Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Great Debate on Wordy Wed


The great debate, down one day, up the next, back down the next and up again.

 I notice blog posts from friends are down, comments are down, blog friends are leaving. 

What do I post? Should I post?  My mind in a whorl I thought maybe this is

The first thing I do each morning with my first cup of coffee is read emails that are generated by comments on the blogs. On 2nd cup I read and comment on your posts.

Breakfast and a dog walk added to this mix, usually takes me to mid-morning, about 10 am, and the past few weeks I am done before 9 am.  

What is wrong with me? Do I need to make new Friends? Go out more?

Each day I pondered if I should just stop blogging. I decided to skip two days of posts and see what i would do if I did not blog.

I did not make it through the first day!

 I ended up posting midmorning because I missed all of the above. 

I could not stand no emails or comments. My day was Boring!

I wrote this poem to answer my question.

My friends live in my computer. by MadSnapper

Each morning I sit in my chair, with my hair awry!

I don't fret about friends surprising me by dropping by.

You see, my friends are here, but they are not.

My friends live inside my laptop, it is where you all drop.

The debate ended and I am here to stay,

This means I am not going away!



Ginny Hartzler said...

O.K.!!! When I first read this, all I could think of was NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!! I was truly sad. So you have sent me through these different emotions. The time for you to quit blogging is NEVER!! Blogging would be a much more drab and sad place without you in it. In a way, you keep me going! You gave me such a fright that I almost got a case of the vapors, now I need some Laudanum and rest. In fact, I noticed the day that you posted mid-day. I wondered WHY and what had happened. I had stayed up till 12:30, and nothing. Then the next day, there you were! I love your blog so much that even if I am very tired, I try hard to stay up till 12:30 to see what you have posted. You are not alone, I have been getting less comments as well. I think the awful problems in the world are wearing people out emotionally. But all the more reason th escape in Blogland. I LOVE your poem, and it is so true.

Cathy said...

I’d really miss your ‘wild and with it’ happy go lucky posts if you did stop blogging.
A breath of fresh air - fun, down to earth, true to life, say it as it is, nothing false.

I’m a tired blog friend at the moment as well.
Some weeks I’m all fit and fiery and the words just flow - I’m all over blogland like a rash leaving comments her there and everywhere.
Then it changes…..It’s not that I’m not interested, it’s more I’m at a loss for words.

Anyway as the saying goes…..just keep on keeping on, don’t stop, we’ll get there in the end.

easyweimaraner said...

I often ponder about this topic... and then I stay... there is a huge part of me who lives in Blógville ;O)

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your posts and I love you! Please don't desert us.

Ann said...

You had me worried there for a second that you were going to stop blogging. I enjoy your posts ever day and your emails. I would be bored if you went away :)

eileeninmd said...

I think we all have our ups and down moods. I do think a lot of bloggers are slowing down or quitting. I will keep doing my blog post, for now at least.
I am glad you are not stopping I enjoy your blog post. Take care, enjoy your day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...well we are in sync again... and this post will now create the prompt for Friday's post over at DoWY!!! I was looking for a subject. In brief, though, all sorts of things affect comments - folk on holiday at this time of year is a lot to do with it. I find Summer tends to shallow things... YAM xx

Rose said...

This is an on going debate with me, too. I would miss you like crazy if you stopped. Of course you know I go back and read your old posts quite often. But that us not the same as a fresh new post.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This is an ongoing question sith many other bloggers, Sandra, so you are not alone as you can see too by the previous comments. I feel as you do that bloggers have become friends, many long-standing ones, and I always enjoy reading posts and comments. Years ago, we (Grenville was also posting) blogged nearly every day, and it was a great outlet and still is, even if I am mostly doing it solo now. He does still contribute, mostly suggestions and comments now, and that’s OK. Daily blogging can either be a joy or seem like a “to do” and if it wears you out, then maybe a break is needed or perhaps blogging only a few times weekly. The days When nit blogging are when I catch up reading other blogs. That said, it is not possible to comment on every post. As far as losing readers, it happens, and not something to overly stresss about. Your posts obviously bring joy to yourself and others, so glad you are staying in blog land, my friend.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I don't think any of us are posting as much but it's still fun to visit our favs and visit some new ones when we have time! It opens our world up to new things and shows us other places in this world. I love it! Happy blogging!

Mevely317 said...

I agree with Ginny and the others -- the best time to quit blogging is NEVER!!!

It shouldn't come as a surprise, but once again I find myself reading your toons and nodding like a bobble-head doll. And I don't even blog every day! Do you have one that says, I'm tired of adult-ing?

DeniseinVA said...

No, no, you can’t go, what would we do without you. I enjoyed the encouragement from your blogging friends. People come and go, and leave us wondering why but it’s the nature of things. Then there are those, like you, who have been blogging buddies for years. I often think to myself how lovely it would be to live closer, but this is a great way of meeting, it’s total community and friendship. I love it!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Also, wanted to add, Sandra, that the number of "followers" really isn't important as quality always bests quantity.

My Mind's Eye said...

Right back attcha MS.
There is just so much mess in the world...visiting blogs is
my therapy and of course writing my posts
Hugs Cecilia

Unknown said...

I may come up as UNKNOWN on your feed..but it's me

WHEW !!!!

I am so glad you are not going away...
I have noticed my comments are way down too.
Right now I have trouble commenting on other blogs but so many are taking time off that I'm not sure who's really there.
I will continue to blog because it's my journal and the way I get my annual book printed.
Besides, I have met such wonderful blog friends..I love seeing what's going on in their lives.
I do have to admit that my life mood right now isn't the best.
Things are going slightly wonky for us but we are "plowing" through.
Nothing major just kind of getting that CRANKY PANTS feeling about Stuff.
Please stay blogging ..I think it's good for what "ails" us.
Love that got talent !!

DawnTreader said...

My blogging inspiration goes a bit up and down too, and I don't post every day (or get round to writing comments every day) - but I always come to the same conclusion too: "My friends live inside my laptop" ... And as long as they do, I'll no doubt continue to spend quite a lot of my time there too! Hugs to you, for being one of those that keep inspiring me!

Betty Manousos said...

you’re my sunshine! I really love you posts and you! ❤️

Linda said...

You are so loved!! I love your posts - no matter what you talk about! The main thing is 'talking' or reading you!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You should do whatever makes you happy. We are trying to get back to blogging, but Mom has had so much disruption to her life. We also notice a lot less posts, but maybe people are busy doing outside stuff.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Tigger's Mum said...

We NEEEEED you. Pleeeeease don't go away. We read some blogs for humour, some for natre, some for life commentary - we follow you for mojo; that injection of something undefineable that sparks the day, adds colour, comes at you out of left field. F is still doing 3 jobs and Athens is a huge shipping industry event all this week (loads of visitors, people we have to visit, receptions to politely be seen at....). I suspect some work is falling behind. We will blog about some of it when the merry-go-round slows down a bit. xxx Mr T (and F)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love you too! I love the friends I have made since 2009. You're one of my favorites along with some others. Cute post. I can relate.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I read all - but don't always comment - but I'm glad to hear that we make your day a pleasant start...