Saturday, July 16, 2022

Nothing but Edits Caturday Art


Madi's Mom caught the one edit I did on the photos from the tree removal. She asked in comments did I edit the photo because it looked like a Statue. I said, no, then thought a minutes and said Yes, I did some highlights on the man in the bucket. That inspire me to edit the two photos in PicMonkey


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
oooooh, my fave is the second last, the closeup of the bucket - that is a fab foto in every way!!! YAM xx

Ann said...

Nice edits. It's always good to be inspired as well. Now I need some inspiration so that I will have a blog post for tomorrow.

eileeninmd said...

I enjoy your photos and edits. Cutting Edge is a perfect title.
Take care, enjoy your day!

DeniseinVA said...

Always enjoy your edits.

My Mind's Eye said...

Woohoo Sandra
You are a mad snapper and mad editor
The guy in the bucket still looks like a statue. I think it is because of the mask...well done

Mevely317 said...

Wow. The guy in the bucket doesn't even look real!
I'm nowhere in the same league as you, but LOVE PicMonkey. Hard to believe, more than half of my life I lived with photographs that had to be first sent away. Then, what you see if what you get.

Chatty Crone said...

I see what you are saying - however I am impressed you had that much equipment. It is done differently here. Big tree there girl!

photowannabe said...

Awesome edits, especially the "statue" haha
I'm so glad you finally got the work done and your whole home is safer.

CheerfulMonk said...

Great edits, and what relief to have it done.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The man in the bucket really does look like a statue!! CREEPY....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good job! I'm glad you enjoy playing around with your photos.

roentare said...

The tones are addictive to start with. Love these candids!

Hootin Anni said...
