself noticed...! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I love the aqua color, beautiful like the Caribbean Sea.
I do not see much Aqua around me. Take care, enjoy your day!

Rose said...

It is a pretty color...

My Mind's Eye said...

Even YAM aunty got the aqua memo she is wearing a lovely scarf
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

That's one of my favorite photos of Bob! 'Still don't see much aqua around here, but I'll let you know if something jumps out at me.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Definitely trending!

photowannabe said...

I do like aqua but don't see too much around here..It seems so tropical, maybe that's why.
Love the photo of Bob..he's one handsome guy.

Chatty Crone said...

It is everywhere!

Grandma C said...

Why do I have the sudden urge to yell Aqua Man? lol

Thank you for the comment on my flip flops yesterday. I am glad you like them. I guess it is time to make some more designs for all your beach going friends. :)
(I am responding to your message on here because I am not able to do so with my own blog reply. Still having blog issues.)

The Happy Whisk said...

I love, love, love aqua or anything in that area. I have many paints that colour and a new one coming this week. Painting a basket for a friend.

Tigger's Mum said...

We think you are fixating, but if it's true this is the latest fad - follow or be an outsider - then F is going out to buy purple (or yellow, or orange, or anything but aqua). It's a good look in water, your pool for instance, but that jacket is not appealing. Wouldn't be seen dead in it comes to mind! Mind you we cats never look good in jackets. xxx Mr T

CheerfulMonk said...

I believe you! This post makes me smile.

DeniseinVA said...

You are so funny and yep, it's all over the place :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You're right!

diane b said...

I had to smile at your post. I don't know if you heard much about our country's recent Federal election. Just to fill you in. We had two major parties, The Liberals (Similar to your republicans) and Labor (similar to your democrats.) But we also have some minor parties too, the Greens being the biggest one . However, this election a lot of very smart people mostly women left the Liberal Party because they were leaning too far right and didn't care for women very much, didn't care for climate change and didn't want an integrity commission to keep corruption out of parliament. They ran as independents and they had an amazing campaign backed by a wealthy climate change organisation. the Liberal Party colour is blue, the labor Party is red, the Greens are green and most of the independents wore TEAL which is very similar to AQUA. So when I saw your TV presenter in Aqua I thought she was one of our Teal independents. The Independents won their seats kicking out 19 Liberals and changed the way our politics will go. The Labor Party won the election but only by two seats. There are 16 independents including the greens. We have a new Prime Minister but he has a mammoth job ahead. Fix climate change policy, wages, aged care, child care and lack of staff everywhere. I'll send a photo of some of the TEAL rallies.